• I refuse to show a voter ID.
    Nothing is more important than fair and free elections. The requirement to show a voter ID to vote in North Carolina is an unconstitutional infringement on our right to vote.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Protzman
  • Shut the bedroom door on Rick Perry and company.
    Rick Perry and company have an unnatural interest in the private sex lives of ordinary Texans. Whether they’re just playing Cupid, or being stupid, is for you to decide.
    10,257 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Miller
  • Human Trafficking, Kidnapping, Extortion, Diversity, Peonage and Racketeering Amongst Juveniles I...
    Our children's bodies should not be used under threat, duress and coercion to join private wager policy government-run labor organizations, i.e., jails in the United States of America.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Auset El
    There is a lack of quality programing that teach about different cultues in American society. If people learn about others they will be more tolerant. This will help prevent many social issues.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nikki Smith
  • cancer
    my partner just passed of brain cancer and I'm losing my financial security that was put in place why? because we are of same sex , we both work hard and now I'm down to my few hundreds but lost out of thousands and might lose our car .
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by wiggy reyes
  • Women's rights in the workforce
    Dear The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama, We are pleased to present you with this petition affirming one simple statement: "Women enjoy most of the freedoms today that men enjoy, and have joined the American work force in droves to work as doctors, lawyers, teachers, designers, truck drivers and in many other professions. Discrimination against women still exists in various forms, particularly in the workplace. Women should know their rights as U.S. workers and take responsibility for helping to stop rights violations in the workplace Women have worked in some capacity in the U.S. since its inception, but only in menial jobs for very low pay. During World War I, women entered the work force in higher numbers due to the shortage of men. It wasn’t until World War II that they went to work in the armed forces and design. During this period, women took positions formerly open only to men; 7 million women entered the workforce, 2 million of those in heavy industry. They still had no formal workplace rights until the passage of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act states that employers may not discriminate against people on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin.Title VII makes it illegal for employers to exclude qualified women from any available position. Employers would often hire less qualified men for positions to which women had applied. This law empowers women to sue if they feel a potential employer has excluded them from a position based on gender. President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963, which states that employers must pay women the same amount they would pay a man in the same position. In the past, companies paid women far less than their male counterparts for the same position. Women can sue their employers if they can prove that a male in the same position earns higher wages. Both of these laws significantly increase the status of women in the workforce. Women’s rights in the workplace include many facets, such as the right to work if pregnant. An employer cannot exclude a woman from a position due to pregnancy as long as she can perform satisfactorily. Employers cannot refuse to hire any person due to marital status, gender or age. In addition, an employee of any company where a woman works may not sexually harass the woman in any way. This includes a hostile work environment where the woman must endure sexual comments, touching or materials, as well as unwanted sexual advances that put her in fear of losing her job if she does not comply. Women should report all advances of this sort to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or a supervisor.Because of workplace rights, women enjoy freedom to work in almost any position they choose. They join the armed forces, work as cab drivers, own businesses and become executives in large corporations. As the financial status of women increases, so does the welfare of their families, children and the nation.According to Sexual Harassment Support, a nonprofit support group for victims of sexual harassment, only 5 percent to 15 percent of victims of workplace sexual harassment report these violations to their employers or proper authorities for fear of ridicule, losing their jobs or not being believed. All victims of sexual harassment should seriously consider reporting it. Taking this step protects America’s workforce from workplace rights violations." Attached is a list of individuals who have added their names to this petition, as well as additional comments written by the petition signers themselves. Sincerely, Treanakay Bostwick
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Treanakay Bostwick
  • Equal Treatment of Women In Military Service
    Equal treatment of Women in the Military
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melinda Havens
  • The Case To Impeach: Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H...
    If it is acceptable for one of our children to be declared an Enemy Combatant, and so held indefinitely, then any of our children may treated in like manner under similar circumstance, and we do not perceive clearly where all of this may end. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has stated the case very clearly in HAMDI v. RUMSFELD: The very core of liberty secured by our Anglo-Saxon system of separated powers has been freedom from indefinite imprisonment . . .
    676 of 800 Signatures
    Created by D. Winter
  • Gun Victims Civil Right Protection
    Any and all People injured from firearms violence are victims of Civil Rights Violations.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Overholt
  • Make the HOLY BIBLE America’s National Book of Heritage
    Please sign our petition Make the HOLY BIBLE America’s National Book of Heritage This is a petition to legitimize our nation’s association with the HOLY BIBLE. Our nation has a national anthem and a national past time, but we do not have a national book of heritage. The Holy BIBLE is the one book that has unified our faith as a nation in the living God. The HOLY BIBLE has been historically attached to our nation, from the Pilgrims landing on Plymouth Rock, to educating Slaves on America’s Underground Railroad and even so today. 2 Chronicles 7:14 “ If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Psalm 33:12 “ Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Our petition is a redress of grievances. Just like there was a declaration to proclaim our independence as a new nation; so should there be a declaration to proclaim our nation’s historical attachment to the HOLY BIBLE.
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Roderick Allen Gray Jr.
  • Anti-Bullying! Bullying needs to STOP!
    This petition is to start defying Physical and Verbal Harassment within the schools of the United States of America. To also combat against Cyberbullying.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hector A. Aponte
  • For A Toussaint Louverture Memorial Day on April 7
    Who was Toussaint Louverture? Would the United States of America have become the greatest power in the world without…? Toussaint Louverture was first this young, skinny, and shy slave, but with a dream to free his people; and he did! He would become the general-in-chief then the Governor General of the most important French colony in the Caribbean. He would say, NO to Napoleon's grandiose project to expand his empire to the American continent after being ceded the vast Louisiana Territories in October 1800. He defeated Napoleon who took the matter to the force of arms, forcing the latter to sell the Louisiana territory in 1803. Toussaint was viewed here as the indirect means of expansion of the United States 16 colonies to the West with the acquisition of the vast Louisiana Territory for only 15 million dollars, or four (4) cents an acre. It was the greatest land bargain in history. With the Louisiana Purchase deal, the United States had doubled its size. “Thus, all of Indian Territory, all of Kansas and Nebraska and Iowa and Wyoming and Montana and the Dakotas and most of Colorado and Minnesota and all of Washington and Oregon States, came to us as the indirect work of a despised negro. Praise, if you will, the work of a Robert Livingston or a Jefferson, but today let us not forget our debt to Toussaint Louverture...” Rev. Talmage De Witt wrote (Christian Herald, New York City, November 28, 1908.) More importantly, between 1796 and 1797, at Toussaint’s invitation the government of John Adams had joined Toussaint in a trade agreement with the British that would authorize the latter to trade in all Haiti’s ports and would also safeguard the US goods to reach Europe through Haiti (then the most important colony of France) thereby would help the American merchants to by-pass trade embargo by European powers against the United States. Such trade treaties were indeed vital to the American economy. To facilitate the trade with the French colony Haiti, the US treasury department had passed a law that allowed the use of the French currency in the United States. The late French President Francois Mitterrand said: “Toussaint Louverture was the symbol of freedom for not only blacks but for us all.” Despite all the glories Toussaint had remained a very humble man. In his speech dated August 1797, just a month before his nomination as the general-in-chief of the army, Toussaint Louverture declared: “I was born slave but nature gave me the soul of a free man. Every day I raised my hands in prayer to God to implore him to come to the aid of my brethren and to shed the light of mercy upon them.” In analyzing Toussaint’s remarkable character a certain psychic elevation to spirituality can also be noted, which in turn elevated him above all blacks, whites, or mulattos. This was the origin of his unconquerable power. "Toussaint Louverture, in the words of Dr Wesley- Smith, was one of the truest and noblest of his or any race. He was pure, when to be otherwise was no discredit; grateful when ingratitude was the rule, and self-sacrificing when individual aspiration seldom extended beyond self-interest. More than any other man he contributed to the honor and reputation of that division of mankind with which he was allied by blood and birth." PETITION STATEMENT We, the undersigned of this formal document, request the honor of the United States Congress to consider declaring April 7th as a TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURE MEMORIAL DAY, in order to educate our school aged children, the nation, and the whole wide world about the deeds and legacy of this great Champion of Freedom. For we believe that it is an honor for us as a country among others and as a grateful nation among the few to have a day of reflection in honor of this great champion of freedom, “this spirit of peace, the patriot, the father, and benefactor of mankind.” The success of this petition will make the world a better place where people could live in greater harmony, love, and peace. It will also be a source of widespread pride for the people from the Caribbean islands, North, and South America. Last but not least, it will also be the victory of GOOD over EVIL. PS: If you are interested in learning more about Toussaint Louverture, consider this book, titled: “Toussaint Louverture: A Missing Hero from American History” written by Jacques A. Dorcely. Please contact Imperial Book Company at (631) 929-8424
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacques A. Dorcely