• overhaul the child support law
    Allow for better fathers rights and his right to face the mother or father, the custodial parent in court. Do away with Master in Chancelory because they are always biased and are violating the right of due process. Add a exception for non custodial parents the same right to file petitions for past.wrongs done to them by custodial parents hiding behin d the dept of social services. This is not for dead beat parents, but for those who want to be apart of their child's life and support their child. Children need both parents, more than just money. If a non custodial becomes disabled there should be a provision that is retro active. No one wants to be gravely I'll and should be allowed to have unjust arrears adjusted. The social security administration should be used to verify any and all income as well as the IRS. ZThis is more about money than the child . Custodial parents should be accountable in some cases and there should be a way for non custodial parents to be given the reasonable latitude to question about the well fair of their child. The right of due process is for every AMERICAN AND LETS MAKE SURR CONGRESS DOES NOT TAKE THAT AWAY. Otherwise it's just a matter of when its lost for every American.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marion Hill
  • To Remove Marijuana off Schedule 1
    More than half of the country understands that marijuana is not as harmful as once thought, yet our jails are filled with non-violent "criminals", some just for possession. Along with revenues from the sales of a taxed product, and tax money saved from closing down legal shops and used to enforce laws against illegal dealers, we would see a boom in "green jobs", which will be one more step to help our great Nation to get out from under this sluggish economy.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Bruno
  • Legalization of Marijuana
    Legalize Marijuana and pay off our debt, plus additional taxes.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Megan Huitt
  • Save Native culture, advocate for success: bilingual education in Arizona Public schools
    As an essential component of culture, language functions as a vital facet of the Native American identity. The preservation and sustenance of indigenous languages is integral in ensuring the continued conservation of Native cultural sovereignty. Originally, 300+ Native languages were spoken throughout the United States: 75 of these have disappeared since European contact. UNESCO estimates that in the next decade, if swift action is not taken, approximately 74 more Native languages will disappear. In response to this issue, the federal government has been attempting to preserve Native languages before they disappear entirely. Implementing Native languages in the form of bilingual education programs into public schools will not only revitalize these dying languages, but these programs will improve student achievement as well. The state of education for Native students in Arizona is incredibly bleak. Native students make up 7% of the student body in Arizona public schools. However, this group of students is 117% more likely to drop out of school than their white counterparts. In order to improve student achievement for Native students, and for Arizona students overall, we urge state officials to implement bilingual education programs into public schools. Through these bilingual education programs, Native students are motivated to stay in school and renew their cultural identity. Help us preserve Native languages, and foster an empowering system of education!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Prithak
  • Get OHIO on board now: GL equality in Marriage
    Help make equality a reality for all Ohioans1 Governor John Kasich doesn't agree with you and me, and has a long record of prejudice on this issue. Aside from opposing marriage equality, last month, in amazingly fast flip flop, John Kasich went from being "okay" to "no way" on civil unions in a matter of hours. His flip-flop shouldn’t come as a surprise to Ohioans. Kasich has a long anti-LGBT record, beginning with his time in Congress, when he voted to ban adoptions by gay parents, and supported the Defense of Marriage Act and the military's now defunct “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that ruined so many good soldiers', sailors' and marines' careers and lives. . Delaware became the 11th state to move forward and make marriage universally available to couples of the same gender as it has for centuries to heterosexual couples OHIO needs to be the 12th state. But our regressive governor doesn;t see it that way nor does he act that way. Some in the OHIO House are even more regressive than the Governor. We know where this issue is going. It isn't cysorclical. There will be universal recognition of gay marriage eventually, so why not now? OHIO next and then the Federal Government so that the rest of the states come on board in a swoop - or swish (sorry, it just came out).
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Franks
  • Enforce No Parking In Handicap Spaces
    Every where I go I see people parking in handicap spaces when they are not handicapped and the people who have reasons to park there can't and have to park elsewhere that can be a hardship to them. If you do not have anything on your vehicle that says your handicap then park elsewhere.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Harmen Burke
  • NC Film Incentives SUNSET
    North Carolina is enjoying unprecedented growth in Feature Film, TV series and Commercial productions as a direct result of our competitive, easy-to-navigate, profitable and sustainable Film Incentive Program. Thousands of jobs have been created and hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent in North Carolina towns from the Atlantic coast to the mountains in the West. Now, our Program is under DIRECT THREAT as lawmakers consider pulling the Film Incentive under a sweeping "reform" platform that will literally drive a billion dollar industry to neighboring states like Georgia, where a stable program has helped to build a billion-dollar industry. If our Film Incentive Program is allowed to lapse or if it is capped and bogged-down in bureaucracy, productions will simply find friendlier markets (like Atlanta) for their work. The departure will be nearly instantaneous. HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS SPENT ACROSS NORTH CAROLINA... Since the Film Incentive Program started in 2010, nearly $500M has already been driven directly into every corner of North Carolina. These taxable production dollars immediately benefit vendors who supply goods and services to the productions wherever they work throughout the state. Restaurants, hotels, antique shops, catering interests, clothing stores, furniture outlets, car rental agencies, lumber and hardware companies are just a few examples of the established brick-and-mortar businesses that directly benefit from increased business due to the current Film Incentive Program. See annual reports here: http://www.ncfilm.com/incentive-reports.html JOBS... Since 2010, thousands of crew positions have been created, along with many more acting roles. With over 14,000 jobs and positions recorded in 2012, more North Carolinians are at work than ever before in the filmed-entertainment industry. Entertainment jobs are REAL JOBS. As it is in other industries (like construction or the IT Industry), producers, directors, actors, actresses and trades professionals may have more employers in a given year than their neighbors do. And they're working hard - it isn't uncommon for these creative professionals to log more than 2400 cumulative hours in a given year (compared to about 2,000 for an office employee)! Filmed-entertainment employees pay taxes and buy homes and put their kids in local schools. AND... THEY VOTE. The only difference is that they just happen to work around a camera instead of in a cubicle or behind a counter. LURING PERMANENT BUSINESS AND JOBS BY CREATING THE MARKET... Repealing the January 1, 2015 Sunset from our current Film Incentive Program will tell producers, studios and networks that North Carolina is truly (and permanently) open for their business. Once our program is finally stable, North Carolina will see infrastructure improvements (studios, post-production houses, et-cetera) and permanent jobs as companies flock to our state to service the incoming productions. No meaningful investment and infrastructure improvements will come to our State (solid-line business) if the productions (dotted-line business) taking advantage of the Film Incentive Program stop working in North Carolina. That is a cold, hard FACT. DON'T FIX WHAT ISN'T BROKEN... It is very important that North Carolina lawmakers know that the current Film Incentive Program is effective and that THE SPIRIT OF THE EXISTING LEGISLATION (HB 1973; HB 713) MUST NOT BE ALTERED. Adding caps and unnecessary bureaucracy (project oversight, script approvals, et-cetera) would immediately make our popular (yet by most measures, conservative), Film Incentive Program less competitive and would drive business to other markets. In places like Michigan and Florida, unnecessary hurdles and false ceilings repel production business. North Carolina is SMARTER and our message to lawmakers is simple: Film Incentives Put North Carolina To Work - REPEAL THE JANUARY 1, 2015 SUNSET TODAY!!! Friend Us. Tag Yourself in Our Banner. Share! https://www.facebook.com/KeepNCFilmIncentives
    4,474 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by ERIK OLSON
  • For all people
    Work for the people who elected "you"; End corruption and any other negative action. Care for ALL citizens of all ages
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Niels Schwarz
  • Restore the US Constitution / Bill of Rights
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Lawrence
  • End the Mass Hunger Strike--Close Guatanamo, Fair Trial for Prisoners
    Guatanamo prisoners are being held indefinitely without trial. One hundred men (nearly 2/3 of the entire population) are silently starving themselves to death in protest at this very moment. Lawyers and human rights groups say it is just a matter of time before the detainees start to die. More information here: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/inside-guantnamo-an-unprecedented-rebellion-leaves-a-notorious-detention-centre-in-crisis-8604532.html
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Segue Fischlin
  • Equal drug testing under the law
    If workers whether they are Government or private workers are required to take drug testing. Including welfare unemployment etc. then all should be required under the law including senators presidents congressman.Equal treatment under the law is constitutional. selective testing is unconstitutional.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Klemash
  • American Right
    We the people once had a great meaning....it seems the only thing that gets attetion today is two fold, MONEY and LAW !! I believe that we need to reinstall common sense as a great power driven by the people... everyone would know they are responsible and NOT just the government !!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M Etchason