• U.S. House, Repeal the Sequester
    Stopping the sequester, because it affects all of us. Teachers, musicians, ecology work, the National and State parks we have here in the Bay Area. I am an ecologist, and go to music, and the Parks. This could affect garbage collection, which really brings it down to bare facts.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire Risley
  • 3 Million Jobs in 90 days
    Support the Dawson Plan to create 3million jobs in 90 days. We can do this by using a bank ( Ally Financial). This bank is owned 74% by the American taxpayers because we bailed it out. Let us use the bank we bailed out to create 3 million jobs in 90 days the Dawson Plan will show you how.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ricardo Dawson
    I am utterly fed up with congressional failure to enact a responsible budget. Surely nothing more need be said.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Risë Mezo
  • Bring Costco to Mobile, AL
    JOBS! We can help create jobs in our city and stimulate our economy.
    227 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Felicia Walker
  • Don't Let The Gang of Eight Kill American Jobs
    The Washington Post of March 21st reported that the bipartisan 'Gang of Eight' senators had approved a plan pushed by lobbyists of large US technology companies such as IBM and Intel to double H1B visa allocations. If this plan was adopted, the prospects for current and perspective American IT workers would become even bleaker than now. Not only would they face being displaced by a wave of cheaper foreign workers, foreign companies use the H1B visa to allow their workers to come to the US and be trained by the American workers they are displacing. If we wish to keep the promise of middle-class jobs for any more than a tiny minority of Americans, we must stop the Gang of Eight's plan.
    514 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Hamilton
  • Repeal the Sequester. Stop the Furloughs.
    If the furloughs are not stopped, every Civilian Service employee at every military hospital will be cut 8 hrs per week which will drastically reduce patient access to medical care which already is critically less than what is needed. Our military service men and women, their families, and retirees have made great sacrifices and deserve the health care they have earned, and nothing less. Our patients will then have to seek the medical care they need elsewhere which will cost at least 1.5 times the cost for their care if provided at the military hospitals by Civilian Service employees. Repeal the sequester, stop the furloughs!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Burton
  • Govenor, Nikki Haley, Stop Yearly Property Tax for Automobiles and Implement Yearly Safety and Em...
    I have been in the Auto Repair and Towing Business for 14 years and the unsafe conditions of most vehicles is appalling! We are 1 of 10 States in the US that does not implement Yearly Safety Inspections. Yearly Safety Inspections not only provides protection for our loved ones, it also boosts the economy. Most citizens of the state are tired of paying property tax over and over again on the same vehicle. With payment of an inspection fee and necessary repairs, the customer has something substantial they can see and touch.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Roselli
  • Govenor, Nikki Haley, Stop Yearly Property Tax for Automobiles and Implement Yearly Safety and Em...
    I have been in the Auto Repair and Towing Business for 14 years and the unsafe conditions of most vehicles is appalling! We are 1 of 10 States in the US that does not implement Yearly Safety Inspections. Yearly Safety Inspections not only provides protection for our loved ones, it also boosts the economy. Most citizens of the state are tired of paying property tax over and over again on the same vehicle. With payment of an inspection fee and necessary repairs, the customer has something substantial they can see and touch.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Roselli
  • Govenor, Nikki Haley, Stop Yearly Property Tax for Automobiles and Implement Yearly Safety and Em...
    I own a repair shop in Myrtle Beach, SC for 14 years. There are too many severely, unsafe vehicles on our roads. The automobile owners pay a meager Property Tax, therefore, they have no accountability for causing pollution or when an accident occurs due their unsafe vehicle.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Roselli
  • Don’t Sequester Our Communities!
    On March 1st, due to Congress' refusal to act in the interest of the citizens, a series of automatic cuts took effect. These cuts threaten hundreds of thousands of jobs, vital children and senior citizen services, services for citizens with mental illnesses, and our armed forces. This disaster could be averted if all members of Congress truly work together on behalf of the people who sent them there.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by South Siders For Change
    Senseless entitlement cuts that are not immediately necessary. This stupid sequestration will severely damage our economy and destroy the lives of too many people in our country to include our school children just to appease hateful, greedy, seperatist that disrespects our President and our citizens with needs that matter.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Collins
  • D.C. Retail Workers Deserve a Living Wage
    The D.C. City Council has introduced a bill that would require all businesses, like Walmart, with 75,000 square feet of retail space or more and at least $1 billion in annual revenues to pay workers $12.50 an hour. Workers in D.C. deserve a living wage, and this bill is a big step in the right direction. By raising wages for workers in large retail workplaces like Walmart, this will impact thousands of D.C. families. Write to the D.C. Council now and urge them to support the Large Retailer Accountability Act of 2013.
    440 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Karen Nussbaum