• Marriage Equality for Pennsylvania
    This petition is about recognizing the rights of adult people to love and marry whomever they chose.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Gorham
  • Stop Boehner from lending U.S. STATUARY HALL to religious groups
    This petition is to keep religion out of politics and out of the United States public buildings. John Boehner is in charge of lending Statuary Hall to groups. It should not be lent to religious groups.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Siegel
  • Democrats: Pull the National Convention from Charlotte, NC
    On May 8, 2012, the state of North Carolina passed an amendment to its constitution that would ban any "domestic legal union" other than marriage between one man and one woman. This amendment will have devastating consequences for NC families, gay or straight, in terms of access to healthcare, higher taxes, protections against domestic violence, death benefits, pensions, hospital visitation rights, etc. We call upon the Democratic National Committee to take a stand for justice and equality by pulling the 2012 National Convention out of Charlotte, NC.
    540 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Morgan Johnson
  • Move the Democrat Convention
    To illustrate that elections do have consequences, don't spend any money in the state of North Carolina.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Asa Donaldson
  • Move the Democratic National Convention
    Now that the state of North Carolina has codified hate in its constitution, a stand needs to be taken to show that this is not acceptable behavior. The Democratic National Convention should be moved from Charlotte, NC to a location in a state that fully supports equal rights.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Meeker
  • Mr President: Stop "Evolving" and Support Gay Marriage
    Vice President Biden's recent comments in support of marriage equality set off a storm of calls for President Obama to stop dancing around his own support for full rights for LGBT citizens. Obama's continuing reliance on his statement that he is "evolving" so he won't offend swing voters in key battleground states is unnecessary because 50% of Americans now support gay marriage.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Ervin
    Many people will be slow to advocate such a wonderful opportunity to help and serve as this because they feel that crimes like these only happen in foreign countries and territories; certainly not as domestic and close to home as their own city. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Victims can easily be your child, or a child of someone close to you, if precautions are not taken to stop the traffickers and abductors. But how CAN you help? The goal, as you have read, is to start the process of getting pieces of legislation into the law books in our state. When that happens, we can start using the law to prosecute criminals and bring to them the justice that they are evading. To get state lawmakers to notice our efforts, we need to show a concern of the people, and in order to do that we need to have pledges- signatures that show a support for the cause. For this reason, ONE BY ONE, INC, its founder, and its supporters need YOU to sign the petition to help enable us to get noticed. You do make a difference because every signature matters!
    159 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Briana Ross
  • Support Marriage Equality as a DNC Platform Plank
    President Obama's campaign co-chair, Caroline Kennedy, advocated adding marriage equality as a platform plank for the Democratic National Committee's convention. The convention will be held in Charlotte, NC in September 2012. Support Marriage Equality and Caroline Kennedy's push to have this issue included in the official DNC platform.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Dye
  • Imprisoned at age 15, now 60! Free Robert Howard
    Robert Howard grew up in the 12th Ward in New Orleans. His mother died when he was a young boy. At eleven, after leaving the foster care system to live with his father, Robert dropped out of school to work in a restaurant as a dishwasher and substitute cook. His cooking was so good, he was offered a job. This angered the current cook and he came after Robert with a knife. Robert defended himself and the man eventually died. Without adequate counsel, Robert pled to manslaughter and was admitted into Louisiana's infamous Angola Prison. For the next 45 years, he endured violent assalts. Recommended for release repeatedly by the LA Board of Pardons and Appeals, Robert's release is denied by sitting governors concerned with their political standing. Now sick and 60 years old, the friends of Robert Howard ask you to stand up for this model citizen. For decades Robert Howard has mentored young men in chosing a moral life. He has tutored, run rehabilitation groups, prayer groups, revivals and legal clinics. His recommendations for prison reform are sought out by wardens across the state - yet he remains behind bars. Why? What kind of country imprisons its children and leaves them to die behind bars for nearly five decades?
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Baker
  • Denounce Howie Carr
    Howie Carr's ethnic slurs again Elizabeth Warren, and his insinuation that Pres. Obama and Ms. Warren are the beneficiaries of unfair treatment from Harvard Law School based on their ethnicities.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Russ Gershon
  • Driving Hours for Truckers
    The government allows truckers to work 70 hours a week with very little down time in between. Companies expand on this by stretching them as far as the law will allow! Somtimes to the detriment of everyone. If a driver has been on the road 14 hours and then back on again in 8 hours, where is family time? Where is wind down time? Where is dinner time? Most companies see their drivers as part of that truck, not a human. Well my husband is human. Going down the road I have witnessed many small cars whip in front of a tractor trailer only to not give that driver a thought of what could happen if he had a bad night or didn't sleep well because his wife is disabled and needed his help. We need this 70 hour law lowered for the safety of all!! Please, I have seen this and too many accidents, and marriages break up over this 70 hour work week to not bring this to someones attention.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maurine Callmann
    My granddaughter came home from school saying they were learning judaism and muslim religion. I don't mind learning different religions, but they had to stop teaching christianity in the schools and saying the pledge of allegiance. My daughter called the school and told them that she wanted to take her daughter out of the class. The teacher said that she would get a "F" for that class. The teacher also said that President Obama made it a law that all schools had to teach this course. If this is true, we need to tell Obama that we are a proud American and that we have a right to our own religion and beliefs and also for our children. Come on, let's start being a strong country again. The president is taking a way another one of our rights of being a parent.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Ann Melgosa