• Opposition to Social Security Chained CPI
    Depending on your age, chained CPI could cost you $1,000 a year in Social Security retirement benefits.
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David De Baillie
  • ARIZONA; don't touch social security!!
    Be concerned and show it by signing this petition to keep "hands off" Social Security funds! Neither the state nor the government should touch monies due to seniors!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dee Wood
  • Save Social Security--Don't Give In
    My mom is on social security and I know others with disabilities. The rich can afford higher taxes before the poor can.
    820 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Melling
  • Hands OFF our Social Security, no Chained CPI Mr. President!
    Please, I humbly ask you to sign this petition to tell President Obama to keep his hands OFF, of our Social Security! Chained CPI's are cuts to Social Security, that President Obama is proposing. Chained CPI's will hurt those who need it the most, our elderly. I don't want to end up in poverty in my elderly years, do you? Mahalo and Aloha~
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Johnny Huckaby
  • Stop Social Security cuts
    It is hard enough to live on social security now..... and it seems everytime we have a debit crisis, they want to cut social security. This is NOT a handout. I worked all my life and paid into this program. So did the majority of people drawing social security. If you must make cuts, make them where the people involved will not be devistated!!!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol A Lane
    179 of 200 Signatures
    Created by PHILIP NEWMAN
  • Social Security Cuts
    My mother is 82 and solely dependent on Social Security. Not only that, legal American citizens work their butts of to make a living and pay into the Social Security system. NO ONE has the right to tell working class citizens that they do not deserve to get their money back to support them in their old age!
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lynn Priebe
  • Representative Kilmer: Say NO to Social Security cuts
    President Obama will reportedly propose cuts to Social Security benefits by including "chained CPI" in his budget proposal to Congress. Senior citiizens and other recipients of federal benefits affected by "chained CPI" cannot afford these cuts, especially since Social Security has nothing to do with the federal budget deficit.
    1,734 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ann W. Cook
  • Rep. Matsui: Oppose Cuts to Social Security
    The President is proposing to use a cut called the “Chained CPI” that will cut benefits for every single Social Security beneficiary—now and in the future. My mother, like most seniors, relies on social security for 90% of her monthly income. Any cut will force her and other seniors and disabled citizens on fixed incomes to choose between needed prescription drugs, utilities or groceries. Our Social Security system has never contributed a penny to the deficit. The debt we have comes from a decade of tax cuts for the wealthy, unlimited spending on foreign wars and a recession caused by unregulated Wall Street speculation. It’s wrong to ask senior citizens, veterans and the disabled to pay for the greed of the top 1%.
    672 of 800 Signatures
    Created by NANCY YAMADA
  • We totally oppose any cuts to Social Security benefits!
    The New York Times reported that President Obama will propose cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits in his budget next week. Social Security is the core of the progressive and Democratic legacy.
    591 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Kerr Beckwith
  • War Tax
    One of the reasons our economy and the federal budget is suffering is because we've been fighting wars without paying for them. A one-time tax to be levied until the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions and occupations have been paid for should be levied on those who most benefited from those military industrial actions: those whose incomes, assets, and net worth has grown since 9-11-2001. When the trillions of dollars lost to fight those wars are replaced, the war tax will end.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by michael burgwin
  • Congressman Enyart: Oppose cuts to Social Security!
    Chained CPI will hurt seniors and weaken the social safety net. Don't let this happen!
    276 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kory Schulein