Save Nursing HomesMassive cuts over two years in Medicare to Nursing Homes9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Martin Sbriglio
switch caps Cambie los LímitesI will be affected by the attempt to balance the budget and "save social security" by implementing the chain CPI. The is a better way to balance the budget of the federal government and make social security viable for well into the future.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Arbogast
Demand NICE to Restore Weekend n27 to/from Roosevelt Field Mall and full n21 serviceMany residents who depends on n21, n23, and n27 buses are forced to wait an hour when connecting buses at Greenvale or Roslyn Station don't wait for each others. This is very incovience since weekend service on n23 and n27 is every hour, while n20 trips to/from Hicksville has less service on Sundays.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Yuki Endo
New Hampshire Can’t Wait for Medicaid Expansion!The Senate voted to pull Medicaid expansion from the state budget, sacrificing billions in federal dollars and hundreds of jobs. This move was pure politics. The Senators who voted this way are willing to leave 58,000 Granite Staters uninsured just so they can say they did everything in their power to defeat "ObamaCare". They claim that accepting the federal funds is a "gamble" even though they know D.C. has always kept its Medicaid promises and even helped states more during tough economic times. The fight's not over yet! The next stop is the Committee of Conference between the Senate and House. Sign the petition below to let your State Senator know that New Hampshire will not miss out on an opportunity to do the right thing in order to help our friends and neighbors here in the Granite State.369 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Granite State Progress
Food stamps cuts Recortes al programa de los estampillas de comidaFood stamps cuts Recortes al programa de estampillas de comida3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Darrett Roberts
Medicare AbuseI would like the govenment to look into the procedures of hospital's medics of walking into your hospital room, providing no service, and then charging Medicare and the patient a fee when they have done nothing (no service) for the patient and yet charge Medicare and the patient. I was recently hospitalized for orthopeadic surgery and noticed this in my billing. Some of these medics charged Medicare daily for no service.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Edward Buzinski
PLEASE CARE MR BROWNBACKBrownback4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by theresa hohl
Don't let them take my disabled son's benefits backMy son Warren, now 22, was born with multiple language and learning disorders. After an hard-won, two-year eligibility battle with the Social Security Administration, they now want to take back the money they paid him. He was 11 cents over one month and 14 cents over another month, yet they want the entire monthly stipend back. Disabled people are only allowed to have $2,000 in assets to qualify for Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI). This number was established back in 1989. The National Council on Disability has urged President Obama to raise the limit to $10,000 and create ways to help support work and independence. This petition asks President Obama to issue a directive that follows the recommendations of NCD Chairman Jeff Rosen.223 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Robin Hansen
Farm Bill: Preserve Funding for SNAPSNAP effectively and efficiently helps 47 million low-income Americans put food on the table. As unemployment and poverty have remained high, the number of families at risk of hunger has not increased since 2008.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sudbury UMC Social Justice Commission
Stand Up For New Jersey Children During Budget NegotiationsDiscretionary spending on children in New Jersey has declined two years in a row! I am worried about cuts to early childhood services like Head Start and Child Care, Meals on Wheels, and community-based services.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Essex County Family Council
Human trafficingNative American Children being stolen from their families.Put in foster homes and adopted out to Non Native Americans. This violates the ICWA of 1978. The State of NE is actively ignoring this supreme court law...By giving two young girls to a Fla woman and her boyfriend...A non Native couple...Non licensed to foster care..and non married. The girls are 15 and 10...with mental issues and the youngest is ADDHD. The woman who took these girls is 27...the boyfriend we do not have an age...They were given to by Judgr Chrostopher Kelly Via family services. Before the grandmother could get any real help...She wants her granddaugters with her...The granddaughters want to live with their grandmother...Something stinks in Nebraska....And I think the human trafficing that is lining the pockets of this Judge and Nebraska childrens gallery...which is suppose to be a foster/adoption agency...To my knowledge....its illegal to sell another human being...14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by nora daniels
Restore all benefits to poor Swartzeneggar cutCA elderly and disabled on low fixed Social Security income unable to supplement by work are decimated by Governor Swartzeneggar's many cuts to avoid any tax to wealthy & corporations. Medi-Cal refused by doctors, and lost dental coverage poisons abscessed unable to pay. Renter's Rebate stopped with promise to pay but never was. Qualified are refused many programs short of funds like HEAP & HA section 8.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Fred