• Legalize Wisconsin and our Nation
    In the past few years our nation and the great state of Wisconsin has been hurting with the lack of jobs and the national and state deficit. I propose, in order to create a multitude of jobs and a way to gain a national/ state surplus of money instead of a deficit we legalize the use of marijuana and control it in the same manner as alcohol and tobacco. Just recently over 300 economists stated that the legalization and taxation on marijuana could save the U.S. $13.7 billion a year. Imagine how that would help our nation and our state grow! I myself personally do not use or condone the use of marijuana, but with that said the use or consumption of marijuana whether someone wants to believe it or not, the acts are there and are presentable. Marihuana does indeed have beneficial uses. Just as alcohol or tobacco it to does have some negative draw backs, but statistically shown by many doctors and scientists that its use isn't anymore harmful to your body than that of consuming a can of soda or a drinking a glass scotch or even taking over the counter aspirin. The research and answers are out there to the benefits of marijuana. The question is, are you as a human being able to put aside your personal convictions or even religious beliefs on this subject matter, then look at those facts and make a well informed decision whether its use and legalization would benefit our state and our nation? Millions of people including myself think so. Please consider it. Thank you!
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jerome
  • Connecticut's 2012 Human Trafficking Report Card & 17 Other States Failed Too...
    We must work together and our state Legislators need to help US fix or rewrite the law to end/stop modern-day slavery. The issue drew the attention of President Obama at former President Bill Clinton's Clinton Global Initiative on Tuesday (Sept. 25), where Obama said the estimated 20 million victims of human trafficking would become a major focus of his Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. "Like that Good Samaritan on the road to Jericho, we can't just pass by, indifferent," Obama said. "We've got to be moved by compassion. We've got to bind up the wounds."
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI
  • Virginia's 2012 Human Trafficking Report Card & 17 Other States Failed Too...
    We must work together and our state Legislators need to help US fix or rewrite the law to end/stop modern-day slavery. The issue drew the attention of President Obama at former President Bill Clinton's Clinton Global Initiative on Tuesday (Sept. 25), where Obama said the estimated 20 million victims of human trafficking would become a major focus of his Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. "Like that Good Samaritan on the road to Jericho, we can't just pass by, indifferent," Obama said. "We've got to be moved by compassion. We've got to bind up the wounds."
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI
  • Label products according to labor practices
    I believe most Americans prefer to be informed about whether the products we buy are produced using child labor or labor practices that are significantly or severely harmful to the well-being of those who produce them. Foxconn (who manufactures for Apple and others) was recently in the news giving us one example of people suffering needlessly so that profits are up and prices are down. The deadly fire in Bangladesh is another example. Most of us would rather pay a bit more or choose a product that is made with respect to human dignity and well-being. But how do we know? Labeling Tuna as dolphin safe informed consumers and gave us a choice that changed the industry for the better by providing an incentive to use better practices. It became a balance to the incentives based solely on short term economic gain. Adopting a similar policy regarding labor practices for imported (and I think also domestic) products will give us an informed choice to consider and provide the imperative incentives for the sake of the well-being of that workforce (and hence humanity). It's time to make the world a better place. This is an important step that we need to take now to make that happen. Do it! You know it's the right thing.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James R. Lavigne
  • District of Columbia's 2012 Human Trafficking Report Card & 17 Other States Failed Too...
    We must work together and our state Legislators need to help US fix or rewrite the law to end/stop modern-day slavery. The issue drew the attention of President Obama at former President Bill Clinton's Clinton Global Initiative on Tuesday (Sept. 25), where Obama said the estimated 20 million victims of human trafficking would become a major focus of his Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. "Like that Good Samaritan on the road to Jericho, we can't just pass by, indifferent," Obama said. "We've got to be moved by compassion. We've got to bind up the wounds."
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard A. Sands, Ret. PI
  • Rights for Domestic Partnerships
    We need the same rights afforded to us as it is to Regular Families. Because the State of Missouri does not recognize Partners, I am unable to get my partner on my insurance. Without that benefit, he is not afforded mediacl care.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Flacke
  • Deliberate and Depraved Indifference To Substantiated Complaints Can Go On Until Assassination Time
    It can be said, U.S. officials have declared this woman open game formatting a new meaning to RAPE: "The ideal of free men enjoying freedom from fear and want can be achieved only if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his economic, social, and cultural rights, as well as his civil and political rights."
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kini Cosma
  • Save the Fourth Amendment!
    Warrantless wiretapping is turning our country into a police state. Congress should move to protect our rights under the Fourth Amendment.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Hawes
  • Equal Marriage Rights for All
    Now that President Obama has endorsed gay marriage and it is legal is several states, it is time that all the same benefits and rights should be afforded to gay couples.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig S. Morton
  • Fix Voter Disenfranchisement in Health Care Facilities
    When I was admitted to the hospital a week before Election Day, I tried to get an absentee ballot filed in time. The hospital had no accommodation to help people who wanted to vote. Although extraordinary accommodations were made for Hurricane Sandy victims, the effort did not reach the hospitals. One local politician tried to help, but to no avail, due to lack of coordination between counties. I was upset with the failure of the system. Luckily, though, my candidates won. This issue needs to be addressed for voters who may find themselves in similar situations, in future elections.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ciro DiSclafani
  • GreenPeace:Help save the Native Americans!
    Native Americans have nearly been forced into oblivion because of our(American citizens) nearly complete disregard and indifference to their plight. We make efforts to save peoples all over the world, we make efforts to save the whale and the rain forest, etc., Saving the people indigenous to this land should have the same high priority as helping others everywhere else in the world.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ron Rega
  • Impeach Jon Husted
    A politican who tries to interfere with the voting process by supressing votes, does not truly have the best interest of the American people at heart. This petition calls for the impeachment of John Husted based on the multiple valid provisional ballots threw out under his authority, and the countless number of voter registration records that were manipulated causing people who never should have been forced to fill out a provisional ballot were told they weren't properly registered on election day. We must make a statement, that partisan politics are a thing of the past.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian D. Alger II