• Amazon.com: Clean Up Your Environmental Impact Act
    Environmental organization Greenpeace has published its “How green is your cloud” report, which gave Amazon a failing grade for its lack of clean energy and not being transparent enough about the details of its cloud infrastructure, and found Amazon Web Services remains one of the dirtiest energy users. They emphasized that the scientific community is warning against our continued reliance on energy technologies in the past, which could put our future in grave danger, and that our world is headed for trouble due to climate change and our reliance to dirty sources of energy. Our company is both a large Amazon.com customer, as well as being a large seller on Amazon.com, and we want them to take responsibility to become a better planetary corporate citizen. Apple received an F rating years ago from Greenpeace, and because of public pressure, has now received an A+ rating, and produces 94% of its power from renewable sources. So corporate change is possible if Amazon.com simply steps up to the plate and is willing to spend some of its massive profits on protecting the future of our planetary environment, because lack of doing so will be sawing off the branch they sit on.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marty Landa
  • Protect Net neutrality
    Open internet is the free speech topic of our time.
    247 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie
  • JCPenney, Benetton: Do right by Bangladeshi workers!
    Over a year after a massive building collapse in Bangladesh killed over 1,100 people and injured countless others, 15 major retailers still haven't done their part to take care of survivors and families.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Sign Our Thank You Note to Google
    The Washington Post reported huge news: “NARAL successfully lobbies Google to take down deceptive pregnancy center ads.” We discovered that if you Googled “abortion clinic,” ads funded by anti-choice crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) appeared 79 percent of the time. CPCs don’t provide or refer for abortion care, and they shouldn’t trick women into thinking that they do. Google’s leadership in removing the majority of these ads is a victory for truth in advertising. Countless women will be spared lies and shaming tactics intended to stop them from making their own decisions based on real medical advice. It won’t be long before CPCs and their supporters go after Google for making this change because deceptive ads are one of the primary ways they lure women into their doors. That’s why we’re organizing a thank-you letter to show Google executives they did the right thing and encourage them to stand strong against pressure from our opponents.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by NARAL Pro-Choice America
  • "Union Made": Stop Misrepresenting Hard Working Americans
    On their website, this is what "Union Made" says about what their name means: "The name 'Union Made' was conceived around the notion of well-made and aesthetically classic goods. It also conveys what we are about: collaborating, uniting and making things together. While some of what we sell does come from union shops, that's a happy coincidence. We are interested in well-made American style and aesthetically classic goods, many of which are made in the United States, but we're not affiliated with any unions, other than the unions, civil and otherwise, that tie us all together." They are misrepresenting the strong brand that working men and women have built in America by selling many products that are made in sweat shops and by workers who are paid incredibly low wages and work in terrible, dangerous working conditions. "Union Made," change your name and stop calling yourself a union when you refuse to actually act like one.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Stergalas
  • Tell the DGA to Stop Doing the Koch Brothers' Dirty Work
    Last week the Democratic Governors Association filed a lawsuit, on behalf of consultants, to eviscerate CT's laws making it illegal for independent expenditure to be coordinated with campaigns. This lawsuit, if successful, will allow the Koch Brothers and their consultants to coordinate--making existing campaign finance restrictions obsolete.
    1,116 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tom Swan
  • Safeway CEO: Label GMOs
    When I’m buying food at Safeway, I should be able to make an informed choice. But Safeway doesn’t label its products that contain genetically modified ingredients, or GMOs. While more research needs to be done to understand the full impact of GMOs, they are not without risk. For example, GMOs are responsible for a 400 million pound increase in pesticide use in the United States between 1995 and 2011 [1]. And GMOs don’t undergo independent safety testing before they’re allowed onto the market, which the American Medical Association recommends [2]. It’s time for Safeway to follow the lead of other grocery chains like Whole Foods and label GMOs in its store-brand products so that we can decide for ourselves whether or not we want to eat GMOs. [1] http://www.enveurope.com/content/24/1/24/abstract. [2] https://download.ama-assn.org/resources/doc/csaph/x-pub/a12-csaph2-bioengineeredfoods.pdf
    353 of 400 Signatures
    Created by David Rosenfeld
  • Don't Leave Poor People Out of the Minimum Wage Debate
    When a buyer asks a post-sale question, eBay deceptively opens a case for the buyer, and the seller will get a defect unfairly even after the seller resolves the case to the buyer’s satisfaction. One Top-Rated Seller has 417 resolved cases. Under proposed new Seller Performance Standards, he will be punished with 417 defects even though buyers were completely happy. His defect rate will be below eBay's minimum standards for selling on eBay. eBay’s unfair and deceptive new Seller Performance Standards will affect over 25 million sellers. Many Top Rated Sellers will be punished and fall below eBay's new minimum standards, and their selling privileges will be restricted or limited after November 20, 2014.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bennett Yang
  • Philadelphia: Tell Comcast to Pay Its Fair Share
    Philadelphia is renegotiating a "franchise" deal to let Comcast, headquartered right here in Philly, sell cable in our neighborhoods for another 15 years. While our cable and Internet rates go up, our city struggles with big budget cuts - and Comcast's taxes are less than half the average of what other Pennsylvania businesses pay. With this new franchise, we have a once-in-a-generation chance to lower our rates, ensure quality, affordable Internet service for poor and working folks, and to get Comcast to pay its fair share to the city that gives it so much.
    3,687 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Sassaman
  • Please keep Crew Lounge alive!
    This is an amazing app you can access anywhere in the world, and have a direct line to your schedule. It is super simple to use, all of your passwords have been stored, so you can move seamlessly through different windows to do whatever you need to do. Invaluable tool for us flight crews, and there has been nothing like it thus far! Please AA, look into this wonderful tool for us, it has been a God send for me!
    585 of 600 Signatures
    Created by julia perry
  • General Mills: We're not trading our rights for coupons!
    Downloading that 50-cent Cheerios coupon may have just cost you your legal rights.
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Education Department: End Sallie Mae's contract now!
    Sallie Mae spent years cheating young active-duty soldiers on federal student loans — and now we have the proof.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress