• "Congress! Equal Internet for All"
    We live in rural northern Michigan where our only option is dial-up or satellite, which we have. I worked for a tech company that has trainers conduct workshops from home, via the web. My HughesNet is so undependable that I was unable to avail myself of this work opportunity. We need to guarantee quality internet to all before playing with the level of web service.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeanette Mateer
  • Congressman McGovern: Please act to save net neutrality.
    I use the internet to communicate with family, clients of my law practice, non-profits on whose Boards I serve. I also review several news sources daily to determine ciurrent events and to learn new things. People who are served by the non-profits I am engaged with rely on the internet through library and other free serfvices to stay connected.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Bunker
  • Net Neutrality
    An open internet is important for small companies and individuals who are thinking about starting their own business. I was a hospice chaplain and used the internet every day to gather information to help staff, understand the disease my patient was suffering, and to look for inspirational readings for hospice, hospital staff, and patients.
    378 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Michele Morgaine
  • keep the internet neutral
    Regardless of the importance an open internet makes to me, no person or corporation should get preferential treatment because their bankroll is bigger, and quite frankly, I'm sick of big corps buying their way in and out of everything regardless of the quality of service they provide. The internet has always been and should always be a neutral area, and to allow any corporation to manipulate it by paying someone a nice sum will only introduce a higher level of corruption on the web in this country, and we simply do not need anymore of that. Verizon just lost my business.
    195 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ricky Glockzin
  • Keep Internet Usage Neutral
    I am a retiree, a part-time employee working from home, a parent and a grandparent, and one of the primary ways I hear from my family and friends living four or more states away is through the Internet via a smart phone connection, Skype, Facebook, or texting. I am able to work from home only because I can email, do research, etc. If I were unable to do this or if it cost me more than it currently does for connectivity, I would not be able to supplement my income, which is essential for my ability to live independently. I believe President Obama would support my ability to do these things without paying additional costs and fees. I supported him and the tenets he espoused in both elections.
    244 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Marguerite Heenehan
  • Keep the Internet Free
    I use the internet every day. I depend upon it for my medical work, communication, both professional and personal, and information. My many non-profit activities are also strongly linked to the internet.
    503 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Alan Fisch
  • Slower internet equals unfair practices
    My son is home-schooling and a slow Internet will impact his abilities to quickly access information. The new policies being proposed by the FCC to create a fast pay-to-play Internet service for websites that can afford it and a slower lane for the rest of us is unfair and would negatively impact my son's education.
    346 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Nicole McGarry
  • Stop the fat-cat take-over of the internet:
    I am a psychiatrist and my electronic health record system is internet based. My daily work flow and access to patient's vital information, for example, medication doses and family history, could grind to a halt. This could force me to abandon this modern tool and interrupt my practice of medicine.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen R. Cann, M.D.
  • Open Internet
    An open internet is very important to me. It allows me to communicate with my daughter's teacher. It allows me to take care of personal things, such as paying my bills.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by RODNEY JONES
  • Save Net Neutrality
    The Internet changed my life. I created a new career for myself in web work, designing and maintaining websites, and my web skills have been in demand in every job I have held since 1997. Using the web, I have been able to promote for my clients in an effective and inexpensive manner. I have been able to do vast amounts of research for every job I have held, plus a novel I wrote with my husband. Recently, I have been researching my family roots and writing for a family blog.
    3,896 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Claire Yurdin
  • No fast lane
    I am a drugs and alcohol counselor, and we serve clients who either have no insurance, marginal insurance, or Medicaid. Our clients have few choices on where to seek treatment. We are limited in the monetary resources we have to spend to obtain treatment materials. We use the Internet to find new treatment recommendations and to advocate for our clients.
    236 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Paula Kassouf
  • Maintain an open Internet
    I'm a retired academic still engaged in doing research for the books I edit. An open Internet is essential in a just, socially equitable globe!
    353 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Victor Alejandro Sorell