• Women have voices TOO!
    Women should have the right their own decisions about our bodies.That should a woman and her doctors. We know when to make such a choice. My concerned that the Republicans wants to take away any and everything we have such as cutting Parentphandhood programs they are already working on it in some States and program that helps a lot of us.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ernestine Byrd
  • Debate the republican War on Women
    I am distressed that the polls of women do not show overwhelming support for the Democratic ticket. How in heaven's name could ANY women support the g.o.p. ticket when they are commited to taking women back to the "dark ages". How is it possible that it's okay with any women, or any man who loves a woman -- wife, daughter, niece, grand-daughter -- to have pontifical men telling women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies? Especially in the case of rape! Oh, no, They would not have to bear the child of the criminal for nine long months. How can they justify ignoring the separation of church and state?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Allene Niehaus
  • We refuse to have sex with Republicans
    It is infuriating that anti-abortionists have been allowed to coin the self description of "pro-life" when committment to it stops at the first breath. This is evident in every position Republican politicians take. They oppose planned parenthood, PBS, head start, after school programs, free school lunches, art and music in school, they oppose controlling guns or ammo clips by any degree, they declared a war on drugs and privatized jails, making penal systems a for profit business. They are always rushing to war. They oppose universal access to health care and cut WIC funding. That's how "pro-life" they are and I'm only skimming the surface so this petiton doesn't get too long. Now they have openly declared a plan to overturn Roe v Wade. Ryan stated it plainly. These religious fanatics want to impose their highly debatable religious ideas on everyone. If there is no seperation between church and state, then we'll have to start stoning adulterers to death. I would really like any far right christian to tell me about how different their theocratic ideas are from the taliban's shariah law. It offends me that they pretend it's biblical that life begins at conception. They didn't know any embryology 6 thousand years ago. Life has always been recognized as out of the womb viability, at the first breath; during pregnancy it was a potential, not a person. It is the difference between seed and fruit. I am old enough to remember women dying from illegal abortions performed by butchers with wire hangers. I am not going back there. These people are simply anti choice where women's choices are concerned and lassez faire where life after the first breath is concerned. Ryan argued that the Supreme Court wasn't the right body to legislate a national recognition of a women's right to choose. He said it should be decided state by state. A coin toss for 50 states. What else should be returned to the states? Slavery? Women's vote? It kills me to hear all their rhetoric about small government, it's code speak for deregulation of all industries...so that unwanted pregnancy will grow up to be a child who gets to hear that there used to be a clean air and water act, but it was bad for the job creators. They'll hear that there used to be a living minimum wage and worker protections, but those were bad for the job creators too. They'll hear that America used to be a participatory democracy, but then there was the Citizen's United Supreme Court decision. That one should be overturned, like separate is equal was! Yeah, small government, now small enough to fit inside my uterus. We say NO to transvaginal government. One last thing. In reaction to things I'd read on various political fact checking organizations, such as politifact's "truth-o-meter". I did a web search "mormon theology and moral stance on lying" Google's first page came back with multiple references to an unfamiliar expression- "Lying for God". The jist is that if lying protects their church or advances it's mission, then, person to person lies of commission, of omission are not immoral because god is served. That must explain how he can be such a consumate liar without even one micro tic. Lying for God...please tell Republican voters about that, but don't have sex with them if none of this changes their vote to any ticket except romney/ryan.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by artemis green
  • Akins horror
    Women's rights and criminality against them
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Gordon
  • Tell Rep. Duncan Hunter NO on "Personhood!"
    Duncan Hunter is sponsor of HR 374, the "Life At Conception Act." Hunter wants to make his personal religious beliefs federal law. I, David Secor, am his opponent in CA D-50.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Secor
  • A Month of Outrage Is Not Enough
    Todd "legitimate rape" Akin made his outrageous remarks just over a month ago. At the time, everyone, Republicans and Democrats alike, was scandalized. McConnell, Boehner, Romney and RNC chairman Prebus called for him to relinquish his candidacy and said he would get no more support. Now that the deadline for withdrawal has passed, not so much. Akin is back in the fold. It is apparent that all standards of character are disregarded when a Republican seat is at stake.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Handler
  • Give Official Recognition to the WWII Mass. Women's Defense Corps
    The Massachusetts Women’s Defense Corps (MWDC) was authorized on 2 April 1941 as a state force under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety; a state govt. agency that coordinated civil defense during World War II. The initial concept of the MWDC was that it would conduct training for women to serve as volunteers in local Civil Defense agencies. Approximately, 18,000 women were trained for duty as air raid wardens, drivers, communications personnel, canteen workers, medics, chemical detection personnel and as emergency fire fighters. In 1942 graduates of the MWDC School were formally enlisted into the Corps and assigned ranks. MWDC personnel wore brown military-type uniforms purchased at their own expense. Personnel were assigned to companies that were organized into eight geographic battalions around the state. The average strength of the Corps was 1,600 women. The only recognition that Corps personnel received was the award of a ribbon for three years service. The story of the WDC and its service to the Commonwealth is virtually unknown.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michael P. Marsille
  • NY Women's Uterus Repurchase Petition
    I am an American woman with two daughters and a uterus which I have exercised private control over my entire life. As states erode women's right to choice, I call on my representatives and neighbors to buy back our sole and exclusive claims to the uterus for a symbolic penny. I no more abdicate my rights to self determination of this organ than to any part of myself.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Regina Camilletti
  • Akins
    Attacks on women in general and those who have been raped.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greg Reinders
  • Stop Bullying and Sexual Harassment of Women at Colorado College
    Many female students, faculty and staff have been bullied, harassed and sexually harassed by male faculty, staff and students at Colorado College in Colorado Springs, CO. Most of the time nothing is done. It is covered up by "loud" advertising of sexual harassment workshops on their web site which everyone on campus is to attended. However, when an incident happens it is brushed under the rug. The incidents happen so often that a group of women on campus formed a committee to keep track of them. So far they have no voice.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joan Kardas
  • Lady Gaga is perfect just the way she is.
    The recent news that she was told to lose weight is shocking. Not only is it insulting to the Lady, but it sends a message to all healthy, curvy women that they aren't good enough. It's an outrage that can only be stopped by showing that the public doesn't need everyone in the spotlight to be size zero. So sign this petition if you love Lady Gaga, yourself or anyone at all!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by RainbowNerdette
  • Stop CYFD and their attack on women
    The Children, Youth and Families Department (CYFD) of New Mexico is considering an amendment to its child care assistance policy to exempt victims of "forcible rape" from having to file child support claims against the absent parent. Under current policy, anyone who applies and qualifies for child care assistance from the state of New Mexico is required to file a child support claim against any absent parent. The newly proposed amendment exempts a woman from contacting the other parent if her child "was conceived as a result of incest or forcible rape." The CYFD will hold a public hearing on the change on Oct. 1, but it is unclear when the amendment would go into effect if it is approved. However, if the amendment passes a woman whose rape is not ruled "forcible," such as a young victim of statutory rape, would be forced to contact her rapist for child support in order to receive any state assistance. "That's what's so confusing -- when it gets down to a caseworker deciding whether I'm exempt or not," said Adriann Barboa, the field director for the New Mexico branch of Strong Families. "What's the litmus test for whether it was forcible rape? This seems like a covert way of normalizing this language." House Republicans, including Reps. Paul Ryan (Wis.) and Todd Akin (Mo.), supported a bill in 2011 that would have redefined rape as it related to abortion insurance coverage, and New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez (R), a former prosecutor, also used the "forcible rape" language in an executive proclamation earlier this year. “When are we going to stop looking for ways to minimize the violence against women?" K.C. Quirk, executive director of Crossroads for Women in Albuquerque, N.M., said in a statement. "Rape by definition is already an act of power and control.” Martinez's office and the CYFD did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcella