Make Industrial Hemp legal & build businessIndustrial hemp is NOT pot. In modern times hemp is used for industrial purposes including paper, textiles, clothing, biodegradable plastics, construction (as with Hempcrete and insulation), body products, health food and bio-fuel. As a world leader we need to reduce our dependance on other countries and start using Hemp as a renewable green resource, build business & employ Americans in the farming, manufacture and retail industries with it's products. The world-leading producer of hemp is China, with smaller production in Europe, Chile and North Korea. Over thirty countries produce industrial hemp, and the US uses the products produced by industrial hemp.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Teri Smith
Stop using tax payer money to subsidize private enterpriseOver the years this has become more and more of a problem. Multi million dollar stadiums, casinos, etc. All paid for by taxpayers with little or nothing in return, except low paying service sector jobs. All the the while telling taxpayers there's no money for education, and infrastructure improvements. Government should not be a conduit for our tax money. Make them pay their own way or get a loan from a bank but get off our backs!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lorenzo Thurman
Save our Sound GardenSyracuse Common Council has decided to hold Sound Garden to the ordinance that is generally used for pawn shops. By doing this Syracuse will lose an iconic store, that brings people in from all over the county to spend much needed money in our city.4,771 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Maria Face
Forgive Student loans for elderly senior citizensI am 72, in poor health, living on Social Security, $732 per month. Wanted to save my home from foreclosure with a reverse mortgage, and was told FHA wont approve me because I still owe on an old student loan!51 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patricia Adamo
Nursing loan forgiveness for All Nurses Perdón total para los que tienen deudas estudiantiles de...Total loan forgiveness for ALL Nurses no matter the field or location of the job. Teachers receive loan forgiveness, but not all Nurses do. I applaud teachers but Nurses need to be held in the same regard. We work overtime, are on our feet all day taking care of everybody's family members, sacrifice time with our families to take care of yours, the list goes on. As it stands now only certain fields of Nursing are partially forgiven for their loans for example working in a low income area or rural area. I believe all Nursing loans should be forgiven regardless of where you work. Nursing is a selfless profession and loan forgiveness should be an act now and for past nurses.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amy Larson
SIGN TO SPUR CONGRESS ON JOB CREATION BILLThis petition is to spur the conversation in Congress about job creation!6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lauren
Tell Gov. Nixon to Stand with Missouri's WorkersOne of the worst attacks on Missouri's working men and women this session came in the form of SB29 - the Paycheck Deception bill. This dangerous, unfair and unnecessary bill passed when a small majority of state representatives sided with special interests over their own constituents. Fortunately, we have the numbers to prevent this dangerous legislation from becoming law. Sign our petition asking Governor Nixon to veto SB29 and add your voice to the chorus of supporters for Missouri's workers.868 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by We Are Missouri
Petition to take control of OUR tax Money & GovernmentAbout The 99% deciding how to spend our tax money. It will require throwing Republicans OUT of Congress -to begin with, and then If that doesn't get the job done; begin throwing out any Democrats who don't Vote for what's best for the 99% and the country as a whole.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elaine Medina
Reform The Farm Bill of 2013As a former SNAP (food stamps) recipient, along with a current activist against food insecurity, we are calling on Congress to make significant reforms to the 2013 Farm Bill by eliminating agricultural subsidies to successful agricultural corporations and by making crop insurance policies subject to means testing and payment limits. At the same time, we strongly urge Congress to pass the National Sustainable Agricultural Coalition’s amendment to the Farm Bill as well as the Local Farms, Food, and Jobs Act of 2013. The amendment and bill would increase support for farmers who are growing organic and sustainably produced fruit, vegetables, meats, and other healthy foods for local and regional markets. It would also increase access to these healthy foods in underserved communities.345 of 400 SignaturesCreated by James Abro & Noelani Musicaro
Keep student interest rates low until you have offered 1 million new jobs so they can have decent...I am outraged by this . I have ben carrying debt after helping out family members in the recession. I am self employed in order for me to have work in the future I have had to go back and get a Masters degree at 58. I own a home these are all tipping point factors for mother's with children and single women that make already lesser wages then men.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Margaret Jane Holmes
Fee or tax or penalty?The North Carolina legislature has included in its state budget a fee (tax, penalty) for hybrid and electric car owners. If this passes hybrid car owners will have to pay $50.00/year in addition to their registration fee while electric car owners would have to pay an additional $100.00/year.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barbara Workman
IRS Should Not Change The LawThis has enabled secret money to lobby and make advertisements to advance a political agenda on the right or left. This is the root cause of the IRS "scandal"4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James & Mary Frederick