• Save Schapelle Corby
    Australian Schapelle Corby checked in 4 bags at Brisbane Airport which were underweight. The Qantas system flagged her bags as being 5kgs overweight at Sydney Airport whilst Schapelle was in transit (with no access to her baggage). In Indonesia, one bag was found to contain 4.2kg (9.3lbs) of marijuana. The CCTV footage of all 3 airports have disappeared. The marijuana evidence was destroyed without finger-printing or DNA testing for country of origin despite repeated requests of the Indonesian Police by Schapelle in the presence of Australian Consular Officials. Indonesia law requires the defense to prove innocence not the assumption of innocence with the prosecution having to prove their case like in the USA, UK and Australia. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) allegedly withheld evidence from the Corby Defence Team. Schapelle received a 20 year sentence, the same as Umar Patek the Bali bombmaker who killed 202 souls, 7 American, 88 Australian. Schapelle has been diagnosed with mental illness bordering on suicidal by eminent Australian & Indonesian Mental Health Experts. Anyone transiting through Sydney Airport on that day, could have been the one.
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jo Spanhel
  • Americans Need the Law Protecting Each Person from Unethically Behaved Individuals.
    Americans Need the Law Protecting Each Person from Unethically Behaved Individuals. This Law should Consider the Following Situations: 1. Any Individual Has a Right to Ask Questions Related to the Business of the office/company where this person came as a customer; 2. No any employee of any business should have a right to call the Police in order to do not allow / prohibit the customer asking questions related to this particular business; 3. No any employee of any business should say to anyone anything offensive as, for example, I was said by one of the paramedics of Falmouth (John...), who was one of the employees of Maine's Emergency Ambulance team, who used completely inappropriate expression while talking with me in my apartment after I called the Ambulance (having lightheadness and very bad iron defficency)... 4. In case if the employee does not know how to answer the customer's question, the employee has to call the supervisor/manager, but not ask the customer to leave the office/store..
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alla I. Shuper
  • Help Congressman Conyers continue the reparations fight
    I am a descendent of American slaves and believe deeply that a grave injustice, an economic one, has yet to be addressed and rectified when it comes to the millions of American slaves who worked without compensation and their descendents who lived, and continue to live, without the economic assistance from their families they deserved. Congressman Conyers has introduced his H.R. 40 Bill (named in honor of the unfulfilled promise of 40 acres and a mule for freed slaves) every year since 1989 and vows to continue to do so until it is passed. Recently Republicans have gerrymandered his district so that he will face a tougher fight to win re-election.
    480 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Regina F. Brown
  • lnvestigate N Ca Sheriffs acting Above The Law
    Sheriff John Lopey of Siskiyou Co., Ca and several other N. CA sheriffs have politicized their roles by interfering with environmental issues they disagree with, ignoring laws they disapprove of and inciting tea party interests that further their own narrow political views.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Lent
  • Restoration of Civil rights by Presidential Pardon
    By its effect, the clear intent of the War on Drugs has been the suppression of Black voter rights - there are now ~20 million Black Americans that have been incarcerated & stripped of their Civil Rights generally for possession of 1 ounce or less of marijuana. The application of marijuana laws has been grossly discriminatory as comparable usage rates in the white population have produced quite low incarceration rates.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Wells
  • Lets Unite to get money out of politics now
    Just now, 95 percent of elections are won by the person who has the largest amount of money. The top 1% are now donating bucket loads of money to our politicians effectively silencing the 99%. Therefore campaign donations of money has become an ineffective tool for the 99% to affect policy decisions. Everyone agrees that the only way to have a fair election is by passing a robust constitutional amendment that states that corporations are not people and money is not speech. But some organizations like MoveOn, Common Cause and unions are reluctant to add all legal entities to this clause. Since Citizens United was a not-for-profit organization, it is crucial that we add all man made entities to this amendment. The opposition is united. It is time we all joined hands to make this happen. Please do not hang onto a myth that we will be able to influence politicians and policies by donating money to politicians. We have to realize that we cannot compete for money with the 1%. If you do have excess money, It is better to use that money to help the poor and give our kids scholarships and help each other. Let us stop wasting our hard earned money on politicians. So let's get together and get the movetoamend.org amendment stating corporations of all types are not persons. And speech is not money now before the elections. Do not be afraid. We have people power behind us. So once money becomes an ineffective tool, the 99% will once again have a voice in promoting good policies. It is time to unite.
    582 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Iresha Goonesinghe
  • Coca-Cola Should Continue to Provide Its Products to Chick-fil-A
    I signed this petition so Muhtar Kent, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of The Coca-Cola Company and J. Alexander M. Douglas, Jr., President, Coca-Cola North America, will know that I support our First Amendment rights . . . just as their company should!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tracy French
  • Our right to protect ourselves
    The Denver movie theater demanded that patrons disarm themselves. This rule did not prevent some crazed lunatic from bringing in several firearms and killing 12 people. All it did was disarm those lawful citizens with valid concealed weapons permits(CWP) who could have prevented this tragedy. If someone can serve in the military or serve in the police force to protect people then they should also be allowed to continue to protect people in everyday places such as movie theaters even when they are off duty. We need to lift any unnecessary restrictions off of the current CWP laws and institute a new classification of CWP that will allows certain people such as former law enforcement, military or the equivelant, to be allowed to carry their weapons into all establishments.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Sciolino
  • Report Discrimination in the work place
    When you are being unfairly treated due to your race,age,genda,disability or religion.It is a this present day and time as a united States of America citizen that in the work force discrimination is clear and seen among certain employees.In some instantances discrimination is being made to look as if it is the right thing due to it has been exsiting for so many year but i ask for this not to be accepted in no shape,form or fashion.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by eugene powell
  • Marriage Equality
    I grew up in Alabama during the Civil Rights Era and saw, first hand, the effects of hatred and discrimination. Marriage equality is yet another basic human right. I want people to be able to legally marry the person they love. It's as simple as that.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Dodson
    Without regard to party affiliation, let's have all broadcast media agree to air the sentence "Please Vote - It Matters" once, and only once (or whatever is agreed upon) every hour or two. It's only 3 seconds of their air time. Surely it's worth it as a public service to all potential voters. Is anyone afraid of encouraging everybody to vote? Seems very American to me.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mike hicks
  • Teach of American Internments Social Studies Classes
    110K Japanese-Americans, 15K German-Americans and approx. 3K Italian-Americans were sent to interment camps during WWII. Currently only 16 states require the Japanese-American internment to be taught; ZERO states require that the interment of German and Italian Americans be taught.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Chatroop