• Voting Fraud
    There has been voting manipulation since the 2004 Election. Watch this video, and sign the petition to make sure that the electronic voting machines are not rigged. Thank you. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3555094491715905699
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leenie
  • Equality for all in marriage, and civil rights!
    The right for two loving people, regardless of race or sexuality, to marry and receive the same benefits as heterosexual citizens do.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Foley
  • Eliminate employer abuse of credit checks
    Employers more and more are requiring credit checks on potential employees as a condition of hire. While reaslizing that certain josbs where the handling of company pay outs may be entiltled to run credit checks, the vast majority of companies are taking unnecessary adantage of those of us whose credit has been damaged by the housing crash and loss of employment.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Randy Owens
  • Tell New Jersey Archbishop: Don't deny communion to those who disagree
    The Archbishop of Newark just sent a pastoral letter, addressed to over 1 million Catholics in his archdiocese, demanding that Catholics who support marriage equality refrain from receiving Holy Communion. This is a step too far. It's one thing for the bishops to pursue an increasingly conservative political agenda. It's quite another to wield the Blessed Sacrament as a political weapon against anyone who disagrees. We need a huge public outcry to show Archbishop John Myers that his new position is unacceptable, or we risk other bishops joining him–and millions of faithful Catholics being denied Holy Communion.
    252 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Michael Sherrard, Faithful America Action
  • Arizona Death with Dignity Act
    I would like to see that we have the right to die without suffering in the state of Arizona with the aid of a Seconal induced peaceful way out for the terminally ill or incapacitated individual(s) who may be suffering far more than needed.
    384 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Robert Arden Gunnell
  • Fire Senator Scott Brown's racist staff!
    Staffer's partaking in the Tomahawk" rally after the debate between the Senator and Elizabeth Warren should be fired. They are government employees, consequently paid by taxpayers. Their actions were intolerable as government employees of a US senator- no matter the political party of a member of the US Congress.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Marchini
  • Justice For Theodore Scott
    Theodore Scott won Gold Peak Tea's Take The Year Off Contest for $100,000. Theodore was later disqualified by Gold Peak Tea/Coca Cola because they alleged that Theodore violated a particular section of their contest rules which was to say at least ambiguous, vague, and overly broad (in which one Coca Cola high level personnel admitted to the ambiguity). Theodore refuted the claim that he violated the rule in question, however, Gold Peak Tea/Coca Cola did not relinquish their position because they wanted to protect the image of their company. When Theodore pointed out to Gold Peak Tea/Coca Cola officials that the other contestants including the new designated winner violated explicit and expressed rules, Gold Peak Tea did not act on this information and did not disqualify these contestants for their rule violations. Many people have been extremely hurt and outraged over the way Theodore Scott was mistreated by Gold Peak Tea/Coca Cola and are now calling for justice. We're asking people to sign this petition and stand up to the injustice that was done to Theodore Scott. Follow our cause at https://www.twitter.com/GoTeamTheodore.
    337 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Richard Emanuel
  • Puerto Rico admission as the 51st state
    After more than a century as a colony of the U.S., Puerto Rico deserves a serious approach in the part of the President and Congress to solve our political status. We are tired of the the usual spiel or litany that we have to take action first and decide what we want. No, we need to know what are you willing to accept as a non-territorial status to conform the policy of the United Nations. Then we will conduct a plebiscite with the options acceptable to you. Results will be transmitted immediately for final action.
    196 of 200 Signatures
    Created by William Rodriguez
  • stop New York police searching 120,000 blacks
    my petition is about the 120,000 black and Latino boys of ages 14-18 stopped and searched that many times by New York police
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by d.
  • Fathers Have Rights Too!
    My brother is fighting to protect his rights to see his daughter without interference of the court ordered agreement by his child's mother. She has interfered with the order over 5 (documented) times and still nothing has been done. Why do double standards have to exist in these types of cases? I am concerned that the stereotype of the 'deadbeat dad' has negatively affected my brother's case. Here's a father who is fighting the right way, and has been let down by the very system that's supposed to be fair and just. The Attorneys involved have the opportunity to right the wrongs in this case and many others like it. Let's stop this vicious cycle of pounding on men who are fighting to help raise their children!
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by SONYA ALLEN
  • No drone summary executions without trial
    The government has made it a policy to murder persons, including american citizens without trials using drone bombs resulting in thousands of civilian deaths and america losing its standing abroad as a nation that respects due process. This policy should be stopped in favour of using laws and courts.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Davide Khalil
  • National Voter Suppression Racketeering Charges
    My 91 year old friend Catherine may not be able to vote for the first time in her life simply because her drivers license has expired and it is due to the ALEC motivated ,unprecedented Voter Id laws currently being forwarded across our great nation in over 30 states by GOP controlled state governments. This is voter suppression, pure and simple and it is illegal, immoral and totally Un-American.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan L. Richards