• Stop Virginia from Invading Women's Bodies
    Virginia is voting this week on a bill that would required that any woman seeking a procedural or chemical abortion, even those who are pregnant due to rape or incest, go through a transvaginal ultrasound. This procedure would require that a device is inserted into the woman's vagina. I am saddened to hear that the state's legislature is voting on a bill that would violate women in this way.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Ormsby
  • Stop the War on Women
    The General Assembly is poised to mandate transvaginal ultrasound before allowing a woman to have an abortion. As a part of this legislation the fertilized egg will be deemed a person. This is a smoke screen in their march to overturn Roe v Wade transvaginal untrasound before a woman can get an abortion
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Savage
  • Keep the Government Out of the Lives of Women
    The Virginia Legislature must not dictate what doctors do to a woman's body. Women and their doctors should have the freedom to decide what is best for them without the government entering the decision.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert L. Giron
  • Move On
    This petition is to give a vote of confidence to Gov Mary Fallin in her fight against anti-life forces.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Pagano
  • Strong women of America
    stand strong women of America
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Betty
  • Stop the War On Women
    Insurance coverage for birth control is on the table in the legislature presented and based upon Rep. Carlos Bilbao's religious beliefs. Making birth control unaffordable, or unavailable to women will result in unwanted pregnancies, unwanted births, increased cost for children's health care services paid for by the tax payers of this state. Keep taxes down, keep children safe and keep women healthy. Please sign this petition.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tracie Leiterman
  • Draft Congresswoman Louise Slaughter for Democratic Vice President 2012
    The petition would be to replace Joe Biden with New York Congresswoman Louise Slaughter for Obama's VP choice. We foresee the GOP influencing the Republican nominee for president to select a woman for his VP choice, as well. Ms. Slaughter is fighting against the GOP's war on women's reproduction rights, and fair health care rights for all Americans.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jerrypearl
  • Where are the women?
    Keep politicians and celibate clergy out of your bedroom
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Stephen Uhl
  • Women's rights
    Woman need total and proper healthcare, including birth control, prenatal care and abortions, if desired.
    165 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Linda Ovitt
  • Say NO To Fetus Personhood Legislation!
    The right to liberty includes choice and free will. As a concerned American citizen, will you urge your local, state, and federal leaders not to support fetus personhood legislation? Currently, there are proposed ballot measures or referendums in 15 states: Colorado, North Dakota, Mississippi, Ohio, Montana, California, Kansas, Virginia, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Alabama, Georgia, Nevada, Arkansas, and Florida. If approved, they will dismantle female reproductive rights setting woman back hundreds of years. Fetus personhood laws would make abortion a criminal offense, effectively cancelling out Roe v. Wade, outlawing abortion. Fetus personhood legislation will truly leave woman relying on unconventional birth control methods such as: aspirin between the knees; black cat bone around the neck; harmful vaginal suppositories such as crocodile fecal matter and citric acid; and (or) spitting into a frogs mouth to name a few. When those methods do not work, woman will be forced to use a coat hanger! Do we really want to go back to the dark ages? Fetus personhood legislation is a threat to women and physicians like Dr. Howard Jones, co-founder of the Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School understands. Dr. Jones told The Virginian Pilot: "[Fetus] personhood [legislation] would write into state law the proposition that life begins at conception. [It confers on] the unborn child at every stage of development all the rights, privileges, and immunities available to other persons, citizens, and residents…The bill is widely seen as an anti-abortion measure, but it has broader implications. [In cases of ectopic pregnancy], it would make the surgeon a little nervous about what the implications would be if he removed a living person. Yet if he doesn't, he's exposing the mother to great risk. [Fetus personhood] legislation is a naive expression based on a failure to understand the biology involved." According to Planned Parenthood, 88% of American voters agree that women should have reproductive rights. Ask yourself - Should government be allowed to craft legislation that oppresses women? Do you really see your mother, sister, daughter and (or) wife as second-class citizens only good for being barefoot and pregnant? I don't! We must stop this MADDNESS!!!! Don't allow women to lose their rights as a citizen!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen McDow
  • Boycott Virginia
    Virginia propese that women be forced to undergo a transvaginal sonogram if they seek to terminate a pregnancy. This is "rape by the state" and is patently unconsititutional. This must be stopped and an economic boycott is the means to effect a change.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by joel palmer
  • Hey CNN: Fire Dana Loesch!
    Dana Loesch compared a forced trans-vaginal procedure to sex recently. This is not just an inflammatory statement about women with regard to sexual practices, it reinforces the underlying subtext that women subject THEMSELVES to forcible rape. In other words, it is blaming the victim. Dana Loesch should be FIRED.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Blecha