Preserve Net NeutralityI am an avid online gamer and the proud parent of a three-year-old. He loves the games, songs and learning fun he gets from a free and open Internet. Stratifying the Internet spells doom for this essential modern utility.1,422 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Joe Ball
Save the Open InternetI've been using the internet since 1994, and have always appreciated how versatile and robust it is precisely because of how it was designed to be open and accessible in equal measures to everyone. My occupation for the last few years is directly linked to the Internet, given that I monitor and administer wifi Internet networks for several low-income housing developments. As a result, it is especially important to me as well as to the residents with whom I work that the Internet continue to be fairly maintained without "pay-to-play" schemes and undue influence from telecommunications companies.606 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jason Schepers
Net Neutrality is critical for the dissemination of local news and informationCambridge Community Television provides hyper local news and information to our community - through our cable channels and also our websites. If CCTV is relegated to the "slow lane," it will throttle this local, First Amendment forum.148 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Susan Fleischmann
Maintain Website NeutralityAn open internet is CRITICAL to the financial well-being of myself and my young son!! I run two small businesses and most of my clients have found me through the internet. I do not have the funding to spend on putting myself in a "fast track" system!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Heidi
Stop the internet from becoming "Pay-to-Play".I made this petition because I have websites that I commonly go to that allow me to show what I do. These include a few Wikis and DeviantArt. However, there are many more. Besides, I have little money; it's hard enough to pay for shit already, but what Comcast and Verizon plan to do gives me regrettable ideas. All I ask is that many stand beside me and millions of others to save the internet; we're all in this together.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alex Branch
Please keep net neutralityI do dog transport rescue. I am a voice for the voiceless—we need a fast lane to get unwanted shelter pets to loving, caring homes. Please don't slow us down.192 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Tammara Hinojosa
Net NeutralityMy daughter is my story. Currently she works full time, and without access to the internet this would not have been possible. I believe without everyone having total access to the internet, it will change individual ability to access jobs! The internet creates and open doors to jobs; DON'T TAKE THAT AWAY!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kellie Henwood
Young symphony conductors need the web to surviveI am an international professional symphony and opera conductor. I also teach conducting to hundreds of developing young conductors. We attract students to our program in Romania at www.rconductors.com. Because of our relatively low advertising budget, our website is our main means of informing and attracting students. If we were placed in a slow track, our program might easily fail because of lack of exposure.159 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Robert H. Gutter
KWT Believes in Net NeutralityAs a moderator of a local neighborhood list serve, and a research librarian, I believe that access to the internet should remain equal and free from restrictions. Net neutrality is the assurance that access to the Web and its content will not be blocked, slowed down, or sped up depending on where that access is based or who owns the access point. Net neutrality is a fundamental democratic principal and as local list serves have shown, is the new town square for community discussions.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amelia
Save Our InternetAn open internet is important so that I can get information about my company and its products out to our customers and employees effectively.265 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Sam Levitas
Stand up to Verizon and Comcast!I have personally reinvented myself in order to provide for my children while staying at home with them while they're young. I would not have been able to do so without the Internet. I have prospected, I have connected with people around the world. I have personally launched a campaign to find my missing sister of 33 years. I have been contacted by people worldwide to sell goods based on my Internet reputation, built from the ground up. I have appeared on Food Network's Chopped, likely as a result of a well-timed email and a personal blog I created. All of this is very important to me. What ever happened to the breakup of Ma Bell? If we don't learn from the past, we're doomed to repeat it. Please come to your senses. History will replay itself if you let this happen. Share this. Get the word out. Make sure people know what may happen to the internet - as a result of inaction from people like you - and me! Thank you for your support!184 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Maureen Sanchez
Hell no, on high fees!An open internet is a lifeline for my everyday livelihood. I say this because my only life communication is through the open internet. So, this idea of charging high ridiculous fees is preposterous. Especially being on a poor mans budget.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ramon Ruiz