• President Obama meet with the NAACP
    I am starting this petition because our President Obama met with other groups to hear, what there agenda their group need his assistance with, durning his !st term he didnt, wouldnt meet with the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). he sent the Vice President to the meeting. We showed our support for his dream to make our dream come true, now we are asking that President Obama show respect and concern with the Black Agenda and meet with the .NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by [email protected]
  • Changing the Name of Negro Bill Canyon to Grandstaff Canyon
    This is an effort to honor one of Moab's very first settlers, William Grandstaff, by changing the name of Negro Bill Canyon to Grandstaff Canyon. The use of the moniker "negro" is offensive to many people, creating embarrassment for our community. His name should be spelled correctly and his story told, including this unique individual's contribution to history as well as his race.
    1,398 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Louis Williams
  • Macy's employment practices with African Americans
    Macy's in the San Diego area has a very low count of African American employees and doesn't plan on hiring any. Sounds like discrimination to me.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by E Brown
  • Oregon falling behind: Legalize same sex marriage
    California, now Washington... Oregon has often been a leader in forward thinking and social progress. Why are we now falling behind? Please sign to join me in telling our elected leaders that we want same sex marriage. We want all of our citizens to share the same rights. We want all people to be able to express their love, have the same tax advantages, and be able to visit their partner's in the hospital when they are sick... and more. Do the right thing!
    4,003 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Spike
  • Stop The Gypsy Industry it is Wrong to use The Romani Culture to Profit
    The word gypsy is being currently used to market gitems to a vast majority of people. Who have no idea who gypsies are, and the current oppression they face in the world. The romanticized view of the romani people needs to stop, people need to know we are not a fantasy or fairy tale. We are real people, and it is wrong to use us to make money. It is also wrong to ignore the racism and hatred towards romani people, by hiding it with a fantasized view of the people.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Valero
  • Making every vote count in Pima County, Arizona
    Making every vote count in Pima County, Arizona.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William J. Collins
  • Stop NDAA, Patriot Act, and Civilian Drone Surveillance
    George Bush and the Republicans initiated the erosion of our personal liberties. NDAA, Patriot Act, and Civilian Surveillance programs intended to stop terrorism have accomplished the mission of the terrorists by curtailing our Constitutionally assured liberties and striking a blow to our free and responsible society. It is time to ask our President to step in on behalf of Americans and put an end to the assault. While most of us have not been impacted by these Acts it is only a matter of time before a Politician wields these powers in order to attack their domestic opposition. As Americans we cannot allow this to happen.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Brown
  • Voter suppression
    Various illegal and unethical attempts to make it unnecessarily difficult to vote. I have not been personally affected by the issue.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by richard laybourn
  • Gov. LePage: Stay out of the Legislature's Way
    Despite being elected by a minority of voters, Governor Paul LePage has consistently refused to listen to the wishes of the people. Instead, he has pursued radical policies that are completely out of touch with Maine's values. On November 6th, Mainers said "no" to LePage by voting overwhelmingly for candidates opposed to his agenda. But instead of signaling a willingness to work with the newly elected legislature, he's adopted a combative stance, continuing his rhetorical attacks on public schools, unions and green energy.[1] The people have spoken, and now Gov. LePage must listen. We're calling on him to get out of the way and allow the new legislative majority to do what voters are asking it to do. [1] http://www.seacoastonline.com/articles/20121110-NEWS-211100329
    3,788 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Maine's Majority
  • Boycott Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Longhorn Steakhouse and Papa Johns
    Papa Johns and Darden restaurants, and Jimmy Johns have claimed that they will cut their employees hours rather than provide them with healthcare under the Affordable Health Care Program. Papa John founder, John Schnatter claims it will add an additional $.14 per Pizza to their costs so he's going to cut his employees hours down to part time so that he doesn't have to pay it. Darden Restaurants, owner of Oliver Garden, Red Lobster, Longhorn Steakhouse, Bahama Breeze, Capital Grille, Eddie V's and yard house has claimed they will do the same. Jimmy Johns CEO has said the same thing. Boycott these restaurants until they change their stance!
    494 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jason Roeber
  • National Elections
    Making national political elections a national holiday. I know far too many people who have been unable to vote due to long lines or some type of disenfranchisement related to voter suppression.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicholas Bertram
  • Save the Voting Rights Act
    The Voting Rights Act is being contested in the United States Supreme Court. The US Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. With 5 conservative "justices" and 4 so-called liberal justices, the Voting Rights Act is being threatened. Do not allow them to override this legislation. It is still necessary and will be for quite awhile. If you agree, please sign this petition and pass on to your friends to also sign and send to your U.S. Representatives and Senators as well as The White House.
    390 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Irene Martin