• Draft Brian Simpson for Kentucky Senate race in 2014.
    Sign this to urge Brian Simpson to challenge Mitch McConnell for Kentucky's US Senate seat in 2014. We'll make sure he knows about your support. Progress Kentucky has over 20 petitions set up to draft candidates from across the political spectrum to run against Mitch McConnell. Get links to the complete list at http://progresskentucky.com/index.php/campaigns/3-draft-petitions. Progress Kentucky http://progresskentucky.com http://facebook.com/progresskentucky Twitter: @progressky
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Progress Kentucky
  • Dogs Not Guns
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cassandra Harris-Lcokwood
  • House GOP: Stop blocking protections for women! Support the re-authorization of the Violence Agai...
    I hope this story will inspire you to join me in urging the House of Representatives to pass the Violence Against Women Act: In 1983, I was a victim of rape at gunpoint. My rapist had already raped four women in my community, I was his fifth victim. He has never been captured. At the time, I was a single mother of a five-year old daughter and attending a local community college. The Violence Against Women Act initially strengthened federal penalties for repeat sex offenders, mandated that women don't have to pay for their own rape exams, and helped communities develop law enforcement units dedicated to violence against women. This Act has been allowed to expire, which is totally unacceptable. GOP members of the House need to stop blocking its re-authorization immediately!
    220,787 of 300,000 Signatures
    Created by Sheila M. Thomas
  • Restore dignity to our legal system - do away with fraudulent lawsuits
    Fraudulent lawsuits are a $5 billion industry and it continues to grow. One in 11 people will be sued in the next 12 months.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexander Solonin
  • Stop the Violence Against Women
    Congress taking serious action on condemning violence against Women by enforcing stiffer penalties for rape & Domestic Violence.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Williams
  • Speaker Boehner & House : Reinstate VAWA including new provisions NOW!
    Against Women Act is a direly need piece of legislation, that should have never been allowed to expire. We need this bill passed – and more so – passed to include protection and services for ANY woman in danger of violence on US soil.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hana
    APPROVE VAWA NOW! The House did not authorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) before fleeing Washington D.C.which had been approved by the Senate previously.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Garrett U. Cohn
  • Gun Control that saves our 2nd amendment
    Insurance companies will lose money if they insure bad people. Good people will pay a lot less and the agents that do the best screening will be able to sell cheaper insurance and make a better profit.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Don Zwiers
  • Stop harassment on social media.....
    This petition is to stop harassment of parents from the other parent that dont pay their child support on social medias. My ex is on probabtion for back child support. He is harassing me using this site by posting a petition on facebook and who knows what other social networks. He is claiming he has over paid the child support by 25 grand and I should have to pay him back every penny. He claims the attorney general office did not give him credit for the 4000 he made in payments in Hopkins county back in 95 and 96. According to the District Clerk I spoke to the other day and the attorney general payment records, if my ex would not have gotten that credit in the investigavtive phase of the attorney general investigation, he would have started this case negative 5000 instead of negative 1000. The attorney generals office started receiving payments on 5/96. Since then he has never made all his payments and there is 5 years where he only made 1 or 3 payments a year. This petition is to stop the harassment for parents that receive the support. I had to file harassment charges to get the phone harassment to stop against him and his wife. Now lets sign this petition to stop the social media harassment and yes they do use my name on their comments of their posts on their petition titlled child support laws arent fair...
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Willis
  • Reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act
    The Violence Against Women Act is a landmark piece of federal legislation that was first enacted in 1994. This comprehensive approach to violence against women combined tough new provisions to hold offenders accountable with programs to provide services to survivors. The 112th Congress let the VAWA expire in October after protections were extended to undocumented immigrants, Native Americans and the LGBT community. The United States is a diverse nation and all people should have the right to be protected from sexual and domestic violence.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Garfunkel
  • Draft Crit Luallen for Kentucky Senate Race in 2014.
    Sign this to urge Crit Luallen to challenge Mitch McConnell for Kentucky's US Senate seat in 2014. We'll make sure she knows about your support. Progress Kentucky has over 20 petitions set up to draft candidates from across the political spectrum to run against Mitch McConnell. Get links to the complete list at http://progresskentucky.com/index.php/campaigns/3-draft-petitions. Progress Kentucky http://progresskentucky.com http://facebook.com/progresskentucky Twitter: @progressky
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Progress Kentucky
  • Abused and Illegally Evicted
    I have been emailing my 2 landlords since April 16th, 2012 about the abuse that I was going through at home. The 2 landlords always reminded myself as well as my abusive ex-boyfriend of how we are binded by the lease and my ex used that to his advantage. My life was threatened by my ex on December 7th and 8th and I am recieving nasty emails from one of the landlords who is a Lawyer in Hauppauge, NY. The landlord continues to state that my ex and I are binded by the lease and my ex has used that to his advantage thats why the abuse continued and got worse. I have contacted every legal service in Rochester Ny only to get the run around by everyone and to find out no one can help me. Not only am I homeless as of now I am being sued for $1800.00 by the landlord. When will abusers start paying for their own actions instead of the women who continues to suffer behind their actions.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vernell Jones