Religious Freedom For All ReligionsPflugerville High School is denying one of our beloved Pagan community members her right to take her son out of school for a religious holy day. Samhain is a pagan holiday which is equivalent to New Year's. Texas Board of Education has stated under code 25.087 that a school shall give an excused absence for a religious holy day, including the day of as well as a day prior and after for travel. This goes for any religion whether it be Christian, Jewish, Buddhism or Paganism and all that fall in between. They are denying a member of our community their rights. We need to stand together and show them that we are here, not going anywhere and we deserve the same Religious consideration as Christians do. Please take the time to sign this Petition and show your support for all Religious Freedom for all faiths and beliefs.131 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Mary
Uganda to officially pass ‘Kill The Gays Bill'Think - STOP The SILENCE ... Uganda STOP the atrocities prior to they begin ... Human Right's and Freedom is about Fairness. Do not deny the humanity of others. Intolerance is the basis of oppression to everyone. Humanity has learned from the past ... Please ensure Uganda will emulate Human Right's. Freedom and Fairness to all. The World will not stand by in Silence !! Hate is the basis of all Evil.52 of 100 SignaturesCreated by dean
Do Not Renew The Assault Weapons BanThis petition is to protect every citizens rights, mainly our second amendment " A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". We the people will not give up our Right to bear arms!171 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Dennis Runckel
Re-districting Clarendon County South Carolina freedom 3 districts to sevenAll of the people are not being represented under the current county districting. For decades we have had this form of government. Having seven districts would provide for more participation by a more diverse group of representatives. It would eleminated the small controlled group government we currently have and provide a greater voice of all the people throughout our county. It would allow us to grow beyond the small mindedness we currently have governing our county.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert A McFadden
Marriage Equality for Minnesota Now!Minnesota voters soundly rejected an attempt to write a ban on same-sex marriage into the Minnesota Constitution. It's time for marriage equality for all Minnesotans.4,515 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Aaron Klemz
President Obama meet with the NAACPI am starting this petition because our President Obama met with other groups to hear, what there agenda their group need his assistance with, durning his !st term he didnt, wouldnt meet with the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). he sent the Vice President to the meeting. We showed our support for his dream to make our dream come true, now we are asking that President Obama show respect and concern with the Black Agenda and meet with the .NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People).11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by [email protected]
Changing the Name of Negro Bill Canyon to Grandstaff CanyonThis is an effort to honor one of Moab's very first settlers, William Grandstaff, by changing the name of Negro Bill Canyon to Grandstaff Canyon. The use of the moniker "negro" is offensive to many people, creating embarrassment for our community. His name should be spelled correctly and his story told, including this unique individual's contribution to history as well as his race.1,398 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Louis Williams
Macy's employment practices with African AmericansMacy's in the San Diego area has a very low count of African American employees and doesn't plan on hiring any. Sounds like discrimination to me.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by E Brown
Oregon falling behind: Legalize same sex marriageCalifornia, now Washington... Oregon has often been a leader in forward thinking and social progress. Why are we now falling behind? Please sign to join me in telling our elected leaders that we want same sex marriage. We want all of our citizens to share the same rights. We want all people to be able to express their love, have the same tax advantages, and be able to visit their partner's in the hospital when they are sick... and more. Do the right thing!4,003 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Patrick Spike
Stop The Gypsy Industry it is Wrong to use The Romani Culture to ProfitThe word gypsy is being currently used to market gitems to a vast majority of people. Who have no idea who gypsies are, and the current oppression they face in the world. The romanticized view of the romani people needs to stop, people need to know we are not a fantasy or fairy tale. We are real people, and it is wrong to use us to make money. It is also wrong to ignore the racism and hatred towards romani people, by hiding it with a fantasized view of the people.52 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Valero
Making every vote count in Pima County, ArizonaMaking every vote count in Pima County, Arizona.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William J. Collins
Stop NDAA, Patriot Act, and Civilian Drone SurveillanceGeorge Bush and the Republicans initiated the erosion of our personal liberties. NDAA, Patriot Act, and Civilian Surveillance programs intended to stop terrorism have accomplished the mission of the terrorists by curtailing our Constitutionally assured liberties and striking a blow to our free and responsible society. It is time to ask our President to step in on behalf of Americans and put an end to the assault. While most of us have not been impacted by these Acts it is only a matter of time before a Politician wields these powers in order to attack their domestic opposition. As Americans we cannot allow this to happen.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jim Brown