To this date, Trayvon Martin's life was ended, and no arrest has been made.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eden Espaldon
  • Justice for Trayvon Martin
    The perpetrator took the life of this young black boy without any reasons except that he was black! If Trevor was white, we would not even be talking about this. Please Pass a law to stop racial hatred and condemn it hard.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marie-Ginette Gauvin
    Rush Limbaugh has been a disgrace to American journalism for far too long. His latest tirade against women is an affront to all women. If one were to define a right-wing fanatic, Rush Limbaugh would be the definition. He has done more to cause serious division in this country by his fanatical right-wing tirades for years. In this state alone, normal discourse between Republicans and Democrats and Independents is not possible because of the hatred Republicans have for anything Democratic or "Obama-ish" including the color of President Obama's skin. A lot of this hatred is a result of Rush Limbaugh's dissembling of truth and outright false statements.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Betty Benson
  • Boycott Exxon Mobil - Environmental Killers
    Citizens beware! Exxon Mobil ads promoting creation of pipeline to generate 500,000 jobs is false. This will not resolve our current high gas cost! Support protection of the environment before drilling. We need jobs but not at the expense of citizens that will be negatively impacted by building a pipeline. Boycott Exxon Mobil gas stations until they understand the importance of protecting citizens and the environment.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah
  • justice for trayvon martin
    this young man had no weapons on his body how do you justify self-defense? self defense isw when you feel threatened or someone is threatening you or family or your life.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LEROY SCOTT
  • Justice for Trayvon Martin
    Justice for Trayvon Martin. We need to seek justice for that innocent child. It could be anyone's child in any circumstance.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JP NIEVES
  • Help Change MN State Statute 245c
    This is about giving those of whom have changed their lives, a chance to impact others, who are coming behind them, showing that the system does work for all people, not just the few. MN state Statute as of today Permanent disqualification individuals from being all that they can be. I need your help to change this law to where it is on a case by case basis, and not a straight block to a brighter future as a contributing member of our society, and not someone that is stuck, as a second class citizen. draining the system, instead reducting the defict by paying their fair share...Living the American Dream of being all that you can be. join me sign up and call your MN state Legislator
    229 of 300 Signatures
    Created by dexter stanton
  • Justice for Trayvon Martin
    To be delivered to: Pam Bondi, Florida Attorney General and Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General George Zimmerman's shooting of Trayvon Martin, an African American teenager, reveals a history of racism in Sanford, FL that has stubbornly refused to die. Weeks after the shooting, the Sanford police department is slow to release details of the shooting and, more surprisingly, has not arrested George Zimmerman, a man who has a history of violence. We urge you to sign this petition to protect private citizens from gun violence and inept law enforcement. Florida's Attorney General Pam Bondi must step in and provide justice for Trayvon Martin, his family, and the community.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Pursley
  • Justice for Trayvon Martin
    Trayvon Martin was attacked and killed by a vigilante. His young life was cut short at age 17 by a man who was told by the police to stay in his car and not interfere with a situation they were called out to. However now the police are not conducting a proper investigation and are obstructing a full inquest into the facts.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by PAUL Treacy
  • Stop Michael Bay from Destroying The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
    A live-action Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film set to open December 25, 2013 is being produced by Michael Bay. On March 14, 2012 at Nickelodeon Upfront, Bay described that his version of the beloved turtles would be "from an alien race." We are calling on Paramount Pictures to stop this ridiculous plot change and to fire Michael Bay; not only to keep our 2013 Christmas a merry one but to keep the Teenage MUTANT Ninja Turtles from becoming the Teenage ALIEN Ninja Turtles.
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Strahan
  • Justice for Trayvon Martin
    Would like for Zimmerman to pay for the crime for shooting of Trayvon Martin
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tiffany McGowan
  • Petition against Police Brutality in NYC
    The New York Chapter of the Black Afrikan Instructure (BAI) demands to the Mayor of NYC and the NYC Police Department:
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by New York Chapter of The Black Afrikan Infrastructure (BAI)