• Leonard Peltier
    Leonard Peltier has been wrongly convicted of the murder of two federal agents. He has served over three decades in federal prison. It is time that he is pardoned.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy Christopherson
  • Leonard Peltier
    Leonard Peltier has been wrongly convicted of the murder of two federal agents. He has served over three decades in federal prison. It is time that he is pardoned.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy Christopherson
  • Require Ingredients and Nutrition Facts labels on Alcoholic Beverages.
    As of now in the United States, there are almost no regulations on what ingredients are to be listed on a can of beer, or Mikes Hard (or any other malt). There are no ingredients list, and no calorie information required. Alcoholic beverages should be no different then normal soda and juice when it comes to nutritional information listings. There is no reason beer companies should be able to slip in whatever kind of preservative, sulfate, or artificial flavoring into their drinks without us knowing. This petition is for getting the Nutrition Facts label and Ingredients list on all alcoholic beverages (including hard liquor and wine) sold in retail stores across the United States, and making it a lawful requirement.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ira Savatgy
  • Free ourselves from the federal reserve.
    "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation,  the banks and corporations that will  grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson. We do not control our money, our government does not control our money. Our money is loaned to us with interest from the federal reserve, creating a never ending debt to a private institution that does not have the peoples best interest at heart. We should not be taxed by the sweat of our brow. We should not be taxed at all. Our taxes do not go to the services we think we are paying for. Sure, we get a nice little refund from the IRS, but those are the same people who will garnish your wages and put you down until you can't crawl out of your debt, causing you to file bankruptcy. You and I do not stimulate the economy. The economy is controlled through few hands and well placed propaganda. We need to put a stop to this. We should not let a machine run our lives through fear of its collapse. So sign this. Abolish the reserve. Free yourself. Eliminate the income tax. There are so many things wrong with the America we put on paper. We are not free. The patriot act is straight from nazi germany. We are headed down a BAD path. End wars. Save lives. Educate yourself.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick W.
  • Legalizing lesbian/gay marriage federally
    Self explanatory, we (I) are only asking for the same rights as everyone else in this country. Other countries are far ahead of us, thinking we are rather backward in fact. If, indeed, in this country we are equal under the constitution, and we pay our taxes as everyone else does, then why are we denied this? The president, and most of the country (52%) are in favor of these equal rights. The opposition is the extreme conservative far right. This legislation will NOT, harm or damage the marriage legislation as it stands right now. It is this country's time to step up to the plate, join many other democratic countries, and finally make this a non-issue. We are not modeling a very good example of freedom for all.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ki Gray
  • End Gerrymandering
    Gerrymandering is a process by a party in power to draw political districts to gain advantage. The district boundaries are skewed to take advantage of voting blocks to either increase their voice or eliminate their voice. Gerrymandering is the clearest example of election fraud and clearly diminishes representative democracy and reduces or eliminates civil rights for blocks of voters.
    259 of 300 Signatures
    Created by james wohlgemuth
  • A Corporation is NOT a Person
    Our goal is to get this amendment approved BEFORE the Nov election. The key features we are looking for are Corporations are not people with Constitutional rights as real people Corporations are subject regulations by the people Corporations cannot make campaign contributions or participate in the political processes Money is not free speech Congress and States have the power to regulate campaign finances The best wording that has all the key features are at http://movetoamend.org/democracy-amendments Please spread the word - Time is of the essence Share your ideas at https://www.facebook.com/PeoplePower777
    2,298 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Iresha Goonesinghe
  • Make Indian Health Service facilities available for voter registration
    A million American Native Americans are not registered to vote. A million! Over the last century since securing their rightful place, as citizens in 1924 and at the ballot box in 1948, Native people have remained one of the most disenfranchised group of voters in the United States. Jefferson Keel, president of the National Congress of American Indians, has started a campaign to fix that and you can help. The designation of Indian Health Service facilities as voter registration sites will make registering to vote easier and more accessible. This would have a significant impact on the voting rights of thousands of Native Americans. HHS Secretary Sebelius has an opportunity to ensure that the first people of America are able to register and vote by mandating Indian Health Service facilities as voter registration sites.
    9,135 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Evelyn V. White
  • The 3rd. Worse state For Justice ALABAMA
    The known failure to provide quality justice for it's citizens . That adds up 96% of " ALL ALABAMA CITIZENS " Doe not stand a chance before thier JUDGES !!! JUDGES they "ELECT. Judges that put "MONEY, POSITION . POLITICS and RACE !!!! Before your RIGHT to " FAIR TRIAL" and " DUE PROCESS " : YOU ; AS a CITIZEN , a VOTER and an AMERICAN . are promised by the US CONSTITUTION ; EQUAL TREATMENT BEFORE THE BAR OF JUSTICE : " N O T IN A L A B A M A " ::
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by james jefferson
  • stop judicial correction services from charge exorbitant fees to people with simple tickets
    these Private corporations are basically putting people in debtors prison and using law enforcement too collect fees from people with simple speeding type tickets..one lady had a 170 dollar fine and they added 3000 grand too it and then sent her two jail for not being able to pay.the supreme court has already ruled the debtors prison is unconstitutional but yet these correction services corporations are bringing this stuff back and holding people hostage ..if they can't pay their so called fees..we need to stop these corporations from taking over our justice system..we need to get congress too pass a law so they can't put you on probation and send you to jail for a 100 dollar fine...we need to bring this to the fore front
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by michael king
  • Make It Illegal to Verbally Abuse the Developmentally Disabled
    I worked at ARC Of Rockland NY for a brief time.I witnessed blatant psychological and verbal abuse by my direct supervisor to the people we swore to serve. In turn , pretty much everyone went along with it or ignored it. I was an outraged employee, and now I am an outraged citizen.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristy Bartholomew
  • Make It Illegal To Verbally Abuse the Developmentally Disbaled
    I worked at ARC Of Rockland NY for a brief time.I witnessed blatant psychological and verbal abuse by my direct supervisor to the people we swore to serve. In turn , pretty much everyone went along with it or ignored it. I was an outraged employee, and now I am an outraged citizen.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristy Bartholomew