• Fix the FISA Amendments Act
    The US Government is using shaky legal interpretations to justify a literal back door into major internet and telecom companies. It is sucking up photos, videos, IMs, emails, phone numbers, stored documents, internet searches, and more. These opaque intelligence programs are overly broad and need more oversight. They trample on our right to privacy and are not making us safer.
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Yanik Ruiz-Ramon
  • Stop The Massive Government Spying Program
    The Guardian just exposed a massive government spying program. Using the Patriot Act, the U.S. government has been secretly tracking the calls of every Verizon Business Network Services customer—to whom they spoke, from where, and for how long—for the past 41 days. Verizon Business Network Services is one of the nation's largest telecommunications and internet providers for corporations, so this could apply to the calls of millions of Americans. What we don't know yet is how many other telecommunications companies have been issued similar orders by the government or what the scope of the government's program is. This program is a disgrace. It's all over the news RIGHT NOW, so we have to respond immediately, with a strong public outcry to President Obama. He has to know that Americans will not stand for this gross abuse of government power. Call on President Obama to put an immediate stop to this unconstitutional government spying program. In 2012, Sens. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.) wrote, “When the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they are going to be stunned and they are going to be angry." It's time to get angry. Make an urgent statement against this program by signing the petition right away and sharing it with all of your friends to let them know what's happening in this country.
    385 of 400 Signatures
    Created by ACLU Action
  • Boycott Chinese Products
    The Chinese government has long been responsible for grave human rights violations and environmental degradation. Buying Chinese-made products supports these actions. In addition, numerous Chinese products have proven to be toxic.
    480 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Susan McMullin
  • Protect pacemaker patients from metal detecting wands.
    I am a heart patient that has had my pacemaker affected by court house metal detector wands. The security screeners are ignoring the pacemaker companies warnings about the adverse effects the wands can and do cause on the pacemakers. Please help me to bring this to an end and help stop unnecessary suffering.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clesson Hill
  • NO to Jim Crow: Workers are Workers (Trabajadores son Trabajadores)
    “Are there any White women here for Humira?” Can you imagine? You’ve applied for a job, and the interviewer asks if any of the many applicants waiting in the lobby are of a specific race and gender. It sounds like something from the Jim Crow era ... but it’s not. I heard these very words auditioning for a commercial advertisement in early 2013, the client reportedly not wanting to pair interracial couples on camera. Unfortunately, this Humira casting was not unique. This type of discrimination is prevalent in the entertainment industry, so much so that non-discriminatory castings feel unique (watch, for example, a panel discussion about Hollywood's preference for hiring White males - "The Last Negro On Earth ... starring Johnny Depp: How the Business of Hollywood Shapes the Business of Every Day" - hosted by the San Francisco Public Library ). The reactions to a recent Cheerios ad (FN 1) demonstrate the breadth of the entertainment industry's discriminatory net. The interracial family depicted in the ad caused such a stir that General Mills - the maker of Cheerios - had to close the comments section on the video sharing site (FN 2), and the airwaves were flooded with media coverage of the story. Donny Deutsch, chairman of advertising agency Deutsch Inc., said he understands why some companies shy away from similar casting. “Advertisers have really one objective – to make money for their shareholders,” he said. “Your responsibility is to do what’s right for your brand.” (FN 3) Yet making money is not where business responsibilities end. Anti-discrimination laws require compliance. “Casting discrimination is illegal,” says Kent Mannis, Managing Editor of LawRoom.com, “identifying race or ethnicity or gender in job ads is illegal, but they continue to get away with the aw-shucks-that’s-how-we’ve-always-done-it defense.” (FN 4) I graduated from Harvard Law School, practiced law in California, served in the legal Peace Corps (FN 5), and have been a professional Actor for over a decade. The failures of state and federal courts and legislatures to protect entertainment workers from illegal discrimination are unacceptable. No other business is entitled to client preference and profits as defenses to employment discrimination. It’s time Congress and state legislatures take the stand that equal employment opportunity applies equally to all workers. FOOTNOTES 1 “Just Checking”. Advertising agency, Saatchi & Saatchi (New York). 2 Rivas, Jorge. “Cheerios Ad Starring Interracial Family Ignites Racist Hate Storm”, Colorlines: News for Action (May 31, 2013); Stump, Scott. “Cheerios ad with mixed-race family draws racist responses”, Today (June 3, 2013). 3 Stump, Scott. “Cheerios ad with mixed-race family draws racist responses”, Today (June 3, 2013). 4 Email to the editor. "Lawyer: No legal exception for showbiz hiring discrimination", Puget Sound Business Journal (September 2, 2009). See also “Hollywood's Race/Ethnicity and Gender-Based Casting: Prospects for a Title VII Lawsuit”, Latino Policy & Issues Brief (December 2006) (a study of entertainment industry casting calls finding that Hollywood regularly violates Title VII by intentionally discriminating based on race, color, and sex); Compare Claybrooks v. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. --- F.Supp.2d ----, 2012 WL 4890686 (M.D.Tenn., October 15, 2012); Lyle v. Warner Brothers, 117 Cal.App.4th 1164 (2004); “Casting a Wider Net: Achieving the Legal Mandate for Diversity in Entertainment” Oversight Hearing, California State Assembly, Committee on Arts, Entertainment, Sports, Tourism, and Internet Media (October 19, 2011); Equal Opportunity in (Entertainment) Employment RESOURCE LIST, http://gettingplayed.homestead.com/Resources.html. 5 The Skadden Fellowship as described by The Los Angeles Times.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen Antonia
  • Pinellas County (FL) School Board: Don't Side With the Bullies!
    A distressing incident occurred at Meadowlawn Middle School yesterday, when Principal Claud Effiom chose to interpret policy through the lens of his own ignorance, missing an opportunity to teach tolerance by example. My son was penalized for wearing makeup at school by Principal Effiom, who expressed his own belief that boys wearing makeup is ridiculous, unnecessary, and distracting. My son has endured vicious bullying for the last several years, and unfortunately, he is not the only one. These attacks are terribly damaging to young people, who are already struggling to find their identity. Incidents like the one yesterday only serve to further isolate these kids, who feel abandoned by the educators that are charged with their safety and well-being. It is unacceptable that these things should be allowed to occur anywhere, but most especially in a community as diverse and accepting as Pinellas County.
    11,062 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Katelynn Martin
  • EMERGENCY PETITION: Congress Must Investigate Spying On Our Phone Calls
    BREAKING: The Guardian's Glenn Greenwald reports that the government is monitoring millions of Americans' phone calls "indiscriminately and in bulk – regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing."
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Green
  • EMERGENCY PETITION: Congress Must Investigate Spying On Our Phone Calls
    BREAKING: The Guardian's Glenn Greenwald reports that the government is monitoring millions of Americans' phone calls "indiscriminately and in bulk – regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing."
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by TJ Bateman
  • EMERGENCY PETITION: Congress Must Investigate Spying On Our Phone Calls
    BREAKING: The Guardian's Glenn Greenwald reports that the government is monitoring millions of Americans' phone calls "indiscriminately and in bulk – regardless of whether they are suspected of any wrongdoing."
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by TJ Bateman
  • President Obama put an end to employers discriminating against felons
    It's time to stop discriminating against those who have made mistakes 5 years in their past. People change, and once your debt is paid to society, one shouldn't have to continue paying that debt for the rest of their life! With out good equal paying jobs, and equal opportunity to get those jobs, then we're just pushing them back into a life of crime.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Devin L. Pickens
  • Prosecute Wall Street Not Grandmas
    On May 22, seven brave women - six of them grandmothers and all victims of the foreclosure crisis - conducted a peaceful sit-in at the entrance to the office of the Covington & Burling law firm, one of the major representatives of Wall Street banks in Washington, DC. The Covington law firm represents mega-banks like JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America and maintains a “revolving door” with the government officials who are supposed to hold Wall Street accountable. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who testified before Congress that the banks’ huge wealth made them too difficult to prosecute--is a former partner of the Covington law firm. And, after years of failing to bring charges against a single executive at the big banks that crashed the economy and threw millions into foreclosure, Lanny Breuer, the top prosecutor at the Department of Justice Criminal Division, returned to his former employer, Covington, where he will make $4 million a year representing these very same banks. The big bank executives who wrecked the economy and stole millions of homes through illegal foreclosures continue to walk free. Hard hit homeowners and communities still wait for relief. But this coming Tuesday, June 11th, the U.S. Justice Department is set to press charges against the grandmothers and home defenders who momentarily blocked the revolving door between their government and the Wall Street’s favorite DC law firm. Please tell the Justice Department to prosecute Wall Street, not the Covington Seven Home Defenders.
    240 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Brian Kettenring
  • Prosecute Wall Street Not Grandmas
    On May 22, seven brave women - six of them grandmothers and all victims of the foreclosure crisis - conducted a peaceful sit-in at the entrance to the office of the Covington & Burling law firm, one of the major representatives of Wall Street banks in Washington, DC. The Covington law firm represents mega-banks like JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America and maintains a “revolving door” with the government officials who are supposed to hold Wall Street accountable. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who testified before Congress that the banks’ huge wealth made them too difficult to prosecute--is a former partner of the Covington law firm. And, after years of failing to bring charges against a single executive at the big banks that crashed the economy and threw millions into foreclosure, Lanny Breuer, the top prosecutor at the Department of Justice Criminal Division, returned to his former employer, Covington, where he will make $4 million a year representing these very same banks. The big bank executives who wrecked the economy and stole millions of homes through illegal foreclosures continue to walk free. Hard hit homeowners and communities still wait for relief. But this coming Tuesday, June 11th, the U.S. Justice Department is set to press charges against the grandmothers and home defenders who momentarily blocked the revolving door between their government and the Wall Street’s favorite DC law firm. Please tell the Justice Department to prosecute Wall Street, not the Covington Seven Home Defenders.
    551 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Nathan Henderson-James