• Stop Blue Cross Blue Shield's Last Minute Rate Increase!
    While posting record profits and handing out multi-million dollar bonuses to their Illinois-based executives, Blue Cross Blue Shield just proposed another double-digit increase on New Mexico insurance customers. BCBS is pushing this increase through just before new consumer protection regulations take effect forcing them to publicly justify their rate increase. Don't let that happen! Tell BCBS to stop raising New Mexico insurance rates to support record profits and pay big bonuses to out of state executives.
    1,424 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Know Your Care New Mexico
  • Stop the Death Penalty!! Let Justice Prevail
    We, the signatures below, want to stop the death penalty. Too many innocent people are dying because of the Judicial System not doing their part. The Death Penalty is an "Easy Way Out" for those who are really guilty of a crime that is punishable by death. As ONE, Americans need to put a stop to this!! With each death penalty case should be a fair trial...where evidence, there should be NO REASONABLE DOUBT!! And with that being said, there should be a jail that is made just for them!! A place where they will be held accountable for their actions and would have to live the rest of their days paying back their debt to society without being released or put to death! When lives are lost, there is no bringing them back. So an "Eye for an Eye" is not enough justice. Together we can stop the Death Penalty and make these criminals pay for their crimes not with their LIFE but with their TIME ( the rest of their lives ). In the "Pledge of Alligence" we say "With Liberty and Justice for ALL".....well let us start doing that!! Let us stand up together and fight back!! Let us take America back!! We are the people....let us stand UNITED!! One of us can't do it alone.....it takes a NATION!! With that.....the Government or the Judicial System CANNOT BEAT US!! We are the greatest nation....LET'S START ACTING LIKE IT***UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL***
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by karen cox
  • Stop Fracking in National Forests
    A federal appeals court ruled last month that oil and gas companies can begin drilling in the Allegheny National Forest in Pennsylvania. The ruling says that the government only controls the surface rights in the national forest, not the mineral rights under the surface. While the ruling only affects the Allegheny National Forest, this could set the stage for opening up drilling in ALL National Forests. This means they start drilling immediately unless we act now. There are two ways we can stop this: 1) The Obama Justice Department must appeal this ruling and ask for an injunction to halt drilling; and 2) Congress must pass legislation to stop drilling in all National Forests.
    12,906 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by William Morris
  • End Corporate Donations to Officials
    We know this country was founded by the people for the people, but corporations have an over riding influence through their wallets. Politicians have forgotten who they work for, and campaigns are out of control with $$$ instead of addressing topics. Put an end to greasing politicians palms and end the corporate welfare which is costing us a GOVERNMENT FOR THE PEOPLE.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by KELLY ZIFF
  • Label GMO's
    Some people do not want to consume, use as drugs, or be injected with GMO's and while the FDA has stated that it is not up to citizens to decide what foods and drugs are safe, it is the FDA's job to regulate these things. The bill of rights ensure freedom of religion for all in the United States and GMO's are against certain religious doctrines. There are scriptures mentioned in the Christian bible and Hindu texts as well warning against mixing the blood of humans with animals and other related issues. Since GMO's often use animal, bacterial, and viral DNA from animals, people who want to follow these texts should have a religious right to know what is in their food, drugs, and vaccines. Please label all GMO's including what type (animal, viral and from what animal, bacterial and from what animal) of DNA and/or genes that have been added, removed, promoted, inhibited, moved, rearranged, replicated, changed in any way, or corrupted so that people can follow their doctrine freely without inhibiting the rights of corporations to sell these products.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heather Davis
  • Provide our Military with the Chiropractic Benefits that they deserve.
    TRICARE, the health care program serving active duty service members, National Guard and Reserve members, retirees, families and survivors worldwide, does not provide chiropractic benefits. Therefore, our military and their families are forced to pay for their chiropractic care as they understand the benefit that chiropractic provides for them. Please help us support those who protect us by providing them the healthcare that they deserve by supporting HR409 Chiropractic Health Parity for Military Beneficiaries Act. http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h112-409 F
    374 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Adam Keefe
  • Save Troy Davis from being executed today
    Troy Davis is to be executed today in Georgia at 7PM, despite overwhelming and worlwide opposition to what is obviously a race killing. You can find information about his case at Amnesty International, NAACP, Save Troy Davis, and other sites. Please please please, do not let this happen in our name. Save an innocent man. We can do it, and we MUST do it.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Silvana Gambardella
  • President Obama and Members of Congress: Thank You for the Repeal of "Don't Ask - Don't Tell"
    Thanks to all of those responsible for the repeal of this shameful and unnecessay law.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Friends of Michelle Lujan Grisham
  • Civil Unions are great, but DE needs marriage equality
    This May 11 was an historic day as Governor Jack Markell signed Civil Unions into law in Delaware. That's great, but it falls far short of full civil rights for lesbian and gay couples. Only full marriage equality will do that. Sign our petition demanding that Delaware enact full marriage equality in 2012.
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michael morrill
  • Remove the cap for Social Security taxes.
    The maximum wage taxed for Social Security is $106,800. The easiest way to fix Social Security would be to eliminate this cap to bring in more revenue.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elinor A
  • TAKE BACK THE HOUSE IN 2012! Supports the re-election of President Barack Obama
    We urge every member of the Congressional Black Caucus to come together and actively support the re-election of President Barack Obama in 2012! This is not a time for divisiveness but unity, this is not a time for pointing fingers, but taking responsibility! The only option we have is to wake up on November 12th and know that President Obama was re-elected for four more years!
    132 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dottery Washington
  • Save the American Folk Art Museum!
    Quoting Roberta Smith in The New York Times 9/19/11: "Please. Someone, everyone, do something to save the American Folk Art Museum from dissolution and dispersal. Or at least slow down the process, so that all options can be thoroughly considered. New York’s contemporary artists, and New York as a whole, need the creative energy of this stubborn, single-minded little institution, its outstanding exhibition program and its wondrous collection, an unparalleled mixture of classic American folk art and 20th-century outsider geniuses.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janine NIchols