Restoring our RightsRestoring the Bill of Rights For more than two hundred years the people of the United States have been struggling and sometimes dying to defend their freedoms from threats both foreign and domestic. The Constitution requires that all Presidents and Representatives swear to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Yet, since the attack of 9/11/01, some lawmakers, under cover of fear, have advanced the Patriot Act, the National Defense Authorization Act and other legislation that directly contradicts and infringes upon the Bill of Rights. In the name of security, most of our rights under the original Ten Amendments have been eroded, reduced or effectively lost.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter G Cohen
Stop discrimination for jobs or internship sitesMany internship sites and jobs, in particular ones related to the medical or mental health field specifically hire candidates based on their sex/ gender. Many applicants are told that they were not hired due to the fact that the site wanted more men or more women. Too many qualified applicants are rejected based on the fact that they are a man or a woman and are openly told that they're greatly qualified but were only not hire due to the fact that they are the sex that they are. The same is true for different cultures. It's about time that the hiring process was based on merit rather than someone's sex, religion, sexual orientation, or country of origin.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shadow
Voter ID requirement - the new Poll TaxIf the State or the US government should begin to require voter ID at the polls, then the State needs to provide that photo ID at the government's expense. TSA (Transportation Safety) at all the airports has cost the government (the taxpayers) over $50 Billion. They have effectively uncovered and confiscated numerous nail clippers, bottles of perfume and shaving lotion, but to date no terrorist. Think what that money could have done for our educational system. At least we would have safe and better equipped schools for our children. Photo Identification unless provided at State expense is a new "Poll Tax" which has been determined to be unconstitutional. Please sign to stop this right wing paranoid foolishness about requiring a photo ID to be allowed to exercise the right to vote.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rev. Albert D. Kissling
Change the US Constitution!The United States constitution hasn't been changed since the 27th amendment passed in the 1980's. This petition is calling for a Consitutional Convention to take place ASAP at a date and location to be determined later. This convention should be used to update the constitution's amendments to conform with our modern values and encode certain protections already written into law and legal opinion (such as the right to privacy) but not into the constitution itself.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jonathan Brou
free voter id paid by state and fenderal govif you require id you pay for it not voter you are taking away their right. like the okd pole tax.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rebecca brown
Demand Berkeley DA Drop Charges Against Peaceful ProtestersLast November 9, UC Berkeley students, staff and faculty tried to set up a small encampment on campus, in solidarity with the then-burgeoning Occupy movement and in opposition to the ongoing privatization of the UC. Campus police and Alameda County Sheriffs viciously beat the students in order to stop the tents from going up. Now, nearly four months after the fact, 13 people are being charged with misdemeanors for the events of November 9, even though most of them were never arrested.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dylan Bunch
Requesting FBI To Investigate The malicious Prosecution of Steve GilmoreHe was Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman...only he was at home being attacked by an armed man...and won...and have been wrongfully persecuted every since...was Ihe suppose to lose and lose his life to be afforded his legal and constitutional rights why is he not the victim...? Because he won and saved his life?28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Arki
Congress must honor their Oath of OfficeThe Patriot Act is clearly in violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution and the courts refuse to even hear any case that challenges its constitutionality. The Patriot Act needs to be allowed to expire as it was intended.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Floyd
Ariston WaitersDemand justice for a young man who shot in the back twice by police. Ariston Waiters, 19 years old was shot and killed on December 14, 20112 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ashley
The Right To Say Where our Taxes go.Why Should WE who believe that violence does not work to create a better society have to PAY for war. I want the right for my money to go to our children's education and the upkeep of our great society.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bertha Reilly
U.S. Supreme Court Declares Open Season On Strip SearchesThe U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that police and law enforcement agencies can now conduct invasive strip searches for ANY OFFENSE, if the suspect is being introduced to a prison population. It no longer requires that the officer have a reasonable suspicion of hidden contraband or weapons. This pertains not only to federal and state penitentiaries, BUT ALSO local precinct holding cells and detention centers. AND, you do NOT have to be convicted of a crime; it can apply if you have been arrested or detained and are awaiting a magistrate or hearing. People have been detained and strip-searched for offenses as minor as: -driving with an inoperable headlight; -failing to stop at a stop sign; -having outstanding parking tickets; -driving with a noisy muffler; -violating a dog leash law; -failing to pay child support; -riding a bicycle without an audible bell; and -trespassing during a demonstration (and this happened to a nun)1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Fushan
Demand The Pope To Ratify Love!Every year, millions of Catholics around the world die knowing they're not going to Heaven for a love they cannot control. It's heartbreaking, especially knowing that the Church accepts that some people really are born that way, yet simply aren't allowed to act upon it. Fortunately, there is hope: “And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven.” Matthew 16:18-19, New International Version (NIV). This excerpt is from the book of Matthew, and it holds a secret truth that few Catholics are prepared to speak openly about: Our love simply doesn't have to be taboo anymore. If the Pope declares it permissible on earth, it's permissible in Heaven, too. I'm calling on all Catholics, LGBT Activists and Supporters to petition the Vatican to do the right thing, and "loose" an archaic rule which has barred us from Heaven for so long. And if we can do this, perhaps we can do more than just save a soul. We might even save lives.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jadis Argiope