• End Microsoft Monopoly
    A software monopoly is extremely dangerous in a world controlled by computers (government, military, voting, business, personal records). Stifling competition reduces innovation, job creation, price lowering, all hurting the economy. They're so powerful that, for more than a decade, the US and UK have failed to break them up or fine enough to affect them. They're rude, retaliatory, and capricious in business practices.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fred
  • Don't weaken Connecticut's paid sick days!
    Last year, Connecticut became the first state in the country to give workers earned paid sick time off, so they didn't have to choose between their health and their job. But now, corporate interests and big business lobbyists are trying to take away the days workers have earned to go to the doctor, or take care of a sick family member. Masquerading as 'technical fixes' to the paid sick days law, a bill in the General Assembly would actually exclude more workers from the paid sick days law, allow companies to skirt the law by temporarily reducing their staff, and make workers use more time off than they need, forcing them to use up their earned time. We should not allow our historic paid sick days law to be eroded. Tell your state representatives to oppose SB 1107!
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Taylor Leake
  • It is time to take care of our Veterans!
    America asked military personal to defend our country. Now we need to step up and help them. They put their life on the line for us, now we need to put our money on the line for them. It is only fair!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Azodi
  • Apple's tax liabilities
    Today millions of Americans take part in an annual ritual of filing their income taxes. The willingness of millions of families to plod through this ritual rests in part on the understanding that their burden is shared. Today, though, some of us are bearing a higher burden than ever, while others, particularly our most profitable corporations, sometimes pay no tax at all. Sen. Carl Levin
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael McKenna
  • Micro Loan Employment
    The efficacy of living-wages
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony DE Kim
  • End the FICA tax
    A large percentage of your salary is taken by FICA, but the rich, who receive non-salaried compensation, don't pay it. And Social Security doesn't need it, because the government creates dollars at will. FICA widens the gap between the rich and the rest.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rodger Malcolm Mitchell
  • Migrant Workers
    This petition is about Migrant Workers and their low pay. We have made this petition to help migrant workers get paid more adequate to what they do. Their jobs are grueling and time consuming. Their hours are much longer than what the average person works, with less than an 8th of what they get paid.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sofia Acchione
  • Stop Right To Work Laws Arizona
    We support repealing the right-to-work law in the state of Arizona. We believe Arizona should have labor-friendly laws on its books. Once this petition is completed, it will be delivered to the governor and both the Senate and the House of Representatives in the state of Arizona.
    652 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Stidman
  • ESPN: No Layoffs!
    After taking millions in tax payer money from the state to create jobs, ESPN is now planning layoffs. More than 100 employees, and maybe as many as 400, are slated to be let go from their Bristol, CT headquarters. This is unacceptable. ESPN took our money to create jobs, they cannot turnaround and fire employees instead. Tell ESPN not to let any of its workers go!
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Taylor Leake
  • Don't Tax My Credit Union
    My Credit Union helps my community by giving back its profits. Don't let the IRS take away their not-for-profit tax status!
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Danny Fuhriman
  • Launch Investigation against Westboro Baptist Church
    Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kansas should be investigated in suspect of using tax exempt funds from their Non-Profit Status 501(c)3 , to promote hate and discrimination.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Citizens of America
  • Stop Right To Work Laws Texas
    We support repealing the "Right To Work" in the State of Texas. We believe Texas should have labor friendly laws on their books. Once this petition is completed it will be delivered to the Governor and both the Senate and the House of Representatives in the State of Texas.
    349 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Stidman