• Loan Forgiveness Especially On Student And Auto Loans
    I have student loans and a car loan with Nissan Financial and I was told they will push back my auto loan but add on extra interests. I think if we are out of work for a month or two instead of charging extra interest and pushing out our loan out several months that those months be counted as paid and we are given time to settle our lives after everything gets back to normal.
    193 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robert McMurrer
  • No Chase overdraft fees during coronavirus pandemic
    Our country and our communities are feeling the economic impact of the coronavirus in the most devastating ways. My family is feeling it as well. I recently overdrew my account due to extra expenses for preparing for my state's "stay at home" order and having just started a new job. Instead of providing relief during this time, Chase charged two overdraft fees for a total of sixty eight dollars. In this time of unprecedented crisis, JP Morgan Chase bank must do their part to ease the financial strain of this pandemic for their customers. They were bailed out in 2008 and again will inevitably reap the reward of the two trillion dollar stimulus package which favors banks and large corporations. The deep economic impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus is just beginning, and we cannot make middle-class and lower-class consumers bear the burden. Ten million people have filed for unemployment in the last two weeks, and we not even through the worst of this global pandemic, let alone the profound longterm economic impact. There is no recourse for consumers, however, as they try to get through this economic turmoil and global pandemic and provide for their families. It's unacceptable that JPMorgan Chase continue to make money off the backs of those that are struggling to make their rent, pay their utilities, and purchase groceries for their loved ones.
    12,237 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Wendy Van Buren
  • Gov. Cuomo: Stop exploiting incarcerated labor for the production of hand sanitizer.
    In an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19, New York Gov. Cuomo is exploiting the forced labor of incarcerated people to make hand sanitizer but is doing nothing to protect them. In his proud announcement that Corcraft, a state-run corporation operating in state prisons, is manufacturing hand sanitizer scented like a "very nice floral bouquet," he casually left out the fact that the people work for Corcraft are paid less than one dollar per day. And to add insult, people in prison may not even be able to use the hand sanitizer themselves because, according to the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, anything with alcohol content is contraband.  The virus has already made its way into jails and prisons across the state and is wreaking havoc. Riker's Island has at least 40+ cases, an employee at Sing Sing prison tested positive, and the first incarcerated person to test positive is at Long Island county jail. And these are just the cases we know of. Incarcerated people need protection, not exploitation! People locked in prisons deserve safety and wellness just as much as every other New Yorker. Yet, instead of ensuring that, Cuomo has been doing everything to treat incarcerated people with complete disdain -- undeserving of basic rights and human dignity. He has refused to take up the vast majority of clemency petitions and expand parole and medical release for elderly incarcerated people personally blocked the passage of the HALT Solitary Confinement Act, allowed New York State to continue to operate under a Jim Crow-era voting law that prohibits incarcerated people from voting, and is currently championing rollbacks to recently enacted bail reforms that would expand the jail population.  Prisons and jails are places where a vulnerable population is forced into close quarters, healthcare is poor, and access to soap, sanitizer, toilet paper is limited at best. Inside a prison or jail, it is near impossible to contain an outbreak of infectious disease. This puts both incarcerated people and the people who work in jails at health risk.  We need your support to make sure Cuomo hears this message loud and clear. People locked in prisons and jails are extremely vulnerable in times like this--but with the power of people like you, we can ensure that they aren't forgotten nor exploited. Sign the petition.
    274 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Color Of Change Picture
    The spread of Covid 19 is still rising at an ever increasing pace across the country. We are nowhere near the peak of this outbreak. Prematurely removing the controls now in place will be disastrous and result in a far greater spread of the desease, with far greater numbers of deaths. And that will have an even greater negative impact on the economy as well. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN. THANK YOU.
    300 of 400 Signatures
    Created by John Orabone
  • Step Down Colorado Governor Polis for not taxing Oil and Gas #stepdownpolis
    We are in a pandemic crisis and the state could have desperately used that money for ventilators, healthcare resources and costs and for relief to the many citizens impacted by our state economy stalled and even collapsing.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Williams
  • Tell Senators Burr and Loeffler: Resign for insider trading on the coronavirus
    Demand Progress filed a formal complaint with the Senate Ethics Committee calling for an investigation into Senator Richard Burr for insider trading. He and Senator Kelly Loeffler also need to resign. At the very same time that Senator Burr and Senator Loeffler were telling the public that the "economy is strong" and even attacking Democrats for exaggerating the danger of the coronavirus, they were dumping millions of dollars of stock holdings based on classified intelligence. Senators Burr and Loeffler are counting on us to be too wrapped up in the exploding coronavirus news cycle to take them to task — but this corruption is just too immense. Demand Progress is filing with the Senate Ethics Committee and the Securities and Exchange Commission to launch a formal investigation into these senators' insider trading. We're also leading the coalition asking Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to remove Sen. Burr as chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee -- and both need to resign. Now.
    630 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Tell MSNBC and CNN to Stop Airing Trump's COVID-19 Press Conferences Live
    Broadcasting these events live is a public health risk. Trump is feeding his viewers with disinformation and misinformation. It is impossible to fact-check this information in real time, and viewers are likely to engage in dangerous, risky behaviors if they listen only to Trump's public statements. He is also using this platform to campaign for reelection by promoting his "brand" as someone who stands up to the news media. By broadcasting these segments, you are feeding into an unhealthy dynamic in which Trump is able to further undermine trust in the news media. By carrying these briefings live, you are complicit in spreading dangerous lies and division: both are killing us.
    810 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Chuck Tryon
  • Congressional Pay Cut During COVID-19 Shutdowns
    I believe that this would work as an incentive for Congress to pass a reasonable bill to assist Americans who are struggling in the wake of this pandemic. Prioritizing American citizens over corporate bailouts would help to increase the faith lost by the US Federal Government.
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Andrus
  • No Covid-19 Bailout Money for Trump Corp
    President Trump has refused to commit to rejecting bailout funds for his personal business. For the President or any member of Congress to receive taxpayer corporate bailout funds would be corruption of the highest order. Any bailout bill put forth and signed my Congress and the President for victims of the Covid-19 outbreak must exclude Trump Corp and any other business owned by the President, Vice-President, Cabinet Members and any member of US Congress.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Srikant Rao
  • Honor Kenny Rogers
    Kenny Rogers had appeared in a GEICO commercial and thus deserves for the company to pay tribute to him.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony W
  • Don't bailout corporations, bailout Americans: Demand $2000/mo during Coronavirus crisis
    It is imperative that we have a common-sense approach that protects we the people and not corporations. In terms of potential deaths and the impact on our economy, the crisis we face from coronavirus is on the scale of a major war, and we must act accordingly. We must begin thinking on a scale comparable to the threat, and make sure that we are protecting working people, low-income people, and the most vulnerable communities, not just giant corporations and Wall Street.
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nicolas Matiz
  • SUCCESS! Governor Polis issued a mandate closing all spas 3/19-4/30. THANK YOU FOR SIGNING
    In the face of the worldwide coronavirus pandemic, many spas in Colorado have not closed, endangering the health of their employees. A partial list includes: St Julien Spa, The Broadmoor, Brown Palace, Massage Envy, Idaho Springs Resort.  Massage Therapists, Aestheticians, Cosmetologists, Manicurists, and Pedicurists are in extreme danger because they cannot follow the 6-foot social distancing rule.
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous Anonymous