Stop the assault weapons, Stop the ViolenceThere are 270 million guns in the United States. Help stop the spread of assault firearms by signing the petition. Access is too easy for the assault ammunition and assault weapons on the internet.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Yvonna C. Pardus
Are you up to date on your voter registration?We can ALL be personaly affected if we lose this election on a technicality! Would - be voters will be turned away at the poles because they moved since the last big election and did not know they have to re register in their new district ! PLEASE get the word out registration ends the first week of October!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bonnie Williams
Cannabis Compassion Act 2014 also known as SB43Please Help the sick and disabled citizens of Kentucky get Medical Marijuana legalized ! This is a compassionate issue no human should have to suffer when there is a natural plant called cannabis that could help them! If you support medical marijuana and would like to help The Cannabis Compassion Act of 2014, also known as SB43, get voted into law there are several ways to help. You can call the Kentucky Legislative Message Line at 1-800-372-7181 and tell your district Senator and/or Representatives to vote yes on this bill. You can also send him/her emails, or better yet write them compassionate letters sending them through traditional mail. Finally, you can make an appointment to discuss, in person, how medical marijuana helps you! For more information go to www.ky4mm.com Once you have read this please sign the petition and share. The more citizens that help us lobby the Kentucky Legislature, the better chances we have of getting this bill enacted into law.2,571 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Free the weed
Stomp Out Bullies!Our petition is about being against bullying/cyberbullying. we have been effected in the past by bullies. Thats why we come on strong about this.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carmen
Stop Computerized VotingAs a former mainframe programmer, I was acutely aware of how easy it would be to insert a few lines of code into computer software to manipulate the output, so was vehemently against putting our voting process onto computers. Now multiple reports have surfaced that speak to this very issue regarding the computer software that gathers and reports voting outcomes. Why do exit polls, formerly notoriously accurate, now seldom if ever match the "final" vote tallies? A reported 6.7% discrepancy between exit polls and the "final" vote was reported in the 2004 Ohio election. Moreover, some of our election software is now owned by foreign entities, who have proprietary rights, keeping it "secret" from the very people using it. Who do we suppose will pay those people to ensure certain candidates' victories?20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marilyn R, Clark
Reverse the RI Voter ID lawThe Voter ID laws are simply a new form of voter suppression, being sold as a way to end non-existent voter fraud.1,904 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Patricia Smith
The XV AmendmentAgainst all States' efforts to limit the RIGHT TO VOTE.25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Giordano
The XV AmendmentAgainst all States' efforts to limit the RIGHT TO VOTE>1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Giordano
Presidential Candidates Should Debate DC Rights in DC!D.C. rights, including the right to federal representation, control over our own budget, etc, is a huge issue missing from the Presidential debate and narrative of the elections. We need someone in the White House who represents ALL Americans, including those of us living in the Capital! The Presidential candidates should discuss this issue in a public forum.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brittant
F.I.S.T. ProsecutorThis petition by we, the people of the United States, is to re-establish justice, provide for a better defense, promote the general welfare, reinstate domestic tranquility and trust in Government, and to assure to ourselves and our posterity the survival and the success of Liberty - and to guarantee the survival of every part of the Constitution, especially those parts establishing due process of law, civil rights and respectable courts.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott Davis
Jim DeMint: Apologize for comparing Chicago teachers to "thugs in the Middle East"Senator Jim DeMint of my home state of SC seems to think that hard working teachers in Chicago are acting like "thugs in the Middle East" when they stand up for their rights. As one of his constituents, I demand he apologize to the people who dedicate themselves to educating the next generation of Americans.106 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Melissa Block
Second round of voter purge in FloridaThe first round of voter purging wrongly informed hundreds of legal voters in Florida that they were ineligible to vote. Governor Rick Scott seems to be planning a second round. Can you sign our petition that lets Governor Scott and Secretary of State Ken Detzner know that Floridans are against any measures that would prevent eligible voters from voting?16,486 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Elaine Quinn