Repeal of The Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension OffsetIndividuals who have worked in careers where they receive a pension from work not covered by social security are being penalized by reducing their earned social security benefits. The benefit formula under SS already has a built in reduction for those with fewer covered work years. Firefighters,teachers,government workers, municipal workers,police are all victims. Many had already changed careers and became victims without benefit of career selection. This is a double reduction in calculating benefits.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charles McCollum
The disastor of globalization.I live in Ohio, a typical rust belt state. I have watched the effects of globalization all around me. The problem with globalization is that it unleashes all the defects of laissez faire economic beliefs that we already knew about. The fact that labor has no chance against capital. Pure markets leads to exploitation of labor. In the modern economy of mass production you need mass consumption or you will go into a recession. When the value of labor all goes to capital, aggregate demand is destroyed. This situation has led our government to become a plutocracy. Until globalization is brought under control, the governments attempts to fix the economy are just band aids.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Philip Angelo
Freedom and Democracy for ALLBasic Human rights and Social and economic Justice.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stanley Rampersaud
Tax Religious OrganizationsReligious organizations should stay out of politics or be taxes like everyone else.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ryan Valadez
Help for veteransTax breaks should be given to any company that hires veterans returning home from war3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charles Strivkland
Non profit organizationsAll non profit organizations should be audited by the IRS annually. The Tea Party shpuld not be an exception.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Verna Brunswick
Stop Right To Work Laws MichiganWe support repealing the "right-to-work" law in the state of Michigan. We believe Michigan should have labor-friendly laws on their books. Once this petition is completed, it will be delivered to the governor and both the Senate and the House of Representatives in the state of Michigan.630 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jerry Stidman
Pay increase for Indiana ServersIn Indiana, the servers have not seen a pay increase in many years. Inflation continues to rise, the standard of living here in Indiana has increased, but we are still making $2.13 an hour. Other states have increased the the wages consistently for servers as the wages for others have increased, but we have seen no change. It is time that the government looks at our wages and makes changes to fit the standard of our economy.171 of 200 SignaturesCreated by K Schooley
End tax-free political organizationsA 501(C)(4) is supposed to be for “civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare.” Note the word “exclusively.” If the organization is not 100% social welfare, it should not be exempt from taxes. Tax law exempts Section 501(c)(3) charities and Section 527 political committees from gift tax rules,but offers no such exemption to Section 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations. Political groups are flouting the law. Such groups as Sierra Club and League of Women voters do not claim such exemptions, and donations are not tax-exempt.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ed Lehr
Stop Political Committees from Pretending to Be Social Betterment CharitiesThe main problem with the recent "IRS Scandal" is not so much that conservative groups were "targeted" (only 25% of the scruitinized groups had TEA Party or Patriot in the name) it is that the IRS has become complicit with organizations that should be 527's filing as 501(c)(4)'s.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Josh Frayer
The Rise Of The New Economy MovementIn the wake of the financial crisis, we the people need an economy that works for everyone. we all contribute value to an organization, should not we all profit?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by leanier carter
Stop Big Business Giveaways!Session after session, the Oregon Legislature has made stealthy contributions to business interests. But these giveaways come at a steep price to the Oregon budget, and these subsidies don't always bring the promised benefits. Right now, the Legislature is poised for another giant giveaway - the "Industrial Lands Readiness" program. It's outrageous. SB 246 A will make it the state's responsibility to pay the debt on getting land ready for industrial development. These costs belong to land owners, businesses, developers, and local jurisdictions. Never before have they been the responsibility of the state! Under SB 246 A, the state could pick up 100% of the costs of everything from buying land to building sidewalks. All to benefit big business, while schools and vital services continue to feel the budget squeeze. BlueOregon is partnering with Tax Fairness Oregon to blow the whistle. Sign our petition today to tell legislators: STOP THE BIG BUSINESS GIVEAWAYS.3,077 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Kari Chisholm