• State of Nevada can become first in nation to criminalize employers who fire employees for their ...
    Voting preference is a right by all Americans. Nevada should hold companies and businesses responsible for firing individuals based solely on who they vote for in an election. Lets show the country we are NOT going to tolerate this behavior. Enough is enough.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judy McCrum
  • voter id
    denying voter rights
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by harryo
  • Voter's Rights Investigation
    Even before the 2012 General Election, accusations of voter fraud and suppression were being made in states across the nation. Voter identification laws, restrictions on voting hours and locations, partisan attempts to mis-lead voters, and problems with electronic voting machines must be investigated so that the cornerstone of our democracy - free and fair elections for all, can continue unencombered by any attempt to change, alter or negate the will of the people.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Naseem
  • Make ALL amended birth certificates illegal.
    I am an adoptee of Minnesota who has an amended birth certificate. This is not right. I should be able to have my original birth certificate just like ever other citizen. Amended birth certificates are a legal fiction that should be ended.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julie Barnett
  • No to Carnival Cruise Lines
    Recently I was booked on a Carnival Cruise Line trip through AlandChuck.com. 5 days before the trip ONLY the members that booked the cruise through AlandChuck.com received the below message. This trip, arranged by AlandChuck.com, was called "Drag Stars at Sea - 2012 Caribbean Adventure," and until 24 hours ago there was no mention of NO Costumes allowed. Additionally, calling out only customers that booked through a gay agency to "refrain from engaging in inappropriate conduct in public areas." seems very directed at one select population. CARNIVAL GLORY DECEMBER 2, 2012 November 26, 2012 Greetings Fun Seekers! We know you are looking forward to your cruise next month. We're certainly looking forward to welcoming you and your group aboard the beautiful Carnival Glory. There are lots of special activities planned for your group so we are confident you are going to have a great cruise. However, in order to ensure a fun and memorable time for everyone, we want to take a few moments to make you aware of certain policies and conduct expectations so as to avoid any potential disappointment during your cruise. Carnival attracts a number of families with children and for this reason; we strive to present a family friendly atmosphere. It is important to us that all guests are comfortable with every aspect of the cruise. Although we realize this group consists solely of adults, we nonetheless expect all guests to recognize that minors are onboard and, refrain from engaging in inappropriate conduct in public areas. Arrangements have been made for drag performances in the main theater featuring stars from LOGO TV. These functions will be private and only the performers are permitted to dress in drag while in the theater. Guests are not allowed to dress in drag for the performances or in public areas at any time during the cruise. We're sorry to say that any guest who violates our policies and/or whose behavior affects the comfort and enjoyment of other guests, will be disembarked at their own expense and no refund will be given. Thank you for your cooperation. Now that we've taken care of business...let the FUN begin! See you soon! Sincerely, Vicky Rey, CTC Vice President - Guest Services Please do not reply to this email as it is not monitored.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ralph Hickman
  • Democratic Priorities Now?
    Election reform is vitally important. It affects all of us even if we haven't had a problem in our own state. It effects the outcome of federal elections as well as State elections.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kris Herold
  • Employee free choice act
    Employees are being taken advantage by corporations and their greed. Employees are fired who have the courage to try to organize a union. It is so bad now that almost all employees are afraid to exercise their rights for self protection. THIS IS WRONG.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ralph Meers
  • Reserved for Handicapped Resident in all apt. complexes
    Yes, I am disabled and an advocate in MI. It has been stated to me that it is against the law to have a Handicapped for Resident Reserved sign with a permit/name on it. We have just a "reserved" sign with permit number but does not protect you. All disabled persons should be protected by the police. Apt. building states "handicapped" signs are ugly and does not ad value to their rental properties.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marge Robison
  • Stop Voter ID
    The elderly, college students and other young adults, and the poor (those for whom addresses change suddenly or frequently) would be adversely affected by this law. I conduct a singalong at a local retirement center and discovered that one of my faithful participants had not voted because she THOUGHT she needed a voter ID card since her address had recently changed.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gloria Lawrence
  • 2012 Election Review/Investigation
    I believe there is STRONG evidence that deliberate ATTEMPETED and ACTUAL voter 'suppression' occurs in several States, Counties and cities across America. There are also reports that Karl Rove attempted to 'hack' Ohio voting machines. A FEDERAL review/investigation ("Special Prosecutor") should be assigned to look into these ''issues'' and recommend FEDERAL VOTING STNDARDS or LAWS to correct/protect our FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT TO VOTE, and to bring to justice those who DID - or ATTEMPTED to - manipulate voting in 2012.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ed Reiman
  • No More Racist Dog Whistles
    I've heard them for decades. I thought they were gone. Now they are back.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald Kunkel
  • Puerto Rico Statehood
    We are over 3.5 million Americans living as second class citizens in Puerto Rico. On November 6th, of 2012, over 63 percent of the voters elected to end the colonial status and demand of our political leaders to grant Puerto Rico as the 51st state. President Obama promised to work on this issue should the people of Puerto Rico demanded statehood.
    226 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Carlos A carrion