Tell Georgia's Congressmen: Fix the Voting Rights ActAfter striking down Section IV of the Voting Rights Act, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts wrote, "...any racial discrimination in voting is too much, Congress must ensure that the legislation it passes to remedy that problem speaks to current conditions." The duty of preventing discrimination in voting now falls to Congress, and our state doesn't have time to wait. Georgia's Congressmen must fix the VRA coverage formula immediately to protect the voting rights of all Georgians.496 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Bryan Long
Verizon and the City of Boston's Bullying PartnershipDear Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menio, Superintendent Carol Johnson and Mr. John McDonough, I recently read that the City of Boston and the Boston School Department has partnered with Verizon in an Anti-Bullying Partnership. • http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/verizon-foundation-partners-with-boston-public-schools-to-ensure-students-stay-safe-online-100990779.html In 2004 when I decided to make a stand against inappropriate mistreatment to Verizon employees in general, the punishment and targeting began to evolve. One form of retaliation and punishment was that I had to sit in the back of the room in a corner, as I was not allowed to choose where I sat while attending some Directors Meetings at Verizon. I had to listen to Verizon management tell me that because I’m black, I will never be an equal. I had to sit there and listen to Verizon management state that blacks were stupid and less deserving, and that our positions were only granted to us because of Affirmative Action. I had to sit and listen to why female black lesbians were hired and promoted as well as listen to the type of foods black people like to eat. I was advised by an upper level minority manager prior to making complaints to the Verizon’s EEO and Verizon’s Security Officer’s; that if I decided to report these acts of racial harassment, racial torment, racial jokes and bullying, I would be blackballed, retaliated against and it was career sabotage my career would be over. Mr. Lopez also stated this to two other minority managers within Verizon of these as well; when they came to him for advice because of the racial harassment they endured while working at Verizon as well. Verizon put the fear of GOD into these two female black managers within Verizon that if they reported racial harassment or discriminative act, they would never advance and be blackballed, and used me as an example of my demise caused by them. I would like to bring to your attention about the company that responded to a Federal and State Agency when asked about a manager that was bulling a minority manager. Verizon responded: The investigation yield that Benvie had a reputation of being a BULLY and an equal opportunity offender. Race was not an issue with Benvie’s condescending and obnoxious behavior and inappropriate comments to almost everyone that he had contact with. McGovern had substantiated complaints from Caucasian technicians concerning Benvie’s offensive management style. Best simply had a foul mouth and did not differentiate between anyone with the manner in which she spoke. A female technician in Massachusetts made complaints to Verizon as well about a male manager touching her inappropriately, Verizon responded to her by saying: “He only touched you once.” Verizon responded in a federal deposition in 2011 that they received over 104,000 complaints into the EEOC a year. More than ½ of their employees are having issues of their unethical abuse and bullying tactics, and they are ignored. We the employees of Verizon and others against workplace bullying are asking you to please break your ties. This is the company you’re really in a partnership with. I request that you choose your partnerships with companies that actually have ETHICS. Read the employees respond in these petitions: • Verizon – Enough is Enough / Petition: http://signon.org/sign/bullying-at-verizon-enough?source=c.em.cp&r_by=4096164 • Enough is Enough - Stop Workplace Bullying / National Petition: http://signon.org/sign/enough-is-enough-stop-1?source=c.url&r_by=4521742 “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” -Edmund Burke Neal W. Dias 774-991-3663 [email protected] [email protected] My Blog Page: Blog Address (GOOGLE): Bullying at Verizon – Enough is Enough Facebook: • Justice at Verizon • Enough is Enough – Stop Workplace Bullying President Obama – Workplace Bullying Meeting http://justicefor7.wordpress.com/2012/11/11/the-president-of-the-united-states-bullying/ My Story: http://justiceatverizon.wordpress.com/2012/05/05/bullying-at-verizon/ Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination: http://justiceatverizon.wordpress.com/2012/06/24/unjustice-at-verizon-and-the-massachusetts-commission-against-discrimination/ Verizon - Federal Violation and Criminal Investigation http://justiceatverizon.wordpress.com/2013/06/15/civil-rights-act-of-1964-verizon/ My Speeches: Healthy Workplace Bill Press Conference in Boston Massachusetts July 7, 2012 (Video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85HKgP-dfyI Healthy Workplace Bill Press Conference in New York April 30, 2012 (Video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6pPe2gqGRI&feature=share Civil Rights and Anti-Bullying Leadership Summit in Hartford Connecticut at the Legislators Building, August 9, 2012 **(Neal W. Dias – fast forward to 02:41:56 – 02:56:09)** http://ct-n.com/ondemand.asp?ID=8061 National Workplace Bullying Press Conference in Washington DC October 15th 2012 http://youtu.be/bid5DK97rq8 http://www.workplacebullying.org/2012/10/21/npc-dias/ Huffington Post Article: Title: Verizon: Plenty Of Good Middle Class Jobs But Would You Want To Work There? http://jobs.aol.com/articles/2012/09/14/verizon-plenty-of-good-middle-class-jobs-but-would-you-want-to/59 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Neal W. Dias
President Obama: Inner City Agenda for the Economically DisadvantagedWe too are Human Beings Created by THE MOST HIGH and Citizens of The United States of America, and we have been left out of your agendas. We are not the middle class that you speak about all of the time. Our living areas are run down and blighted and our income levels are mostly below the poverty line. We demand an Executive Order to provide block grants for free college education for all people in poverty and for all of the descendants of chattel slavery in our cities and other areas. In addition each family member of descendants of chattel slavery should receive a cash award of $50,000 per person. And be allowed to relocate to any area in the world with their money. We demand your full support of HR 40, sponsored by Congressman John Conyers Jr. of Michigan. Finally a set aside fund for business development and housing repair for all residents living in poverty in the inner cities of America. Deadline December 1, 2013.21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by MINISTER KUJENGA ELIYAH ASHE
Kathie Lee and Hoda Today Show Attack on Invisible DisabilitiesOn May 16, 2013, Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb went on a rant regarding those who do not "look" disabled and use accommodations in airports. What started as a comment on the recent phenomenon of "renting" a disabled person to use his or her disabled pass at Disneyland, Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee took their comments to the extreme.1,020 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jacy Sonne
A VOICE FOR THE CHILDRENThis is to make all residents of Florida aware that in a custody case children have no voice. There best interests are not taken into consideration. We can change this by demanding that all children have legal representation through the Guardian Ad Litem Foundation. Every other state has law Guardian's for children involved in a custody case.147 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Mary Orthodoxou
NC Needs Nonpartisan RedistrictingI've watched the North Carolina General Assembly create districts designed to protect incumbents or the party in power, not the people. We need a change.5,432 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by jane p
Unfair Credit Report ChecksI'm an unemployed Healthcare worker who is trying to find a job in NYC. However, I feel I am being discriminated against simply due to my credit report. I am seeking a non-financial based position and I want my credit report to be kept private. I don't want my credit report being plastered in public. Nor do I want it to be used against me when I am trying to find a good job.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sue Lifton
Seperation of Church and StateMake Jefferson's speech about seperation of church and state an actual constitutional amendment!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Lee
The Forgotten: Protect Basic Human Rights of People in JailMen's Central Jail in Los Angeles has been violating the basic international human rights of its inmates for years. Abhorrent insanitary and abusive conditions continue to treat inmates like animals instead of people. Those responsible for continuing the cycle of injustice and violating a person's constitutional rights, must be held accountable for their actions. Help be a voice for those who's voice has been taken from them.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rachael Schaller
Hold DNI Clapper accountable for lying to the Senate about the NSA on March 12, 2013Perjury is a crime and Clapper is not above the law. This serious crime must be acted upon by this administration if we are not to allow total mockery of the rule of law.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Green
Tell Congress: Whistleblowers Deserve Protection Not PrisonDisturbingly, the Obama administration has criminally prosecuted more whistleblowers under the Espionage Act than all other past administrations combined. The tactic of criminalizing the messenger is timeless, however. For decades, truth-tellers have risked not only their careers but their reputations and freedom to disclose abuses of power that betray the public trust. Government abuse of power is peaking. Thanks to whistleblowers we know that Big Brother has moved into every American’s smart phone and computer. Now more than ever these whistleblowers need your support, and we need theirs. Demand that Congress pass legislation banning retaliatory criminal investigations and prosecutions against whistleblowers! Ironically, while criminal prosecutions are at record highs, the Obama administration has demonstrated unsurpassed leadership in whistleblower protection against job-related retaliation – as demonstrated by passage of the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act (WPEA) last Congress. The point of whistleblower laws such as the WPEA is to encourage employees to report waste, fraud, abuse and substantial threats to public health and safety. Unfortunately, as seen in the recent documentary War on Whistleblowers by Brave New Foundation, criminal prosecutions create a far greater chilling effect than merely demoting or firing a whistleblower. Tell Congress: It should not be legal to prosecute whistleblowers because of activities for which it is illegal to fire them! Whistleblowers who change the course of history are frequently criminalized in the process, even when they act lawfully, only disclosing unclassified information. Thanks to their courage, we know that the government has engaged in: - Extensive domestic surveillance, allowing big brother to tap into your phone lines and email accounts; - Gross misspending (in the billions!) to conduct illegal domestic spying, employing taxpayer dollars to target whistleblowers and media outlets such as the Associated Press; - Torture of prisoners of the "War on Terror” under official U.S. government policy; - Systemic race and gender discrimination within the Department of Energy; - The cancellation of U.S. air marshals on flights during a confirmed overseas terrorist hijacking more ambitious than the 9/11 attacks. Whistleblowers should be rewarded – not faced with jail time – for alerting the public to such threats. Congress must respond to the disturbing abuse of power by the Obama administration. Otherwise, it is the public that loses. Tell your elected leaders today: Ban the criminalization of whistleblowers!2,254 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Government Accountability Project, Brave New Foundation
End the PRISM program - remember the 4th amendmentThe US Government is going the route of George Orwell's 1984. The outright and unlawful actions they have taken "to protect us' is based on fear-mongering and a carefully calculated campaign machine designed to infiltrate our lives and takes us one step closer to the possibility of tyranny and oppression. Each little of power the government takes is power they never give back. It's time to give it back. In order to do so people have to understand that this is a gateway problem. Today, it's watching us. Tomorrow it's oppressing us. It doesn't matter if you're doing nothing wrong so you don't care if they're watching you. You should simply care that they are doing it. In a country that is supposed to be the home of the free shouldn't we feel free? Do you feel free if every move you make is monitored? Do you think you're free when there are people who have unfettered access to all your private communications? Do you think you're free when you can innocently say a keyword or combination of keywords that will instantaneously add you to the NSA watchlist? You're not. In order to be the land of the free and the home of the brave we have to do things right. That means respecting the constitution, our rights to freedom, our respect for each other and most of all - to not give into a fear that is generated through acts of terror. Never let an act of terror manipulate you. Stay strong, stay brave, stay a hero.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jason Wiley