• Voter suppression
    Various illegal and unethical attempts to make it unnecessarily difficult to vote. I have not been personally affected by the issue.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by richard laybourn
  • Gov. LePage: Stay out of the Legislature's Way
    Despite being elected by a minority of voters, Governor Paul LePage has consistently refused to listen to the wishes of the people. Instead, he has pursued radical policies that are completely out of touch with Maine's values. On November 6th, Mainers said "no" to LePage by voting overwhelmingly for candidates opposed to his agenda. But instead of signaling a willingness to work with the newly elected legislature, he's adopted a combative stance, continuing his rhetorical attacks on public schools, unions and green energy.[1] The people have spoken, and now Gov. LePage must listen. We're calling on him to get out of the way and allow the new legislative majority to do what voters are asking it to do. [1] http://www.seacoastonline.com/articles/20121110-NEWS-211100329
    3,788 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Maine's Majority
  • Boycott Olive Garden, Red Lobster, Longhorn Steakhouse and Papa Johns
    Papa Johns and Darden restaurants, and Jimmy Johns have claimed that they will cut their employees hours rather than provide them with healthcare under the Affordable Health Care Program. Papa John founder, John Schnatter claims it will add an additional $.14 per Pizza to their costs so he's going to cut his employees hours down to part time so that he doesn't have to pay it. Darden Restaurants, owner of Oliver Garden, Red Lobster, Longhorn Steakhouse, Bahama Breeze, Capital Grille, Eddie V's and yard house has claimed they will do the same. Jimmy Johns CEO has said the same thing. Boycott these restaurants until they change their stance!
    494 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jason Roeber
  • National Elections
    Making national political elections a national holiday. I know far too many people who have been unable to vote due to long lines or some type of disenfranchisement related to voter suppression.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicholas Bertram
  • Save the Voting Rights Act
    The Voting Rights Act is being contested in the United States Supreme Court. The US Supreme Court agreed to hear the case. With 5 conservative "justices" and 4 so-called liberal justices, the Voting Rights Act is being threatened. Do not allow them to override this legislation. It is still necessary and will be for quite awhile. If you agree, please sign this petition and pass on to your friends to also sign and send to your U.S. Representatives and Senators as well as The White House.
    390 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Irene Martin
  • Pima County Recorders Office
    The Pima County Recorders Office apparently made hundred of errors in sending people to the right precinct voting places. I had to file a provisional ballot even though I went to the voting place that their website gave me for my address and I have voted at that same place for several years. My name was not on the roll. And there were dozens of other people with the same issue. The Governor of the State of Arizona should order an investigation of this issue and ensure that every ballot in Pima County is counted.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Guy Anderson
    178 of 200 Signatures
    Created by JON W CANDY MD
  • Voting Right Act being Challenged
    Some extreme right GOP person has brought a challenge to the SCOTUS. Stating the law is not needed for those states in the south that were affected in 1964. The court will hear the arguments. After what we've been through in the election on Tursday they are trying everything to silence voters for upcoming elections. We must make our voice heard by signing this petition. We have to stay FIRED UP! and work hard to keep our rights. Let's keep working to stop the GOP agenda.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth Williams
  • Stop the assault on "Assault Weapons"!
    "Assault Weapons" are not the problem, and are used in less than one-fifth of one percent of violent crimes, falling well behind arson and explosives. Banning so-called assault weapons only violates YOU'RE second and fourth amendment rights. We need common sense solutions like mental wellness screening, background checks, and registration, not bans that will cost YOU billions to enforce.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Ryan
  • Boycott Florida Until They Fix Voter Surpression
    The recent election debacle in Florida is a disgrace. Why should tourists spend money in Florida to support a Governor and legislators that support this kind of activity? The Governor needs to get a strong message that "Jim Crow Laws are dead"! Until then, the people of American should not pour money into this state.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary
  • Creation of the Federal Agency, " United States Electorial Services"
    During the Presidential Election registered voters were misinformed, polling sites ran out of ballots, machines were late/malfunctioned, and staff members were unprofessional.
    166 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Clarise Bradley
  • Federal standard for voting across USA
    The debacle this past election in States like FL,OH and PA to name a few. Where PARTISAN GOP legislators tried to SKEW and disenfranchise CITIZENS MUST be stopped!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Joseph