Reserved for Handicapped Resident in all apt. complexesYes, I am disabled and an advocate in MI. It has been stated to me that it is against the law to have a Handicapped for Resident Reserved sign with a permit/name on it. We have just a "reserved" sign with permit number but does not protect you. All disabled persons should be protected by the police. Apt. building states "handicapped" signs are ugly and does not ad value to their rental properties.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marge Robison
Stop Voter IDThe elderly, college students and other young adults, and the poor (those for whom addresses change suddenly or frequently) would be adversely affected by this law. I conduct a singalong at a local retirement center and discovered that one of my faithful participants had not voted because she THOUGHT she needed a voter ID card since her address had recently changed.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gloria Lawrence
2012 Election Review/InvestigationI believe there is STRONG evidence that deliberate ATTEMPETED and ACTUAL voter 'suppression' occurs in several States, Counties and cities across America. There are also reports that Karl Rove attempted to 'hack' Ohio voting machines. A FEDERAL review/investigation ("Special Prosecutor") should be assigned to look into these ''issues'' and recommend FEDERAL VOTING STNDARDS or LAWS to correct/protect our FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT TO VOTE, and to bring to justice those who DID - or ATTEMPTED to - manipulate voting in 2012.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ed Reiman
No More Racist Dog WhistlesI've heard them for decades. I thought they were gone. Now they are back.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ronald Kunkel
Puerto Rico StatehoodWe are over 3.5 million Americans living as second class citizens in Puerto Rico. On November 6th, of 2012, over 63 percent of the voters elected to end the colonial status and demand of our political leaders to grant Puerto Rico as the 51st state. President Obama promised to work on this issue should the people of Puerto Rico demanded statehood.226 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Carlos A carrion
voting countnot getting voting results same day as we vote.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by bill thomas
President Obama and all of our law makers, put laws in place to stop hate now. Stop Islamophia no...Muslim in America are marginalized, hated in many States, they have been denied the right to practice their religion, they are being steriotyped they being accused to be terrorist and unloyal to American. President Obama it is time that Muslim American are treated equal and respect they deserve. Thank you, Anab, Ashburn, VA3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anab Ali
John McCain-Stop The Attack on Susan RiceThe prejudicial and unwarranted attacks by John McCain on Susan Rice.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Donald & Susan Willson
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Do Not Change Same Day Voter Registration RulesWisconsin is one of nine states that allow voters to register at their polling place on the day of the election, and that's often credited with helping make Wisconsin's voting rate one of the highest in the country. Since the Nov. 6, 2012 election, both Walker and incoming Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R-Rochester) have said they're considering ending the practice, which goes back to 1976 in the state. There are no evidence or facts as to why this existing Wisconsin 1976 rule should be changed.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vivian McLemore
HR 2471: SAY NO TO LEAHY AMENDMENTHR 2471 will give Homeland Security, the FBI and 20 other agencies greater powers, granting them full access to Internet accounts without first obtaining a Court Order. The original Leahy bill was legislation that “provides enhanced privacy protections for American consumers by . . . requiring that the government obtain a search warrant.”, amended at the request of Law enforcement.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Natalie G Tschiedel
Supervisor of Elections..Duval CountyA couple weeks ago, I visited our Supervisor of Election's office. At this time, declared my intentions to run for Congress in 2014. I was given two, not so user friendly, web sites, instead of the necessary filing forms, which you'd think, they would cheerfully provide. Another thing they provided was, the Supervisor of Elections email address. I've emailed Mr Holland twice, the heading for this email included, my Arab-American name. All those in the political circles here know, HAZOURI stands for progressive, growth and!,democracy! Is my email being ignored purposely?11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John W. Hazouri
Stop Voter FraudStopping the various states from implementing laws that adversely work against the voter. We Need a federal system that would keep the times, days and ID requirements uniform and above reproach by individual state governments6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael Murphy