Non profit organizationsAll non profit organizations should be audited by the IRS annually. The Tea Party shpuld not be an exception.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Verna Brunswick
Stop Right To Work Laws MichiganWe support repealing the "right-to-work" law in the state of Michigan. We believe Michigan should have labor-friendly laws on their books. Once this petition is completed, it will be delivered to the governor and both the Senate and the House of Representatives in the state of Michigan.630 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jerry Stidman
Pay increase for Indiana ServersIn Indiana, the servers have not seen a pay increase in many years. Inflation continues to rise, the standard of living here in Indiana has increased, but we are still making $2.13 an hour. Other states have increased the the wages consistently for servers as the wages for others have increased, but we have seen no change. It is time that the government looks at our wages and makes changes to fit the standard of our economy.172 of 200 SignaturesCreated by K Schooley
End tax-free political organizationsA 501(C)(4) is supposed to be for “civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare.” Note the word “exclusively.” If the organization is not 100% social welfare, it should not be exempt from taxes. Tax law exempts Section 501(c)(3) charities and Section 527 political committees from gift tax rules,but offers no such exemption to Section 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations. Political groups are flouting the law. Such groups as Sierra Club and League of Women voters do not claim such exemptions, and donations are not tax-exempt.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ed Lehr
Stop Political Committees from Pretending to Be Social Betterment CharitiesThe main problem with the recent "IRS Scandal" is not so much that conservative groups were "targeted" (only 25% of the scruitinized groups had TEA Party or Patriot in the name) it is that the IRS has become complicit with organizations that should be 527's filing as 501(c)(4)'s.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Josh Frayer
The Rise Of The New Economy MovementIn the wake of the financial crisis, we the people need an economy that works for everyone. we all contribute value to an organization, should not we all profit?1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by leanier carter
Stop Big Business Giveaways!Session after session, the Oregon Legislature has made stealthy contributions to business interests. But these giveaways come at a steep price to the Oregon budget, and these subsidies don't always bring the promised benefits. Right now, the Legislature is poised for another giant giveaway - the "Industrial Lands Readiness" program. It's outrageous. SB 246 A will make it the state's responsibility to pay the debt on getting land ready for industrial development. These costs belong to land owners, businesses, developers, and local jurisdictions. Never before have they been the responsibility of the state! Under SB 246 A, the state could pick up 100% of the costs of everything from buying land to building sidewalks. All to benefit big business, while schools and vital services continue to feel the budget squeeze. BlueOregon is partnering with Tax Fairness Oregon to blow the whistle. Sign our petition today to tell legislators: STOP THE BIG BUSINESS GIVEAWAYS.3,077 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Kari Chisholm
Income Tax for Widow & WidowersIncome tax laws for the widow & widower. Yes, my wife past away and now since all of the children are grown and out of the house I have to fill as a single person. After 19 years,11 months, 11 days I don't fill single. I think this tax Law should be changed so all the widows and widowers can fill as Widows & Widowers.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Al Reinert
LOOK DEEPER INTO IRS FRAUDNow that the IRS has been audited, I am sure there are many issues that need to be addressed.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dr. Faye Hall
time outits time for the governnment to stop utility companies from increasing their rates until the public is given an increase for cost of living. These companies that control what we basically need to survive are allowed to constantly increase their revenue and be allowed tax credits from our tax dollars only to increase ttheir profits.the average person can barely pay the amounts needed for a basic way of sustaining life. The same companies will shut down vital services on people that has paid for their services for decades with no reemorse which in some cases causes death.How can they have it both ways.TThe rule is no monopolies but ameran ue and laclede gas operate under some kind of special rule which allows them to have no competition so they raise their rates at every oppertunity .while still enjoying our tax dollars to operate1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by tooslo
Pay Raise for Kentucky State Government EmployeesIt has been well over five years since Kentucky State Government Employees have been afforded a pay raise. Kentucky State Government workers are very committed to serving our people, are very hard workers and are constantly seeing the prices for goods and services go up along with the annual increase in SSI and Disability that citizens receive, but there has been no increase in State Government pay rates in years. We constantly pay for the goods and services others receive and in return have not been compensated for the hard work and services that State Employees give out. The time is now to start giving our most valuable employees pay increases.7,271 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by Walker
Stop NC HB1779Don't charge more taxes to North Carolina Residents. This bill will make it harder for the people to register a vehicle. In addition to paying $68 (for title and tag) and 3% $$$ of the actual car value, people will be forced to pay wherever % imposed by the county they live in. This bill would easily add up to hundreds of dollars to register any vehicle in all North Carolina. Cmon let's make our voice heard! Let's stop secret legislation in NC!84 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Adrian