• Unlock Police Body Camera Audio in New Jersey
    Gov. Phil Murphy signed legislation requiring New Jersey police to wear body cameras in November of 2020. Unfortunately, the truth is that less than 0.1% of police body camera video files are ever reviewed. There is simply too much data for a human to automatically review. However, this data contains valuable insights that can be used to generate police performance metrics. The technology exists for these files to be scanned and analyzed to make reviews and reports an efficient and effective process. Wearing body cameras alone is not enough to instill trust in law enforcement transparency. The audio data needs to be analyzed through natural language processing that can identify the areas police departments need to improve to build community approval levels.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by GreenKey for Body Camera Analytics Picture
  • CNN, time to leave Georgia. No to state legislated voting discrimination.
    A state political party should be sent a very clear message that abusing government power to suppress votes will not be tolerated by businesses because supporting unethical state legislatures economically funds corrupt government and it will not and should not be tolerated. The legislatures and ELECTED representatives should be held responsible for driving businesses out of state. Businesses should only support states economically that support democracy not actively suppress it. Because that is what is truly at stake.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Katz
  • End corporate funding of the anti-democracy GOP
    The destruction of our democracy is being enabled and financed by Coca-Cola and many other corporations through contributions to Republican committees, candidates and the PACs that support them. It's not enough to issue belated press statements against voter suppression laws being enacted across the country, corporations must ACT. This is far more effective than choosing to buy Pepsi.
    36,795 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by John M.
  • Unlock Police Body Camera Audio in New York
    Body Cameras have been used in New York since 2017. Unfortunately, the truth is that less than 0.1% of police body camera video files are ever reviewed. There is simply too much data for a human to automatically review. However, this data contains valuable insights that can be used to generate police performance metrics. The technology exists for these files to be scanned and analyzed to make reviews and reports an efficient and effective process. Wearing body cameras alone is not enough to instill trust in law enforcement transparency. The audio data needs to be analyzed through natural language processing that can identify the areas police departments need to improve to build community approval levels.
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by GreenKey for Body Camera Analytics Picture
  • Sign the petition: Tell Congress to protect Amazon delivery drivers!
    Amazon thinks it can get away with anything. Now the tech giant is forcing delivery drivers to either agree to intrusive surveillance in their vans, or lose their jobs.1 New reporting shows Amazon often forces drivers to choose between keeping their jobs and using the bathroom.2 Rather than solve this dilemma, Amazon wants to install artificial intelligence cameras and force drivers to submit biometric data in order to stay employed. Agree to constantly be spied on by your company or get fired: How can that possibly be a legal workplace standard? Congress can’t let Amazon mistreat their workers. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to protect delivery drivers and investigate Amazon labor practices! This isn’t just micro-management, it’s a dangerous pattern for Amazon. Amazon uses their vast tech resources to spy on workers and push their productivity to the physical brink, all in the name of profit. In Amazon warehouses, algorithms like Rate and ToT (time off task) have contributed to so many workplace accidents and injuries that working at Amazon is considered one of the most dangerous jobs in the US.3 But whenever workers stand up for themselves against Amazon, the tech giant fires back with fury. Amazon hired a Koch-backed anti-union consultant to try to stop workers in Alabama from organizing a union.4 They force employees into “classes” where pro-union workers are intimidated and threatened with pay cuts if they continue to form a union. Amazon thinks that just because they’re rich and large that means they’re in charge, and that they can treat their employees however they want. They think no one is strong enough to stop them. But they’re wrong. Congress can regulate how Amazon operates and treats their workers. They could do it now, if you speak up. Sign the petition: Tell Congress to protect delivery drivers and investigate Amazon labor practices! Sources: 1. The Verge, “Amazon delivery drivers have to consent to AI surveillance in their vans or lose their jobs,” March 24, 2021. 2. The Intercept, “Documents Show Amazon Is Aware Drivers Pee In Bottles And Even Defecate En Route, Despite Company Denial,” March 25, 2021. 3. Futurism, “After Deaths, Amazon Lands on List of Most Dangerous Employers,” October 18, 2019. 4. The Intercept, “Amazon Hired Koch-backed Anti-union Consultant To Fight Alabama Warehouse Organizing,” February 10, 2021.
    1,055 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Voter Suppression is unamerican and undemocratic
    The freedom to choose our leaders, and to speak up for what we believe in, is foundational to American democracy. Restricting someone’s vote, their right to assemble, or their right to speak is taking away their freedom. Voting, the right to assemble, and free speech should be accessible for all citizens, no matter where they live, the color of their skin, or how much money they make. To make every vote and voice count, we need a system that is free and fair to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard. Florida lawmakers are pursuing bills that are meant to remove voting rights and personal freedoms. We need Walt Disney World, Carnival Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, JM Family Enterprises, and Publix to come out publicly and denounce any attempts of voter suppression or removal of personal freedoms by the Florida legislature. Currently two bills are making their way thru the Florida legislature and both are dangerous to the personal freedoms and voting rights of Floridians. HB1 the Combating Public Disorder bill enacts heavy-handed punishments designed to curb free speech by criminalizing acts of dissent. This bill has one purpose only: to further embolden racism in Florida. SB90, is another voter suppression bill which, if passed, would disenfranchise Florida voters by removing ballot drop boxes and enacting additional burdensome vote-by-mail requirements. We are urging Walt Disney World, Carnival Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, JM Family Enterprises, and Publix to follow the lead of the Black Economical Alliance, and speak out on behalf of Floridians for their personal freedoms and voting rights. Several corporations like Delta, Coca-Cola, American Airlines, and Dell have all come out against similar bills in Georgia and Texas. As beneficiaries of a democracy, we need you Walt Disney World, Carnival Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean Cruises, JM Family Enterprises, and Publix to do your civic duty and publicly denounce any attempts of voter suppression or removal of personal freedoms by the Florida legislature. Works Cited: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/31/business/voting-rights-georgia-corporations.html
    863 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Laurie Woodward Garcia Picture
  • Protect Our Right to Vote
    We live in a fragile democracy whose outcome is too often determined by gerrymandered districts and dark money that fuels political campaigns. We're not stupid; we the people understand that elections in the United States are fueled by political donations, large and small. But right now, we are facing an unprecedented threat to our democracy. Voting restriction legislation is being passed to make voting more difficult while also providing less oversight of the outcomes. These measures are moving us closer to an authoritarian system that silences as many people as possible. We need U.S. corporations and businesses to stand with us during this perilous time. Public statements are NOT enough. Today, we call on the business community--large and small--to publicly denounce these new voter restrictions and make absolutely clear: NO POLITICAL DONATIONS to any legislator who votes in favor of limiting a citizen's right to vote in ANY way whatsoever.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Brosky
  • Shut Down the Dakota Access Pipeline
    The Biden-Harris administration should be commended for its early focus on climate change, tribal sovereignty, and racial justice and equity, including its decision to stop the Keystone XL pipeline and nominate Rep. Deb Haaland to become Interior Secretary. We, the undersigned, respectfully urge President Biden and Vice President harris to reverse another harmful Trump Administration decision and immediately shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) during its court-ordered environmental review. When Trump took office four years ago, he stopped the environmental review of the pipeline and fast-tracked it, disregarding serious environmental risks and trampling over Native American treaty rights & tribal consultation. In March 2020, the U.S. District Court ruled in favor of Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and several other tribes that DAPL is operating without the proper permits and necessary environmental review under the National Environmental Policy Act. In July, the Court ordered the pipeline shut down pending the environmental review. On January 27th this year, the U.S. Court of Appeals confirmed that the pipeline is operating illegally and gave the Biden-Harris Administration the authority to shut it down, and is asking the Biden-Harris Administration whether they intend to shut it down or allow it to operate illegally without a permit. We urge President Biden and Vice President harris to remedy this historic injustice and direct the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to immediately shut down the illegal Dakota Access Pipeline while the Environmental Impact Statement process is conducted, consistent with the D.C. District Court’s decision and order. Additionally, the U.S. Army Corps must ensure a robust environmental review with significant tribal consultation, tribal consent, and a thorough risk analysis. With real leadership, we have a momentous opportunity to protect our water and respect our environmental laws and the rights of Indigenous people. This is our moment. Mni Wiconi. Water is life.
    12,621 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Ruffalo
  • Urge Senator Romney to Pass Immigration Reform
    - Immigrants are vital to the State of Utah. Approximately 106,279 undocumented immigrants live in Utah, comprising around 40% of Utah’s immigrant population. / Los inmigrantes son vitales para Utah. Aproximadamente 106,279 inmigrantes indocumentados viven en Utah, lo que equivale al 40% de la población migrante de Utah. - 140,517 people in Utah, including 71,207 US citizens, lived with at least one undocumented family member between 2010 and 2014./ 140,517 personas en Utah, incluyendo 71,207 ciudadanos americanos vivieron con por lo menos una persona indocumentada del 2010 al 2014. - $81.4 million from Utah undocumented immigrants’ income went to state and local taxes and $129.5 million went to federal taxes in 2018. / Inmigrantes indocumentados contribuyeron $81.4 millones en impuestos estatales y locales y $129.5 millones en impuestos contribuyeron al gobierno federal en el 2018. Please sign our petition to tell your Utah representative and Senators that separating families is not what Utah stands for and that we want a pathway to citizenship for ALL undocumented Utahns. / Por favor firma nuestra petición para decirle a todos nuestros representantes y Senadores que Utah no está de acuerdo con la separación de familias y que queremos un camino a la ciudadanía para TODA nuestra comunidad indocumentada. Comunidades Unidas is a 501c3 non-profit and nonpartisan organization focused on empowering Utah's Latinx to recognize and achieve their own potential and be a positive force for change in the larger community. To learn more about Comunidades Unidas please visit our website www.cuutah.org and follow our Instagram @comunidadesunidas and Facebook linked below./ Comunidades Unidas es una organización 501c3 sin fines de lucro y no partidista enfocada en empoderar a la comunidad Latinx de Utah para que reconozca y desarrolle su potencial y sea una fuerza positiva para el cambio en su comunidad. Para aprender más sobre Comunidades Unidas por favor visita nuestra pagina www.cuutah.org y síguenos en nuestro Instagram @comunidadesunidas y en el link de Facebook abajo. Sources / Fuentes de información: http://research.newamericaneconomy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/nae-ut-report.pdf & https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/immigrants-in-utah
    1,079 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Comunidades Unidas Picture
  • Support House Bills to Remove J. Edgar Hoover's Name from FBI Building
    The removal of the name J. Edgar Hoover from the Federal Bureau of Investigations building in Washington DC. Each and every FBI official employed past and present swore an oath to “defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic”. It has been made clear throughout the years through declassified released FBI records and the Freedom of Information Act that under the leadership of J. Edgar Hoover have displayed the exact opposite of defending the US Constitution and have proven that Director Hoover was a “Domestic Enemy of the Constitution”. In this time of raising the concerns of social justice for Black people, the US government and election officials would look "performative" if THIS specific person is not shifted from his prominence in government based on the legacy of racism he instituted in the FBI policies and procedures. A few examples: -Hoover's first "Black Messiah" was Marcus Garvey. During that time, Marcus Garvey built an organization of Black people across the African diaspora in many countries to band together by educating each other in building wealth and political engagement. Garvey's UNIA organization also put together a still-relevant Black Agenda called the Declaration of the Negro Peoples of the World during the 1920 convention held at Madison Garden in from of 25,000 Black people. Hoover took down Garvey's operation by placing infiltrators including those specifically to discredit his movement. -Possible involvement of the unlawful assassination of Malcom X in 1965 -The threats on the life of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through tapes sent to his wife and other tactics to suppress MLK's actions during the civil rights movement -Definite involvement of the assassination of Fred Hampton in 1969 -Refusal of active investigations in the murders of Cheney, Schwerner, and Goodman into hate crimes in Mississippi 1963 -Violating 1st amendment rights of people of color from WWI through the civil rights movements by unlawful surveillance tactics by the FBI -Harassment of Black celebrities such as Billie Holiday, Paul Roberson, and Langston Hughes -Doctored letters among Black organizations to start conflict including the result of a shoot out between the US Organization led by the founder of Kwanzaa Dr. Karenga and the California BPP which occurred strictly due to planted letters by the FBI found in 2007 -Intimidation of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party and the efforts of Fannie Lou Hamer and Ella Baker to allow for segregation in voting to be discontinued. There are other examples. By removing J. Edgar Hoover’s name from the FBI HQ building, our nation can acknowledge the wrongs it has perpetuated due to his leadership. . Healing begins when we stop heralding racists who victimized and disenfranchised innocent freedom fighters resulting in disgrace and even death of Black leaders. This begins with the removal of J. Edgar Hoover's name to the building in an effort to dismantle an unfair legacy rooted in racism at the Bureau.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keena Day
  • Defense Secretary Austin: Stop the construction of the new U.S. military base in Okinawa
    Right now, concrete is being dumped into sacred lands of the Okinawan people for the construction of a new U.S. military base. With over 800 military bases around the world already, the construction of another base is not only harming the Okinawan people but ramping up the threat of war. 2021 has to be the year we finally close the new base in Okinawa and begin a pathway towards peace in the Pacific — and we do that by closing down our foreign military bases and building up diplomacy. We’re in a unique, but narrow opportunity with President Biden in office to raise the alarms on this, and other, disastrous bases. That means we’ve got to jump into action and urge Defense Secretary Austin to stop the construction NOW — and we need your help in getting LOUD.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Support the passage of a Georgia Free and Equal Elections Amendment
    In this era when congressmembers and state legislators war with each other over the quality and fairness in the administration of elections, one statement on which all sides can agree is that all elections should be free, equal and open. In fact, 30 state constitutions, including North Carolina, California, and South Carolina mandate that all elections should be free, with 18 of these states also stating that elections should be “equal” or “open” and 15 of these states mandating that no "civil or military power shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage". Sadly, despite being the birthplace and resting place of civil rights advocates past and present, from Martin Luther King Jr. to John Lewis, and despite having the youngest state constitution as of 1983, Georgia's state constitution does not yet provide for such a basic expectation that our right to free suffrage shall be free and shall not be intimidated or suppressed by civil or military force. We need an amendment to the Georgia State Constitution mandating free, equal and open elections so that voters have a constitutional standard by which we can judge the integrity of elections administration, redistricting and other aspects of elections law in the State of Georgia. References: https://www.ncsl.org/research/redistricting/free-equal-election-clauses-in-state-constitutions.aspx https://www.commoncause.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/FreeEqualOnePager-9.4.19.pdf http://hrlr.law.columbia.edu/hrlr/free-and-equal-elections-a-new-state-constitutionalism-for-partisan-gerrymandering/
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Harry Underwood