• iPledge to Support Good Jobs
    Preserve good jobs in America! The FCC recently approved the merger between T-Mobile and MetroPCS, the country's respective fourth and fifth largest wireless providers. CWA has been fighting to keep good jobs at home ever since T-Mobile closed seven call centers last summer, displacing more than 3,300 workers. And MetroPCS currently outsources 100 percent of its customer care, billing, payment processing and logistics operations.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Molly McGrath
  • NYS 2013-2014 Budget does not address proper public school funding or appropriate middle class ta...
    The 2013-2014 NYS Budget ignores the need for public school funding. Governor Cuomo has made school aid "not guaranteed," as it comes with prerequisite strings attached. Likewise, the tax relief and initiatives for the middle class is not appropriately addressed to all middle class citizens.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Ackley
  • Tax Alcohol For Recovery Progams
    What Representative Clark and Senator Eaton propose is simple: modestly increase the tax on alcohol and devote the funds to sober schools, supportive housing, DUI courts, treatment, domestic violence programs, and similar needed services and programs. Help Olmsted and other Counties get DUi & Drug Court. The current cost of alcohol to our state is 5.06 billion annually. House Bill 885/ Senate Bill 902 would increase taxes by 3.5 cents for a can of beer, 3.8 cents for glass of wine, and 10 cents for a shot of liquor.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael McDonough
  • Support your local small businesses
    I have worked for and owned several small businesses and understand the issues small business owners face. I would like for our community to show their support for our local businesses in order for them remain successful. Small businesses give back to the community more then a lot of people think. These businesses need our support!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Szatkowski
  • We'll Hit You Where It Hurts, Republicans, We'll stop spending ALSO!
    The Republicans are cutting all the important programs that help the Poor and Minorities. They claim that the Government is spending too much money, that we don't have! But, we know better, because common sense tells you that, you have to spend money to make money! You can't cut your way to success! So, we'll show the entire U.S. House and Senate, and Tea Party, that we will stop spending also! We'll boycott all Department Stores, and all Companies that get rich off of the poor and minorities. We will spend only for our necessities in our neighborhoods! We'll send e-mails around the Country and world, to tell our leaders that we've had enough of their lies and mess! They must not close our schools nor cut Programs, because it only sends us backwards not forward! When they start spending to enhance our world, we will stop the boycott and start spending again! We must see results by reopening schools and putting many people back to work in all areas, around the Country, in order to make our Country function again, at the highest level possible! Thanking you in advance for your help! The Power Of The People!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Conway
  • Unemployment payments
    People are approved for unemployment and if the employer fights it you get 3 appeals the worker usually wins the first two and collects unemployment in the meantime and then normally loses the last appeal and then has to pay the money back and if he/she wants to appeal again they have to file in court and pay. I have been affected by this personally and all evidence showed I was entitled to my unemployment.but still lost the 3rd appeal.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tina
  • Tell Governor McCory to keep Western Youth Institute Open
    If Western Youth Institute closes in North Carolina it will harm the economy in Western, North Carolina. I have several family members that are employed at Western Youth Institute a.k.a "High Rise" that are in jeopardy of being unemployed if this facility closes. More than 380 people will lose their jobs. This will definitely effect the local economy in our area. Governor McCory you are supposed to be assisting North Carolina with job creation. Why are you taking jobs away.
    539 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Unifour OneStop Collaborative
  • Increase wage for in-house care providers
    I find that the $8.55 per hour wage for care providers who work at homes of people with disabilities and seniors to be below the realistic cost to survive in the modern community. Because of the much work of care providers, lifting clients; cooking; cleaning, should be respected and thus paid more. I am asking that the wage increases to $12/hour. I had a friend who did this for a person, being a care provider, and hardly made the cut in paying bills or buying food.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vaughn Brown
  • Support Renaissance Providence Hotel Workers
    On March 25, 2013, workers at the Renaissance Providence Hotel announced their demands that the hotel improve its appalling working conditions, give them a voice on the job, and honor a fair process for union organizing. Workers say they've always suffered under poor conditions at the hotel, but that things have gotten much worse since the Procaccianti Group took over the property in December 2012. Now the workers have spoken: enough is enough. Please sign on to support the the workers' fight. This petition will be delivered to the Renaissance Providence's management in a future delegation.
    348 of 400 Signatures
    Created by UNITE HERE 217
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Don Gaskins
  • no podemos sobrevivir con $7.25
    rigth now we are trying to show the President and the congress that there is a need to raise minimum wage. and how raising the minimum wage will not only put more money in everyone's pockets but also it would boost our economy and make it work for all of us. Intentamos Mostrar el Presidente y el Congreso que hay una necesidad de aumentar el salario mínimo. y cómo aumentar el salario mínimo no sólo pone más dinero en los bolsillos de todos, pero también se impulsar nuestra economía y hace que funcione para todos nosotros.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by walter
    Via FICA both Social Security and Medicare are funded by payroll deductions on the working class. This gets short-circuited when jobs are off-shored. The fix surcharging all imported goods to price them within a fair and free competitive window of what they would cost to make domestically. WE NEED THIS PRO-LABOR LEGISLATION...
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Cox