FCC: You have the power to restore net neutrality!Without Net Neutrality, the very startups that make the Internet a force of innovation will be throttled – unable to compete with incumbent businesses that can pay to provide their access faster than any startup could.61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Demand Progress
We want organic options!In this fast paced world, it is hard for even the healthiest of consumers to completely avoid fast food. It would be fantastic if there were some genuinely healthy options available at fast food restaurants. I believe it would also expand the market of customers for McDonalds, so it would be a win-win!18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dara Wolfskill
Tell Skechers to Stop Sweatshop Conditions in America!My name is Mateo Mares. Until early January of this year, my coworker Amilcar Cardona and I hauled Skechers shoes from the Port of Los Angeles to their national distribution center 80 miles/130 KM away. We were fired for trying to improve our working conditions and for standing up for our rights. Our job is like a sweatshop-on-wheels. We work long hours, face safety hazards, endure harassment, and have our wages stolen from us. Drivers like us are standing up for our rights by filing legal claims with the government for wage theft, wage violations, retaliation for union and protected concerted activities, and illegal harassment. We were fired by our Skechers' trucking contractor, Green Fleet Systems, after we exercised our rights to engage in union activities at our workplace and after we refused to withdraw our claims for wage theft when we were pressured to do so by our boss. Now our families are struggling to survive. We worked hard for many years hauling Skechers shoes and other foreign-made products from the docks to warehouses, but now we don't have any work and don't have any money to buy food or pay rent – much less help our kids get through college to make a better life for themselves. Our struggle is like the men and women who manufacture Skechers shoes in places like China, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Like workers in Skechers' overseas factory, we are mistreated, deal with safety hazards, and don't get paid what we deserve. When we learned that Skechers has a record for bad treatment of its workers overseas, we realized that Skechers is spreading sweatshop conditions to America. Our children and wives are frightened about our future. It's time for Skechers to do the right thing, get us back to work, and end the sweatshop-on-wheels conditions for workers like us. Add your name and tell Skechers to end the spread of sweatshops in America. Skechers has the power to demand that its trucking contractor stop violating workers’ rights and U.S. labor laws. By signing, you are making a real difference in the lives of workers like me.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mateo Mares
U.S. Senators: Artists Thrive on an Open InternetAs an artist my blog and website are essential in reaching my on-line art students, in presenting my new paintings to clients and potential clients and in sharing ideas with fellow artists. Additionally two on-line artist cooperative sites are essential in offering prints for sale and in making my work seen by anyone from anywhere in the world who wishes to see it64 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Valentine
Outlaw NET DominationThe internet as a mode of free speech has been a breath of fresh air, an arena to voice opinions which are disallowed in day to day life. It has been a vent for a whole population who want to communicate, share ideas, locate like minds and transform a reactionary system. Making this medium proprietary would shut that creative medium off for control by the few with the most cash. That means the wasting away of creativity for domination. How similar to what Hitler did through genocide! In point of fact, we would be healthier and wealthier as a group, if the NET was a UTILITY- either for a base rate, or free for everyone. The companies who want to pig out on profits inch up their rates, *bundle* to pretend these are savings when you don't even want their pitiful program offerings, and in this country (U.S.), most communications corporations enforce long ridiculous contracts with concomitant penalties for leaving these *special* programs early. What a hoax. What a crock. What a sad enslavement for the benefit of the greedy. I say dethrone the dominators. Dignify the voice of the people.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elaine Dolan
Save the "Internet" from a "Pay to Play" fast lane system.I use the internet as a research tool for mostly all important items, such as medical info, purchasing info, contacts, research for knowledge, comunication to solving certain problems, and a host of other important things. I understand that the internet was practically built with taxpayers' money for the general public ... and the Goverment should not allow private companies to have major control of the system. This is not the right thing to do.... I am totally against this move.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Durant
Keep the Internet free for all of usA free internet allows people to find me and expand the growth of my business. It would damage my ability to grow and increase my business.225 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Shapiro
Net NeutralityI need the Internet to find information on doctors and patient insurance plans daily. I also need to be able to have contact and research abilities for my acting career.149 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kelsie
Protect the VulnerableI'm an instructional coach, leading the professional learning of up to two dozen high school teachers each year. I rely on having free and easy access to individual blogs like Teacher Lust, Leadership 2.0, Choice Literacy. I need the Internet to remain neutral.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Zeck
The Web is in TroubleAn open internet is one of the only things left that people can access freely and I do not want the Internet to be part of any monopoly. Please let your representatives and senators know to leave the internet as is, where everyone has a voice and the same opportunities.339 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Madeline
Save Net NeutralityMy low-income college students already have difficulty being able to afford computers and Internet access which is critical to their college and life success. The Internet, like any other utility, should be regulated so that students have affordable, neutral access to ALL information on the web. Access to this information must not be not controlled by the interests of the business sector as this will skew students' ability to do the objective research critical to their academic success.441 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Mary Forman
Keep the internet freeAs a student, I use many sources on the internet for my homework. If I had to pay for content on my limited budget, it would impact my ability to access content and impact the quality of my work. Not only would it impact me, but thousands of other students and academic researchers too. The quality of education would suffer and our ability to be competitive with other countries would decline as well. Please do not let this happen!333 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Andrea Bell-Donovan