• Reject Grover Norquist's anti-tax pledge
    How is Grover Norquist, who has not been elected to legislate a thing, being allowed to dictate policy? Supposedly, legislators are elected to look out for the American people. Taking crumbs from the "least of these," while allowing the rich to continue to get richer, is a shameful contradiction of this principle. How long will we allow our government to be bought by the highest bidder?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Jordan Smith
  • True Entitlement Reform
    It is time to limit the corporate tax deduction to wages included in the Social Security wage base and tax the excess as a dividend. Why do we only pay on the first $117,000? Why not all wages? Why are corporations allowed to deduct this excessive salary but exclude it from social security? Does that seem fair? Limit the deduction and tax the excess as a dividend. And include all income, not only salary. Why is interest exempt? And legislators need to pay as well, no one, except our Veteran's, should be exempt from social security. We also need to limit the corporate tax deduction for travel, meals and entertainment. Why are we subsidizing private corporate jets and lavish meals, parties and "meetings"? Limit the tax deduction to the Federal Per Diem and tax the excess as a dividend. It is time we redefine entitlements. Social Security is a lifeline for many seniors, and it is time we protect them and ensure they can retire with dignity and financial security.
    665 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Longo
  • Raise the Minimum Wage
    Raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 per hour would boost the paychecks of over 30 million workers in the U.S. The majority are adults with full-time jobs, and nearly half have some college education. If the minimum wage had kept pace with inflation since 1968, it would be $10.60 today. Tell Congress you support this fix.
    79,976 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Roger Hickey
  • Save Social Security by making everyone pay his fair share!
    Today, the Rich pay no Social Security taxes on earnings above $113,000. This means that millionaires pay NOTHING on almost all of their earnings! And yet, the President and Congress want to reduce Social Security payments to the elderly, who can least afford it. If the President and Congress would simply eliminate the cap on Social Security contributions, there would be no need to steal seniors' monthly SS payments from them, and SS could be solvent forever!
    140 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Jay Bonstingl
  • Income Inequality Crisis: Tell the President and Congress Priority Number One
    The biggest fiscal issue facing American's today is income inequality and nearly no one in government is talking about it, so let's make it an issue. Millions of American's are falling deeper into debt and poverty while the most affluent of us all are increasing their total share of America's wealth. Since 1979, the top 5% took home more than half of total income growth. The top 1% took nearly 40%.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Doxey
  • Amherst Town Board (Amherst, New York)
    We're petitioning Amherst's Town Board to support WNY's food trucks, as they face onerous proposed regulations that would stop them from doing business in Amherst, New York. Public support of the trucks will help the Board make the right decision - to allow them to serve our community, just as they have successfully operated in Buffalo.
    3,569 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy Horwitz
  • Congressional Pay Cuts and Entitlements
    Full across the board pay cut and slash of "Fringe-Benefits" to ALL members of Congress in order to pay down the national debt!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cathy Walker
  • Fair tax for all
    The country's current debt is atrocious at $16 Trillion dollars. We all hate taxes and taxes getting raised. It's about time everyone pays their fair share, including churches, non-profits, and other tax exempt organizations.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brandon Ptacnik
  • Social Security Income Should not be Taxed
    Seniors need to have more respect. When we retire we loose much of our income, we cannot stay in the homes we loved because of the high property taxes. The economy has been awful for many years now. We have lost our savings because of the greed of others and the government that is unwilling, or unable to do anything about it. They are either in it for themselves or they are inept. Either way we have lost out and the least they can do is stop taxing us.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Paloff
  • USPS does it again!
    USPS laid off 100s of employees in the Chicago District because of low retiree count! Our families have been affected by this and we can't even file for unemployment!
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Carmen Pearson
  • Governor Patrick, help increase the hiring of qualified individuals with disabilities in MA
    In 2011 the unemployment rate of persons with a disability was 15%, that's compared to 8.7% for those with no disability. Help make a change to this by supporting a bill to create more employment opportunities for people with disabilities in Massachusetts. Support HOUSE No. 136 to require companies who contract with the Executive Offices of the Commonwealth to commit to hiring people with disabilities and training all employees involved in hiring decisions on the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Desiree
  • Getting rid of credit checks as a deciding factor in hiring
    My name is Preston Chavers and I have been unemployed for over a year. I was recently denied work because of poor credit history and was denied work with a national insurance company. How does the employer expect people to clean up their credit history and pay off bills/loans if they cannot get a job and work to pay off their debt. This is a very unfair practice and it needs to be stopped. Please sign this petition and tell our policy makers to stop our companies from using a persons credit history as a deciding factor in hiring people.
    262 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Preston Chavers