• Justice For Us Nationwide
    There are many reasons why I am starting this petition. First, African Americans are not respected and treated equally in this country. Second, there have been too many coincidences in which African American men, boys, and women have been gunned down by outraged law enforcers and vigilantes. This has to stop. Thirdly, the time is now for us to stand up and fight for equal justice and rights for all African American citizens. I am personally affected by the issue of gun violence being committed against African Americans because I am an African American male and I could be a victim of injustice next. As African Americans, we must stand together and fight the Injustice System that has been murdering us and acquitting those who also do the same. In too many cases, we hear about young African Americans being gunned down by police. There is a long list starting with Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freedie Graye, Sandra Bland, Walter Scott, Laquan McDonald and all other African Americans who were victims of gun violence committed by law enforcers. Let's eradicate the number of African American victims by signing this petition and getting the attention of Congress and the White House. Thanks, Antonio Miller
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Antonio Miller
  • Freedom To Sell The Final Call Newspaper
    The police is harassing the F. O. I. For going on the street corners to sell The Final Call Newspaper. They been giving us tickets and now is threatening to arrest us. I personally have been arrested in 2005 for seling The Final Call Newspaper. My charge was obstruction passage highway.
    190 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Damon
  • Tell Paul Ryan: Restore the Voting Rights Act!
    Voting rights are under attack – and we desperately need to modernize and restore the Voting Rights Act’s protections against discrimination. But the bipartisan bill to do that, the Voting Rights Advancement Act, is caught in Congressional gridlock. We have a unique opportunity for progress. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) is the newly elected Speaker of the House. He’s promised to fix dysfunction in Congress and unite lawmakers in support the essentials -- things every American can agree are important. And what’s more essential than voting? The right to vote is just too important to be a partisan political football. For decades, legislators crossed the aisle in Congress to protect our most fundamental of constitutional rights; we can get there again. Sign your name and tell Speaker Ryan to get it done!
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • 5 protesters shot: We stand against white supremacist terror
    4 white supremacists terrorized an ongoing protest in support of a victim of police violence, shooting 5 protesters Monday night. Jamar Clark, an unarmed 24-year-old Black male shot and killed by Minneapolis police on November 15th. Eye witnesses say Clark was handcuffed and not resisting at the time of his execution-style shooting. [1] Because the entire incident was caught on police dashcam, Black Lives Matter Minneapolis (BLM-MN) began camping out in front of the 4th Precinct police station to demand the release of the video. White supremacists showed up in ski masks and as protesters chased them out, they shot into the crowd hitting 5. When police arrived on the scene in riot gear, they pepper-sprayed protesters before attempting to pursue the shooters. [2] From racist backlash against civil rights workers to support for racist attacks by leading presidential candidate Donald Trump, this act of terror is an attempt to stop Black communities from organizing for their rights. We call on white allies, and all people of good conscience, to condemn and mobilize against these attacks and on the United Nations and Organization of American States to lead an international effort to protect the democratic rights of protesters. SOURCES [1 ] Jamar Clark shooting: Witness says he was in handcuffs, CNN.com, November 21, 2015, cnn.com/2015/11/21/us/minneapolis-jamar-clark-police-shooting/ [2] Five people shot near Black Lives Matter protest site, Star Tribune, November 24, 2015, startribune.com/several-people-were-shot-near-black-lives-matter-protest-site/353121881/
    11,744 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by M Adams
  • Removal of the Skowhegan Area High School Indian Mascot
    I am a Maine Indigenous woman from the Penobscot Tribe. I want to make the state a place that does not condone racism and mistreatment of my people.
    2,173 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Maulian Smith
  • Withhold funds for schools with white student unions
    White student unions create an atmosphere of hatred and prejudice toward people of color on university and college campuses. I personally feel threatened by the sudden increase of white student unions around the country.
    184 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jasmin West
  • Heller School Alumni Statement in Solidarity with Student Protesters at Brandeis
    Brandeis University faces a critical emergency of racial inequity that requires immediate and concrete action for greater diversity and inclusion for students, staff, and faculty of color. Past mechanisms have not brought the reforms needed. We join our voices to the protesters and urge the University to act for racial equity by implementing a plan that incorporates the concrete measures called for.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by K Culhane
  • First Black VP being mistreated at MSU, plus...
    As a concerned citizen of Springfield, MO and a member of the black community, I am writing to call attention to the gross and racist treatment being hurled at Dr. Ken Coopwood, the first black VP and senior expert on diversity hired in the history of Missouri State University and our city of Springfield. Other VPs on campus, who happen to be white, earn more in salary and have better funded divisions. I have been in Springfield for over 5 years, and I met Dr. Coopwood 2 years ago at a community event sponsored by the Baha'i Faith organization. I became familiar with his work and later attended several visits to his division suite on campus over several months. Having more insight into Dr. Coopwood’s work and his ability to serve a historically hostile community, I can share news of how he has endured over recent years. I know that of late, Dr. Coopwood’s division was “repurposed” for the sake of doing higher level activity, e.g. climate study, and diversity conference, but left internal units without leadership for the change these efforts should provoke. This repurposing was stated in the Springfield “News Leader” and it caused several diversity-related units to be left without the benefit of his expertise and leadership. However, I’ve learned through students and others in the community that, in fact, staff within Dr. Coopwood’s division have been despicable and hostile towards him, even created circumstances against him which made his leadership appear to be both faulty and unethical in an effort to gain favor with senior administration. I saw for myself, when asking about his division's budget and how his staff were being utilized, that his effort to develop his staff and expand the work of his division was not being supported in any way that proved the university was serious about diversity. In fact, it appears that Dr. Coopwood’s unit and his resources have been taken away to show favor to others at MSU who were known by the president before him. We need to find out the truth. I have spoken directly to Dr. Coopwood but he needs to protect his family and therefore can not respond in depth to my questions. Nonetheless, I am starting this petition to demand that the treatment afforded to Dr. Coopwood be revealed publicly and that he be allowed to use his talent to lead the community to better race relations and equitable distribution of resources. I have the support of MSU alums as well as community people who have worked directly with Dr. Coopwood. I will ask the MSU board to investigate Dr. Coopwood’s experience since arriving in Springfield and, if need be, move this petition forward to the attention of the Governor. We can not stand by and watch a man who brought his family to our community be racially profiled as incompetent, not-valued or of no consequence in transforming our community to a better place. If any of you have interacted with Dr. Coopwood in any way, then you would know what I mean. Please join me in holding the university accountable for its treatment of the first and only black executive since 1905.
    128 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Du'Sean Howard
  • Fair housing opportunities for ALL
    It is estimated that property rentals will continue to rise as home-ownership is becoming further out of reach. As demand increases, landlords will be given increased opportunity to select their renters from a pool of eligible candidates. It is up to us to show landlords that declining equally qualified minority renters will not be tolerated, instead we demand fairness and integrity.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris
  • Department of child services
    DCS has destroyed and torn apart not just my family but several others. They place children, but with people who haven't even really changed and go right back to doing the same thing. I've seen them give kids back in just a few short months and close the case soon after and something starts all over again. The parents who want their children can't seem to get them back. The department lies and makes false promises to parents. They don't try to help families or care how it is affecting everyone as a whole. Myself personally have dealt and are still dealing with them and the department along with the therapist who sees my older children and has them convinced that I don't want them or love them. I have my youngest daughter, whom the department failed to inform the court of when my rights where terminated, and failed to inform the court that I owned my place. And, my attorney was no help. When I filed my appeal, I was told I could continue seeing my children with no change. As of October, they took my visits away and informed me they were moving forward with adoption and to treat my case as if there was no appeal in place. They had set up a goodbye visit without asking if I was available, and when I wanted to change the date because I had to work, the therapist told the caseworker that I didn't want to see my children, so now they are denying me a goodbye visit. They won't answer any of my questions. Now they are doing the same thing to a friend of mine; they told her to clean her house and then her children can come home. Her home is clean and they are not letting them come home. I love my children and want them home. Something needs to be done about DCS. I've never hurt my children or neglected them. They always had clothes, food, beds, and have never been abused. There are people who are starving their children and beating their children and nothing happens to them until it's too late. My children went to private schools and were active in their school. Please sign this petition to put a stop to DCS and have something done. Thanks
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Juanita Harmon
  • We don't want to act like ISIS!
    We are enraged with ISIS for killing people who do not agree with their extreme Islamic beliefs. Yet about two weeks ago, Bobby Jindal, Ted Cruz, and Mike Huckabee attended and spoke at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Des Moines, Iowa. At that conference Kevin Swanson spoke at length about the Bible saying we can kill people for being homosexual. This is not an acceptable stance for someone who wants to be President of the United States.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcia Bailey
  • Stop illegal foreclosures and evictions!
    We are speaking up to protect the rights of California's homeowners and tenants. California has strict foreclosure laws that must be followed exactly or the foreclosure sale is VOID, and strict laws for Unlawful Detainer to protect residents from illegal eviction. Much of California's housing crisis is caused by judges who fail to enforce these laws in thousands of individual cases, and by our Attorney General and District Attorneys who fail to prosecute housing crimes. Governor Brown and all our lawmakers say they are concerned about our deficient budget, unemployment, homelessness, and the shortage of affordable housing. STOP the second wave of this statewide scandal, and keep people in their rightful homes! CHIEF JUSTICE TANI CANTIL-SAKAUYE (http://www.courts.ca.gov/chiefjustice.htm), who also heads the California Judicial Council (http://www.courts.ca.gov), must collaborate with California's OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL (https://oag.ca.gov/) and Governor Brown to guide the judges and protect against illegal foreclosures and evictions. JUDGES should investigate the paperwork and procedures in any Unlawful Detainer (eviction) case that follows a foreclosure sale, housing discrimination, or any other questionable activity. Fraudulent, counterfeit, robo-signed documents are NOT LEGAL and must not be allowed to substitute for legal documents. Any VOID foreclosure sale means the buyer CANNOT evict the residents. When speculators realize they cannot evict after a VOID sale, they will stop buying the houses at auction, and lenders who must keep these homes might be more motivated to modify the loans. Right now, the lenders (loan servicers) refuse to modify loans because they get more cash when they sell the house. Notice the low participation rate of lenders in the Keep Your Home California (KYHC) principal reduction program (PRP): http://keepyourhomecalifornia.org (Scroll down to Resources and click "Reports and Statistics" to find a map of California, where a mouse click reveals loan modifications by county.) ATTORNEY GENERAL KAMALA HARRIS must restore funding to assist foreclosure victims. As of June 30, 2015, homeowners no longer have assistance from the California Monitor (https://oag.ca.gov/mortgagesettlement) to report violations of CA Homeowner Bill of Rights, and no longer have legal assistance for themselves or their attorneys through California Homeowner Bill of Rights Resources (http://calhbor.org/ see "Note to readers" at bottom of page). ATTORNEYS and JUDGES should follow the case law and legal guidance provided by reputable sources, including the website for California Homeowner Bill of Rights Collaborative (http://calhbor.org/resources/). __Protections for California Tenants in Foreclosed Homes (updated May 2014) [PDF] http://www.calhbor.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Foreclosure-memo-6.4.2014.pdf __ Representing California Tenants & Former Homeowners in Post-Foreclosure Evictions (Updated through April 1, 2015), including when to CONSOLIDATE an Unlawful Detainer case with a Wrongful Foreclosure case, so the victim of unlawful attempt at eviction to stay in the home while the court examines the evidence. http://calhbor.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Post-FC-Eviction-PG-Apr-2015-update-FINAL.pdf __Litigating under California’s Homeowner Bill of Rights & Nonjudicial Foreclosure Framework (Updated through June 2015), explains how to enforce California's Homeowner Bill of Rights, which was championed by Attorney General Kamala Harris and signed into law by CA Governor Jerry Brown to protect homeowners as they apply for a loan modification. http://calhbor.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/PG-June-2015-update.pdf Video of signing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8g0P0sRwR0 DISTRICT ATTORNEYS should use their Foreclosure Crisis Recovery Funds Grants ($5.2 million total) from Attorney General Kamala Harris to combat mortgage and foreclosure fraud. See how much each county was awarded, and ask, "How was that money really spent?" http://oag.ca.gov/content/grants/fcrfg-awards EVERYONE: Send this petition to judges, attorneys, lawmakers, real estate professionals, bank employees, community activists, home defenders, reporters and anyone who who cares about housing rights.
    277 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Eve Sutton