• Congress Must Cut Its Salaries, Benefits.
    Congress is poised to cut medicare, social security, medicaid, planned parenthood and other key social programs. Taxpayers pay for high salaries, benefits, pensions for Members of Congress. We demand that Congress begin its budget-cutting by: 1. Reducing their salaries by 40%. 2. Eliminating all pensions, including former members, but enabling them to be eligible for social secuirty. 3. Eliminate free gym and other privileges. 4. Eliminate Congress's taxpayer subsidized health care, mandating they purchase healthcare insurance from their home states. Taxpayers can no longer afford these costs.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Abrams
  • Stop deportations! Keep families together!
    This country is a country of immigrants. We need comprehensive immigration reform WITH a pathway to citizenship. Mass deportations that separate families and detentions in private prisons for the sole purpose of profit are inhumane. I encourage Obama to keep his campaign promise to push for immigration reform.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by connie cavara
  • Government Reform
    The occupy movement is across the globe and gaining momentum. Now that the politicians can see that it's real, it's time for them to start making changes. The main problem is corruption built in the system.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Fountain
  • End the cap on Social Security contribution.
    Start taxing all wages including those above $106k. It's unfair to exempt wages over the cap. The cap has been raised every year since the early '70s. Removing it permanently will save the system.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by wayne graves
  • Veto Cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid
    Do not sign the Super Committee's bill to make cuts to Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid. These are not property of the Congress or Senates to play with as they wish. They are insurance policies that the American people have paid for during their working lives.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna M Crane
  • No Tax on early IRA/401K withdrawal due to long term unemployment.
    Most of the long term unemployed have run out of resources. The only thing left is 401K or IRA. If we have to withdraw money to survive we should not have to pay taxes on it. The government let us down and bailed out banks, I'am not looking for a bailout, I just want my own money to survive on. I've already taken a beating in my investments, I do not think the government should pick up the stick and beat me some more because of something I have no choice about. Lets get legislation started so I can use my money without penalty,
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Duquette
  • Voter Bill of Rights
    We're tired of money and special interests buying our elections, officials, and legislation that leaves out the interests of we the people. We're tired of the archaic electoral college. We need a strong bill of voter rights to affirm:
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tracy P
  • Pass Amendment To Undo Citizens United
    The worst decision the Supreme Court has ever made. Going against all prior decisions of controlling and accounting for the amount of campaign funds given, this court voted for unlimited, unaccountable amounts of money that Congress may accept. Two judges making this decision should have recused themselves because each was a guest at a Koch brothers function before making the decision.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by tony farella
  • Increase Government Funding to Train New Teachers about Asperger Syndrome
    Asperger Syndrome is a form of autism that is hard to detect. It was recently discovered but many are not aware of what to look for and most educators have no training in recognizing or teaching children with Asperger Syndrome. Many students with this syndrome are given inappropriate educational placements, especially African American males. This helps extend the achievement gap. If placed appropriately, children with Asperger Syndrome will be given the opportunity to learn. (Bill Gates is an example of a person with Asperger Syndrome.)
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alice Phillips
  • STOP East Coast Universities From Barring Immigrants
    Being a college educated natural born American married to a college educated immigrant resident in this country for 7 years I have learned firsthand that the college and university system on the east coast put ridiculous requirements on English skills from students from non-English speaking countries. The TOEFL test for English proficiency is a barrier to immigrants improving themselves and making the better citizens. It is so difficult that most American high school graduates could not pass it, yet natural born Americans are not subject to this barrier to enter college. My wife, a college graduate from Brazil and very functional English speaker has not been able to pass it and is locked out of every college and trade school in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. In California and western US, there is no such barrier or exam required to enroll in state and private colleges and Universities. Why is it that the so-called “liberal” east coast employs draconian restrictions on foreign students? Allow students to take the classes and pass or fail on their own merits and capabilities. These Jim Crow literacy tests serve no purpose in the majority of degree programs and serve only to harm the larger society by stopping excellent students and motivated individuals from bettering themselves.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Findlay
  • Support White House NESARA Petition
    NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) is a bill, already passed into law in the U.S. government, but kept under gag order for many years by some members of the 1%. If enough people sign the W.H. Petition (20,000 - 25,000) President Obama will announce and enact it. This bill will bring sweeping changes, not only to America but to the world and will address and solve all of the issues of the "Occupy Wall Streeters". link: http://wh.gov/4d5
    516 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Ramana Dorothy Karkus
  • Save my home
    Save our home from these frauds at the bank.
    161 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Virginia Hosking