Stop Using Worker Pensions to Hurt WorkersWorkers at the Embassy Suites hotel in Irvine, CA, have been standing up against management. Albertina Solorio, who has been a vocal supporter of the organizing effort at the Embassy Suites, was recently fired after working there for 12 years as a housekeeper. The hotel is owned through investments from public pensions, including the pension system for thousands of public employees in Los Angeles County, known as LACERA. It makes no sense that a worker's investment fund is being used to hurt other workers! It's time to tell LACERA and MassMutual, the parent company of the investment manager, to stop the abuse and do what's right for the workers, and it's time for the Embassy Suites to give Albertina her job back. Please read the article, "L.A. County pension fund is taking heat over hotel investment", published on Sept 16, 2013, in the LA Times: http://lat.ms/151kBEl276 of 300 SignaturesCreated by UNITE HERE Local11
Blackmailed, Stereotyped, DiscriminatedFor example: Mariselaura, a paralegal APA and Supervision and Management BAS Venezuelan professional in Broward County, has been a target of Blackmailed Case in Dade County. Attorneys and legal staffing agencies have been depriving her from employment, discriminating and blacklisting her as a paralegal. Employers and employees from the Public Sector and Private Sector (dealerships) denied employment and if hired, she is subjected into strong hostility to make her leave work. Hatred Crime has been filed at FBI Miami Dade County since 2008. Charges against employers have been filed in EEOC. Federal agents do not want to investigate theses cases. Scandal can occurred. All together are preventing her to pay back student loans. Venezuela Embassy has been informed.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mariselaura
We want family-friendly workplace protections now!Connecticut is a leader in ensuring that workers are protected when they, or a family member, gets sick. We passed the first statewide paid sick days guarantee in the country, and we have taken serious steps toward becoming the 4th state to offer paid family and medical leave. These protections ensure that workers aren't punished for being sick, or taking care of a family member. These types of protections ensure that workers don't have to choose between their health, or the health of their families, and their jobs. We know that these programs work, and it is time for congress to pass these laws federally so that every worker across the country is protected. Tell your member of Congress and senators to support laws like paid sick days and paid family and medical leave!633 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Taylor Leake
Stop Political Persecution of Ricardo Esquivia and Colombian Human Rights WorkersAccording to credible sources, Ricardo Esquivia Ballestas, Director of Asociación Sembrando Semillas de Paz (Sembrandopaz),faces the threat of detention by the Colombian authorities. Ricardo and Sembrandopaz work with conflict-affected communities of the Caribbean Coast in Colombia to peacefully reconcile differences and build a better future. This threat to Ricardo Esquivia constitutes political persecution and must not stand unchallenged by defenders of democracy and human rights. Ricardo Esquivia has been a driver of peace and community development in the region for over 40 years, as evidenced by international peace awards from the Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding and the Fellowship of Reconciliation. He is Co-founder and Director of the Commission for Restoration, Life and Peace of the Evangelical Council of Churches of Colombia (CEDECOL). He is also the founder and former Director of Justapaz, the Christian Center for Justice, Peace and Nonviolent Action of the Mennonite Church of Colombia. For many years he represented all non-Catholic religious groups on the National Council of Peace, which advises the President of Colombia. Despite his record (or because of it), Ricardo has been repeatedly threatened, baselessly, with detention or legal action. It is time to end this harassment of a proven servant of the Colombian people. Public pressure has been effective in detering the detention of Ricardo Esquivia in the past. Add your voice to help end this harrassment so that Ricardo and his colleagues can continue the pursuit of peace in Colombia without threat. Join us in calling on President Santos and other officials to ensure the safety and security of Ricardo Esquivia Ballestas, and to investigate the political persecution of the peace movement of the High Mountain Zone of El Carmen de Bolívar, Colombia.2,160 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Clayton
Public Land ORV Trailhead and Forest Roads 4343 and 4253We have the right to use the land we pay taxes for.127 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nicole Ford
Banning African American Hair in Schools is a Racist PolicyA 7 year old African American girl, who was a straight A student at Deborah Brown Community School in Tulsa, OK, was brought to tears and left with emotional scars when her school told her family that her hair was unacceptable because it is a "distraction from the respectful and serious atmosphere of their school." Her hair was in little twists called dreadlocks. Horizon Science Academy in Ohio is banning “Afro-puffs and small twisted braids," as part of their dress code. These schools are singling out African American children because of the texture of their hair. It doesn't matter if the administration of the school is African American or Caucasian. These are hurtful, self-esteem damaging, discriminatory practices that need to be stopped immediately!1,966 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Tonya Trotter
A public apology from Dana PerinoDana Perino was allowed to attack atheists and ask them to leave the country. This is an outrage and cannot be allowed in this country. A public apology to the atheist community should be issued immediately by Dana Perino and Fox News671 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Catlin
America: Tell the Truth about Race and Amend the Constitution NOW!!!The American public school system and employment testing is based on a race based bell curve system that continues to perpetuate a system of race and racism to grant "White superiority" status to some students and some prospective employees. This practice has diminished the country's educational system as well as wrecking havoc in our society for everybody. The government must stop being the enforcer of this destructive practice.32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Johnnie P. Mitchell
Stop-and-frisk the Koch Brothers, not Detroit!Stop-and-frisk won’t likely be used on the young professionals downtown or the hipsters that are moving into the city. And does anyone honestly think that the DPD will be stop-and-frisking Lions, Tigers or Red Wings fans on game day? No - it will be the working class black and latino communities that will be the target of these types of unconstitutional discrimination and searches. The Manhattan Institute helped develop New York City’s controversial stop-and-frisk program. That program has only yielded three results: it’s ineffective, it leads to racial profiling of blacks and latinos and it was recently ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge. The worst part? While retirees worry Kevyn Orr is on his way to gutting their pensions, the Detroit Police Department is paying consultants more than $600,000 to advise them on implementing stop-and-frisk. Seriously? If anyone needs to be subject to random stop-and-frisks, it’s the Koch Brothers.275 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Lonnie Scott
Pennsylvanians deserve Online Voter RegistrationWhy PA Should Implement Online Voter Registration: • Streamlining voter registration just makes sense: SB 37 is a bipartisan, commonsense bill that will lower administrative costs for state and county election offices. It will speed up processing of voter registrations and ensure greater accuracy of poll books, helping prevent voter registration errors, irregularities, and fraud. • It benefits county election boards & individual voters: Online registration makes it easier for citizens to change their registration address when they move, conveniently keeping voter rolls up-to-date with county election offices and the state. It saves counties money over time because it streamlines the voter verification process. • PA voters deserve the same convenience that voters in 16 other states now have: Online registration has been enacted and implemented by 16 other states, including South Carolina, Kansas, and Colorado. In Arizona – one of the first states to enact online registration – 70% of all new and updated registrations are done online.266 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jorge Santana
Lunch Break for Pharmacy staffI am a Pharmacist for a major pharmacy retail chain and on most days pharmacist work diligently to serve patients without something as basic as lunch. It's inhumane and can be a hazard to the public, our job requires us to multi-task and make clinical judgments in a matter of seconds. These decisions and judgments should be made under the best circumstances.70 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pharmacist Rights
Justice For Shawn T. RuckerThe widow & family want anwsers about Shawn and the status of his case, and any leads that will bring justice and closure, we want the NYPD to be more aggressive with the handling of his case.35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Traci Heyward Rucker