• Repeal the Patriot Act, Mr. President.
    Although Al Queda may always be a threat, that threat has clearly been reduced. With their leadership decimated, and a reduction of troop presence in Afghanistan set to begin in 2014, the security situation is clearly improving. We feel it is time to begin returning America's security status to pre 9/11 levels, beginning with the repeal of the invasive Patriot Act. We ask President Obama to make this a significant campaign promise for his second term.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Adler
  • We are all Americans in this Country!
    If we are all American then when you fill out an application for anything you have to discuss your race or nationality.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sheira boyce
  • Archdiocese of Omaha: Don't censor Lizz and Katie's wedding news
    Lizz and Katie joined their lives together on June 2, 2012. They were contacted by the Marian High School alumni newsletter about printing an announcement in the upcomming issue. It was all set go when the archdiocese blocked it. These are my best friends and I am asking you to contact the archdiocese and encourage them to allow Marian to print the announcement.
    1,860 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Laura Kenny
  • Voting Rights for All
    The socioeconomically disadvantaged communities in America are often the communities most in need of being heard. In Chicago, for example, there are communities where only 55% of the population can vote because so many individuals have been to jail. No American citizen should be permanently stripped of their voting rights.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Foster
  • Support State Laws for Marijuana Use
    When a state or town decides to legalize marijuana at any level, the federal government and Drug Enforcement Agency should deprioritize prosecution of federal marijuana offenses in that locale.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Foster
  • Get Rid of the Patriot Act
    The Patriot Act is taking a way our constitutional rights, this independence day I did not feel independent with acts such as this that are there to strip of us our rights! I am angered that the Patriot still exists and although I have not been personally affected yet others have!
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline Vrooman
  • Obamacare is a Civilian Right!
    Support for ObamaCare as a Civil Rights issue!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gordon A. Wright
  • Save our First Amendment rights to be heard
    It's happening all over the country. The City Commission regularly refuses to include public testimony in the record of public hearings and refuses to consider public testimony in the findings of a decision on an ordinance. The City Commissioners also take action without legal authority to retaliate against those of the public who exercise our First Amendment rights. This stand against our First Amendment rights to be heard is a terrible attack upon the Constitutions that City Commissioners have sworn to uphold.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kim Audette
  • Ban out of state and foreign money from State elections
    I strongly believe that state elections should ONLY allow contributions from individuals,groups or companies residing in that state. What happened in CA with Prop 8-the Anti Gay Marriage Prop, is a perfect example of how outside money can and did influence the election. Another example, the cigarette tax that was just defeated in CA. The money spent by tobacco companies to defeat prop 29 was completely obscene and successful. This is happening more and more in every state. Non resident contributions should not be allowed.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cathy C Green
  • Stop Harming marine mammals
    Whales and Dolphins are wonderful. They love humans, yet we keep hurting them for no reason. They are super intelligent. How do we know they are not smarter than us? They don't kill for no reason. They like to eat, so do I. They love to play, me too. Please stop harming these wonderful creatures. When I peer into a whales eyes I see beauty and a thought process. Dolphins are the loving. They love to follow ships and put on a show.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Levy
  • Stop Harming marine mammals
    Whales and Dolphins are wonderful. They love humans, yet we keep hurting them for no reason. They are super intelligent. How do we know they are not smarter than us? They don't kill for no reason. They like to eat, so do I. They love to play, me too. Please stop harming these wonderful creatures. When I peer into a whales eyes I see beauty and a thought process. Dolphins are the loving. They love to follow ships and put on a show.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Levy
  • End State Laws That Require Public Appearances By Lottery Winners.
    It should be the lottery winner's right to chose whether they want to claim their winnings in a public event or not. If a state is not going to allow a winner anonymity, then the winner should be able to chose when and where they claim the winnings. There is a big difference between releasing information and mandating a public appearance with photographs.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Penny