• Keep The Internet Free and Open
    The reason why I start this petition is for the sake of Internet Freedom. Based on what has been going on with the internet, something needs to be done to put all new regulations in to keep the internet free and open; however help keep the piracy rate down alongside. Three bills that were proposed were, SOPA, PIPA and CISPA, which many of us know about. They were terrible bills that would severely infringe upon our first amendment rights for sure. If they had become into law, it would have killed off jobs, innovation and a way to keep our education moving forwards. I'm honestly glad those bills have been shot down. Now we have a new problem, dealing with the six strike program that some of the major internet providers including Verizon, Time Warner Cable, Comcast, AT&T and other companies. Most companies are rumored to have the Six Strike Program implemented around November 28th, some might implement sooner Basically how it works is within the first three strikes against you, there is no consequences; just basically small warnings. The fourth and fifth strike is when the that customer/internet user is needed to take a short and brief online tutorial so educate them, that is in order to get back on to the websites with the copyrighted material. On the last strike, the internet provider will allow the content creators/owners to take legal action. However, there needs to be a court order telling the internet provider to turn over subscriber's personal information to that person or company that owns that material. This was based on AT&T's plan. There are positives and negatives to all the “Six Strikes.” One of the positive to this, it will help find the source of the site that is distributing the copyrighted material, on the other hand it will accuse innocent people who did not do anything wrong (which is one of my greater concerns). Help educate people on securing their networks more tightly. Another negative is that these policies will slow some areas down in the educational field, also reducing innovation in some areas. This Copyright Alert System also will infringe on our right of privacy and also infringe upon due process in some cases. Again, I must reiterate; this will have a negatively impact overall on the internet. Based on these facts, there needs to be legislation banning internet providers from trying to take control of the internet. Please propose legislation to give us U.S. Citizens more protection against policies the Six Strike Policy. Granted the piracy rates are still up, but the companies already have the tools needed to take action. I will try to keep you posted about this current issue. In my opinion, I find policies like this to create corruption for the companies, making even more money on the backs of innocent people like me and millions of other internet users. Decrease the performance of the educational system, stifle innovation and possibly shorten the growth of jobs here on the homelands on which we live, breathe and nurture from. Please help keep the internet free and open to promote job growth, better education; the most important of all, innovation!
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Davidson Mott
  • Restoring early voting in Florida
    This year, due to changes initiated by Gov. Scott and rubberstamped by the legislature, early voting was curtailed throughout the state, leading to long lines and excessive confusion. This petition asks that early voting be restored and that all efforts being made to ensure that voting is as easy and uncomplicated as possible.
    10,451 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Lainer
  • WI Governor continues to promote voter supression
    I work at the polls on voting day and see just how many people come in to register so they can vote. Eliminating same day registration will make it difficult for many to vote, causing them to miss work to register on a different day. Many won't be able to do this. Wisconsin's top priority should be to see that every person who is eligible to vote can do so. Let's help people vote--not make it more difficult.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Ehlenfeldt
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by FIVE
  • Say, "NO," to Warrantless E-mail Access
    Senator Patrick Leahy has written a proposal for a bill that will allow access to the private e-mail accounts as well as social media pages of all Americans without warrant, just a subpoena. This is a violation of our Fourth Amendment rights as US citizens and should be blocked. Please sign my petition and urge others to sign. The vote is happening on Thursday! Yahoo News Article: http://news.yahoo.com/senate-bill-rewrite-lets-feds-read-your-e-mail-without-warrants-191930756.html
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly A Heath
  • Governor Walker: Don't end same day voter registration
    Governor Scott Walker wants to end same day registration for voters. This would disenfranchise many voters in our state. Please sign the petition to tell Governor Walker that this is not acceptable.
    7,512 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Janet J. Mutcher
  • BettyJean Wochinski
    All laws applying to US citizens should apply equally to all elected officials.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by BettyJean Wochinski
  • End LGBTQ workplace discrimination statewide
    Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, PA are only a handful of cities in a handful of counties that explicitly prohibit employer discrimination based on one's sexual orientation... isn't it about time to expand this policy across the entire state of Pennsylvania in all of its 67 counties?
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Ludwig
  • Mandate Minority Participation on State and Federal Contracts
    As a registered Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) for state and federal contracts, Prime Contractors are able to seek "waivers for minority participation" and subcontracting opportunities. Prime Contractors are submitting waivers without the knowledge of certified MBE and DBE businesses. Although there are contracts that seek MBE and DBE participation, these waivers are being abused by Prime Contractors. State and Federal governments should "require" MBE and DBE participation and not allow waivers. This would allow MBE and DBE business to succeed in the market place, increase employment opportunities, increase revenue, and become leaders in their communities.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Tony Tyler
  • Self Evident Truth
    Gov. Walker's is attempting to suppress voting by ending election day registration. If he and his Republican legislature pass such a law numerous people who typically do not vote Republican will have their constitutional right to vote unnecessarily restricted.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Hanson
    The Redistricting process for the New York City Council has been nakedly political gerrymandering. Under the auspices of an independent commission, the Council has implemented a bold incumbent protection program that has disenfranchised Latino/as and helped disgraced sexual abuser Vito Lopez and the people who support him. We call on the Speaker to hold a vote of the City Council to veto these lines before they take effect on Thursday, December 6th.
    260 of 300 Signatures
    Created by New Kings Democrats
  • Defend State Law Gay Marriage Rights.
    Gays and Lesbians should not be denied marriage certificates under state law when legislation created provides for this right.
    234 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Steven Woods