• Declaration of Rebirth for the United States of America Presented by the National Union of Americ...
    In order to form a more perfect union, we the undersigned reaffirm our belief in the basic equality and inalienable rights inherent to all humanity, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence; We underscore our commitment to the central aims of the Constitution of the United States of America: to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for our common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity; We stand together in our belief that the laws, policies and community life of this nation should reflect these fundamental principles and that the Constitution is the supreme Law of the land; Even though we may not always agree on how to achieve these ends, we agree in principle that the noblest ideals and ambitions expressed in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United States of America serve us well as the foundation for our unity, our community and our strength as a nation;
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by A. Cedric Curbison, Sr.
  • Brooklyn Pratt Students Lose Oppertunity to Vote
    This election has mmore to gain or lose for students than ever before. National issues are everyone's concern, and students should not have to choose between their interest as citizens and students.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denia Price
  • A new national holiday!
    I and many other citizens have a difficult time voting because we have to work during the day. No one looks forward to standing in long lines.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by chuck Infantino
    In the interest of fair elections we are petitioning to postpone the November 6, 2012 national election until all voters in the areas devastated by Hurricane Sandy are given an equal right to vote. The storm has displaced hundreds of thousands of residents along the East Coast. Many people are still without power, phones or any form of communication. Many people have no means of locating their polling place, or getting there to vote. If this election is held as scheduled, on Tuesday November 6. 2012, many Hurricane Sandy victims will be disenfranchised from the right to vote. To ensure a fair national election it must be postponed at least until after power is restored.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Hito
  • US AG Holder: Prosecute Voter Rights Violations Immediately
    "In a last-minute directive issued Friday night that could disenfranchise thousands of Ohioans and tip the outcome of the election, Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted changed requirements for submitting provisional ballots on Election Day. The directive requires voters, not election officials, to fill out a confusing form listing the type of ID they provided to vote. This new directive is a clear violation of Ohio law and puts even more votes at risk of not being counted. Secretary Husted has also instructed election officials to not count ballots where that part of the form has not been correctly filled out by the voter. Ohio Secretary of State Husted's high-handed actions are just one example of the rampant egregious violations of Consitutionally guaranteed and hard-won voter rights in this country today. The election's certified outcomes should be withheld until everyone's valid vote is counted. All obstructionists should be held to the fullest extent of our laws. This is a direct assault on America's democracy. No different than the voter suppression of the 1960's addressed by former Attorney General Robert Kennedy.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colleen Jackson
  • LGBT community demands equality
    The Lesbian,gay,bisexual, and transexual demands equality justice among average people. The fact that each of us are real humans also dont make us difference. We deserve our recognition equality and respect.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Troy Abraham
  • Fire Jon Husted NOW
    For months now Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted has transparently and shamelessly manipulated Ohio's election laws with the clear and unmistakable goal of disenfranchising poor and minority (mostly Democratic) voters. He has repeatedly altered voting hours, and summarily fired Board Of Elections members who opposed him in doing so. He personally ordered the installation of new and untested software patches to thousands of Ohio voting machines. In an unprecedented move, Husted mailed out thousands of unsolicited absentee ballot applications. Confused voters who complete these applications then attempt to vote in person will be required to use a provisional ballot - and Husted has recently passed stringent new requirements for which provisional ballots will be counted. Husted's actions are in direct opposition to his duties as Ohio's Secretary of State. Governor Kasich's duty is clear - whatever the Governor's personal feelings, Husted must be fired immediately and his manipulations halted.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Leahy
  • Postpone Election 2012 until Millions of Storm Victims and Threatened States can Vote!
    We have only 2 Days to Postpone the 2012 Election so that Millions of people (numbers rising) without power, any way to leave their homes, apts., high rises, or get down stairwells, some having lost homes and/or loved ones - whose First Priority is food, heat and shelter - do not lose their Vote as well. Especially with one candidate proclaiming he 'doesn't care about Global Warming' - which caused this storm, with more on the way.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sita Stulberg
  • Voters in Affected Areas Not Able to Vote on 11/6
    In the wake of Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath, many voters will find it challenging or impossible to get to the polls on Tuesday.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marisha
  • Voters in Affected Areas Not Able to Vote on 11/6
    As a consequence to the devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy, not everyone who is eligible to vote on Tuesday is going to be able to vote. This is an urgent matter to be addressed immediately -- before it is too late. We are affected as individuals, families and members of communities which have all been affected by the hurricane. It is likely that residents of areas that are without power will not have power back before Tuesday and therefore, will not be able to cast their ballots. Many are not in their homes and are not in proximity to their voting stations. In addition, it is likely that polling stations are not fully functional as a result of the devastation to many places along the Eastern Seaboard. Moreover, at this point in time, many people do not have enough gasoline to drive to the polling stations. It is imperative that everyone have an equal opportunity to vote. With lives as compromised as they are now, alternative arrangements must be made for those who are not able to vote on Tuesday.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marisha
    Putting a stop to bullying I have been affected by it and know other kids are affected everyday
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Payne
  • Don't Disenfranchise the Victims of Hurricane Sandy
    Postpone the National Elections for One Week
    138 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Valiente