• Hey CNN: Fire Dana Loesch!
    Dana Loesch compared a forced trans-vaginal procedure to sex recently. This is not just an inflammatory statement about women with regard to sexual practices, it reinforces the underlying subtext that women subject THEMSELVES to forcible rape. In other words, it is blaming the victim. Dana Loesch should be FIRED.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Blecha
  • Women's Health : Our Bodies, Our Decisions
    The proposed Blunt amendment would allow all employers to deny their employees access to ANY form of health care they claimed a personal "moral" objection. Not one women was allowed to testify at a congressional hearing on women's health! How long will we continue to allow men to make critical decisions about our bodies, our health?
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Best
  • Women's Health : Our Bodies, Our Decisions
    The proposed Blunt amendment would allow all employers to deny their employees access to ANY form of health care they claimed a personal "moral" objection. Not one women was allowed to testify at a congressional hearing on women's health! How long will we continue to allow men to make critical decisions about our bodies, our health?
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Best
  • Women's Rights Priority
    My petition is to make women's rights a top priority on our agenda for human rights in the U.S. and worldwide.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natalie Burrows
  • Stop SB1433 - Oklahoma Government's War on Women
    You were elected to make life better for the people of Oklahoma not to insert government in the private medical decisions of women. We want you to get back to work on the urgent issues relating to economic growth, ensuring children get excellent education and repairing our crumbling infrastructure.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jodi McMullen
  • Get out of my panties
    No male has the right to decide anything on behalf of anything within the parameters of my panties.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by c f jackson
  • Stop PA Abortion Ultrasound Bill
    In a thinly-veiled attempt to block a woman's right to choose, members of the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives have put forward a bill that would force doctors to perform ultrasounds on women seeking abortions. Most women seeking abortions are very early in their pregnancies, meaning that most of these ultrasounds would be performed trans-vaginally. It follows then that this bill mandates something akin to state-sponsored rape. The bill has passed through the House Health Committee but has yet to be put to a vote. Tell your representatives that you stand with women and that you oppose House Bill 1077.
    1,160 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Margot Goldberg
  • Women for Women's health
    As a woman and as a physician, I strongly believe that any congressional committee that handles issues of women's health choices should be composed of at least 50% women. We cannot have GOP Taliban tactics dominating women's health choices. How would men like women dictating male contraception or vasectomies? Rodanthi Kitridou, MD
    265 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Rodanthi Kitridou
  • hands off birth control!
    The Republicans are trying to deny women access to birth control and to stop insurance companies from paying for it.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by melissa miller
    Trust women to make the choices for their lives, their health and their families.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by lee slaughter
  • birth control
    this is about hearings going on about birth control..and congress trying to make it a religion issue...
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley
  • Let's not confuse religion with health insurance
    In this current political climate in which women's access to contraceptives is seen a threat to religious freedom, it has become clear that an employer-based insurance system is perilious at best. If employers are allowed the ability to decide that providing health services constitutes an attack against religion, it is clearly time to move away from an employer-based insurance system and look towards an alternative such as offering Medicare for all American citizens. Everyone deserves a right to medical care. Your employer should not have the ability to decide that you are not allowed to be treated. Heath care needs to move to the public arena, and out of the hands of private employers.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heather Wilson