• Ban the LGBTQ+ Panic Defense
    Hi! I'm Madeline i recently wrote an appeal to get the lgbtq+ panic defense banned What's the lgbtq+ panic defense? “The LGBTQ+ panic defense strategy (also called the ‘gay panic defense’ or ‘trans panic defense’) is a legal strategy that asks a jury to find that a victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity/expression is to blame for a defendant’s violent reaction, including murder. It is not a free-standing defense to criminal liability, but rather a legal tactic used to bolster other defenses. When a perpetrator uses an LGBTQ+ panic defense, they are claiming that a victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity not only explains — but excuses — a loss of self-control and the subsequent assault. By fully or partially acquitting the perpetrators of crimes against LGBTQ+ victims, this defense implies that LGBTQ+ lives are worth less than others.”So i assume you're pretty horrified something like this exists, well you can do something abt it. You could sign my petition!
    262 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Madeline Kyncl
  • $600 A week for essential works for the last 12 week!
    We are all front line workers through this pandemic and a lot of us are struggling also. Most of but as we know not all, the people that are out of work are the ones that don't need to work because they make thousands of dollars. The ones that are standing there on that front line are lower paid people that deserve that money also. I agree the extra money shall be there for unemployment but where is our bonus pay?
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Cole-Dawson
  • Boycott Trump
    Donald Trump cares about his wealth. To get him to act in a humane manner, let alone a "Presidential" one, he must fear he will lose it unless he changes his behavior.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mitch Trachtenberg
  • Give Landlords More Rights
    Landlords are being harassed and our properties are being destroyed no one is helping us to recover money for damages by tenants. Tenants are harassing landlords, creating it unsafe for landlords who live on the property. Tenants are not paying rent and continually harass and threaten and destroy our properties that we work hard for, which cause us to lose our properties or cause us to get hurt by tenants.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Monica Mackay
  • Kaiser Permanente stop wasting $ on non-therapeutic preputial amputations
    Cosmetic surgeries are not covered by healthcare insurance plans, with the exception of this one for cultural/religious reasons. There is no reason this one should be covered. If it is done to a child, it is considered a human rights violation. If is done to a consenting adult, it should be treated like any other cosmetic surgery that is not necessary for the individual's health and well-being. We do not want our premiums supporting such acts.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Adkison
  • Tell Equinox to allow its members to cancel memberships because of COVID-19 restrictions
    A contract is a promise of goods and services between a merchant and its customers. In this case members will be paying the same membership fees for a much reduced level of benefits and service.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gregory Cox
    BIG meat and poultry companies are refusing to protect their employees! In order to protect their huge corporate profits, they are forcing their employees to make an impossible choice: either work under dangerous conditions (and thereby run the risk of infecting yourself and your family with Covid-19)-or lose your job! These companies should and must provide the necessary PPE, physical separation and testing in order to maintain a safe working environment for their employees. Until they do we should boycott their products. REFUSE TO BUY PRODUCTS FROM TYSON, JBS USA, SMITHFIELD FOOD, OR NATIONAL BEEF PACKING CO.!!!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Lenoir
  • California Faculty Association, take a stand against neo-McCarthyism
    Labor unions, as organizations in civil society that form the groundwork of a democratic, pluralistic society, need determined, courageous leadership that understands the threat of fascism, and is willing and able to stand up to it. A union representing academic workers, who are under a systematic assault by well-financed right-wing groups (like Turning Point USA, which maintains a “Professor Watch-List”), has a particular responsibility in that regard. In the case of Lars Maischak, CFA accepted, defended, and continues to defend the decision by CSU to remove a faculty member from the classroom, accepting it as justified because the faculty member had been the target of violent threats by right-wing groups and individuals. This is a case of capitulation in the face of politically motivated violence unacceptable for a labor union in a democracy. There is no shame in admitting the complicity of your organization with right-wing violence. The only shame is in continuing to pretend it did not happen. By delegitimizing the experience and perspective of the victim, CFA keeps the victimization alive. CFA should take this petition as an invitation to become an effective force for the defense of democracy. For documentation, please see: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/yq9vcp8oi9s4e/
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lars Maischak
  • Support the meat packing workers
    We are all told to shelter in place, keep six feet distance between us and use a face mask when we go anywhere for our safety and the safety of our fellow Americans and yet we expect the meat processing workers to endanger their lives and ours by continuing to work in unsafe conditions.
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jennie Savage
  • End the lockdown and the stay at home order
    Because people need to start protesting and getting their lives back to normal again and letting kids have a life playing sports going to school. People need to start going back to work and making money. You are making us American people suffer and it's not right. We need to work go back to every day life and have a life back and enjoy our lives and stop this crap. Because people are killing themselves and jumping off bridges and buildings and people are oding and this is not right so hurry up and fix this. You need to step up and open up our New Jersey state up quickly and stop spreading fear and let us have our freedom back.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Thompson
  • Vertical integration of manufacture of PPE in USA
    The coronavirus is only one in a series of pandemics which have emerged in the 21st century. Our battle against covid 19 has been severely hampered causing over 10,000 deaths by lack of personal protective equipment for our hospital, nursing home and long term care facilities as well as for those in the grocery stores, warehouses, supply chain and delivery systems for food. This includes doctors, nurses, nurses' aides and orderlies, janitorial people, food service workers and warehouse workers, grocery store personal and the delivery systems. These inexpensive items were supplied on an as needed basis from China and other Asian countries. When there was no emergency, the system worked but has collapsed in our time of greatest need. We need to manufacture and control the production in this country. The factories for these jobs could be based in areas where unemployment is high because industries have become obsolete such as coal mining though the whole the fossil fuel industry is heading in this direction. We are hypocrites when we applaud the work of people on the front lines of disease and yet send them to battle without the low tech equipment they need because corporations could make more money by having it made elsewhere. Our military has already done the research on essential supply chain disruption. Our government should act upon it.
    175 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Beverley Birks
  • Keep The Covid19 Economic Checks Out Of Partisan Politics
    1) The Economic Impact relief Fund has been instituted by an Act of Congress in a Bipartisan move, NOT by any Executive Order! 2) In EVERY Sense it is UNETHICAL to attach personal memo or Name on the checks because the use of Public Office to Promote Election Agenda is UNETHICAL and should be PROHIBITED BY AN ACT OF CONGRESS for current & All times! The People of America will not allow opportunistic tendencies to be carried out from the Public Offices! 3) POTUS office is a PUBLIC Office, NOT a PRIVATE, PERSONAL FAMILY ORGANIZATION and the Citizens are NOT an Employee of the Office of the POTUS. ------ The Opportunists MUST BE SHOWN THE DOOR, In all Times! The God & Commonsense BOTH of them AGREE on this important matter, all around the world. ----- **IT IS TO BE REMEMBERED THAT BY JUDGING THE MERIT OF CIRCUMSTANCES WE THE PEOPLE HOLD THE POWER TO FIRE POTUS FROM THE JOB; THIS IS OUR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY**
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bobby The-Petitioner