• Strengthen Ohio...Get Things Done Besides abortion Legislation
    The Ohio legislators are so focused on absorption legislation, they are ignoring other issues. We need legislators who are focused on jobs, infrastructure and bringing new high tech development to Ohio. They also need to create an environment that keeps young people from leaving Ohio. Join with me in telling the legislature of Ohio to get moving on issues other than abortion. The data about issues would support that Ohioans don't see abortion as the most important issue facing Ohio.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Penny D Winkle
  • SAY NO TO HBI Personhood Bill
    A women's right to privacy, healthcare, contraception and abortion rights is being challenged in Virginia. I am a mother and a women, I want my rights protected. The personhood bill would grant personhood to embroyos.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debby Jones
  • Women make less. so cut us less
    The Republicans in Tennessee voted against equal pay for Women! Now they want further cuts, then It should be more cuts to the men as they make more than than the women.Then maybe the Republican leaders should take the 30 per cent less that women earn than men,in their salaries at the same time in our support.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by tommy thompson
  • Pass the Violence Against Women Act Now!
    Time is running out for the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). If Congress fails to act this year--which could happen if we don't speak out--shelters, hotlines and other critical services could run out of money in the next few months. Earlier this year, a bipartisan majority of Senators passed a VAWA reauthorization bill that would have expanded protections to some of the most vulnerable communities, including LGBT, immigrant and Native American populations. Conservatives in the House not only blocked it--they took the unprecedented step of rolling back protections that have been on the books for years. Now conservatives in the House are facing increased pressure to do the right thing and vote on the Senate version. Can you tell Congress to pass the expanded Violence Against Women Act right away?
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kat Barr, UltraViolet
  • Nominate a WOMAN to replace out-going Treasury Secretary Geitner
    Let's turn our economy around now and put people back to work. We can do this by nominating a woman to be Treasury Secretary. Why? Because no woman has ever held this powerful post and women are traditionally shut out of Wall Street managing echelons. We need a person who will stand up to its ruinous tactics and nominating a qualified woman is a step towards restoring economic sanity. There are many qualified women. Tell the President to pick one of them.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paige McAdoo
  • HHS: Revisit the Evidence and Remove the Restrictions on Emergency Contraception
    In December of 2011, the FDA was prepared to make emergency contraception accessible to consumers without restriction, based on more than a decade of medical research and policy debates. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius overruled the FDA, putting politics ahead of women’s health. Her decision created unnecessary confusion for women and couples at a moment when clarity and timing matter most. EC works best when taken within 72 hours and her ruling means many Americans are facing unnecessary obstacles. Women without identification, like some immigrants or women who don’t drive, cannot obtain the product. Men have been denied access as some pharmacists impose their personal beliefs on consumers. Doctors have been given misleading or false information when calling pharmacies on behalf of teen patients. Most importantly, no evidence suggests that making emergency contraception accessible leads to risky behavior among teens. What it does do is give teens a second chance to prevent and unintended pregnancy so they can stay in school. Medical experts, from the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to the New England Journal of Medicine, a former U.S. Surgeon General, and many others agree EC should be on-the-shelf and accessible without restriction. Emergency contraception is a safe, effective back-up method of birth control that can prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. A woman is healthiest when she can decide the timing and spacing of her pregnancies. Let’s ensure that any woman who needs EC can get it safely and quickly.
    6,534 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Kirsten Moore
  • Fox News- apologize to Single Female Voters
    Response to commentary for reasons why single female voted for President Obama.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liana Carpenzano
  • Cease Fire! Stop Rape in the Military!
    "What has/is our Administration and Congress doing about rampant sexual assault in the U.S. Military? The stories have been emerging for some time now. Is it because the definition of rape is still archaic and a culture of silence predominates?
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Brown
  • Breastfeeding Zone
    Breastfeeding is legal in the US, however woman are still being demanded to stop and told that it is indecent exposure. While I was nursing my daughter I was asked to leave a restaurant because a patron felt uncomfortable with watching me nurse.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yvette Cooper
  • Stop Anti Woman Laws
    Stop Anti Woman Laws in all states
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tori Snow
  • Stop Ohio HB298 from defunding Planned Parenthood
    Planned Parenthood is under attack in Ohio. The Republican Party once again has lost the focus of the people. Instead of focusing on access to health care for women. The Republican party is focusing on who they want to pay for women's health care services.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Toni
  • Ohio lawmakers, stop your attacks on women
    Ohio voters delivered a powerful message on Election Day, but legislators didn't get the message. The Ohio legislature is moving forward with two extreme and dangerous bills. One bill could defund Planned Parenthood, and the other bill would create the most extreme abortion ban in the country.
    7,654 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Planned Parenthood Action Fund