• Minimun wage
    Raise it now. It's necessary for the working poor and it's goodfor the state economy.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by arthur J. crosta
  • Stop increasing our cost of fuel when Americans are struggling
    The cost of living keeps increasing while the income of the average american can't sustain their expenses. This is insanity and everybody is so stressed that instead of taking a stand they keep getting further in debt.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francisca Ruiz
  • Save the Jobs of JCCDC Head Start Early Head Start Providers!
    Providers are losing their jobs after reaching out for assistance from Washington in regards to their contracts and pay earlier last year. The Head Start Early Head Start Program has threaten to go center base which would eliminate jobs for over 30 small business owners. My mother who is a provider has lost her job and its has been hard, however we will do everything possible to stop this injustice from happening to others. Those who have lost their jobs wrongfully we ask that they be reinstated with pay.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pam Hill
  • Redding Citizens Need Jobs!!
    The recession rolls on -- but in Redding, it has been rolling on for a long time. The federal government helped out with the Recovery Act, but that is winding down. We need sustainable energy jobs up here.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Allison
  • Sales Tax Unfair!
    The sales tax will affect all people of North Carolina in multiple ways.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John K. and Nancy Nelson
  • KRS Funding
    lack of funding by the Ky. Legislature to the state employee retirement system
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by charlene w. mills
  • Stop CLA (common level appraisals)
    The price a person pays for there property is what it should be worth,any equity that is gained should not be taxed until it is used.The value of ones property should not be increased due to increases in the selling price's of neighboring properties
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sean Tangney
  • An Attempt to Eliminate Bargaining Rights
    The anti-teacher forces in the Kansas House of Representatives released a bill that effectively dismantles collective bargaining for teachers.
    4,568 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Heather Bruce
  • Repeal Corrupt $500 Million Giveaway to Amgen Corporation at Taxpayer Expense!
    Crony Capitalism is a pestilence that infects both major U.S. parties. Here’s a revealing case in point, involving the so-called “fiscal cliff deal” that was negotiated by the White House and the GOP, and showing how a $500 million payoff to biotech company Amgen was snuck in at the last minute, effectively reducing Amgen’s record U.S. fine of $762 million in criminal and civil penalties by two thirds, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. See http://billmoyers.com/segment/u-s-rep-peter-welch-on-amgen%e2%80%99s-sweet-senate-deal/ In this exposé of political “skullduggery” (to use Bill Moyers’s term), Moyers reveals how a New York Times investigative report (published two days before the inauguration) traced the sell-out actions of Republican Mitch McConnell, Democrat Max Baucus and Republican Orrin Hatch, “a trio of perpetrators, who treat the U.S. Treasury as if it were a cash-and-carry annex of corporate America,” according to Moyers. We demand repeal of the paragraph that made this shameless giveaway to Amgen possible. Moyers’s discussion with House Democratic Representative Peter Welch suggests that even Tea Party GOPers might join in with other hoodwinked electeds to repeal this clearly corrupt payoff to a corporate wrongdoer. This is well worth viewing and acting upon to repeal what discredits our government and both houses at the highest levels. There can be no excuse for not going after this one!
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John de Clef Piñeiro, Esq.
  • Low Wages
    I sick to my stomach of these jobs paying minimum wage and have all kinds of rules!! They ought to be glad someone is there working. How do they expect someone to live on $8 an hr?? No raises, or cost of living raises. There should be a law made to change this!! Then they want you to pay for your Medical,Dental,Vision and Life Insurance Premiums and live off $5 hr after premiums and after taxes 20% ??? Does the CEO live on $8hr? Heck NO.. let them walk a day in our shoes and see how fast they would pay us more!! Just like Congress put them on $8 an hr and see how fast wages like these would change....!!!!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gina
  • In Texas, homeowners are cash cows for.. (read on to see who is cashing in)
    There are countless horror stories. Mine is that I unknowingly purchased a home in a "Limited District" (most people have no idea what it is - I didn't, nor do most officials I've raised the issue with, yet they are spreading). I did not receive the statutorily required Notice To Purchaser, or the restrictions, in the contract (is the contract valid, is a buyer bound to participate?) - I would not have bought it. I now pay extra (double) taxes to fund duplicated services already paid for through City taxes, under the premise of "maintinaing pool and parks". I clearly stated upfront I did not want to live where any small group sought to exert power with fear, and homeowners paying for the abuse. I had naively lived in an HOA, saw the entrenchment, misues inflicted, fear mongering propaganda, and moved to get away from it with no intention of ever living in any such contrivance again. It was a extremely traumatic when I was sued, after 3 months of work reinvesting in conservation projects on my new home and participating in the City Landscape Conversion program, for not "getting permission" for a landscape fence 3.5 feet past front of the house due to the existing sidewalk - it is beautiful, and homeowners like it. This, in contrast to years of ignoring pervasive violations is suspect, and discrimination with no good intent. Aging neighborhoods need redevelopment not obstruction and oppression. Instead of granting a variance for improvement, the regressive board via property management via the law firm was allowed to run up fees and walked away with 30k+ of homeowners money, zero value to homeowners - Who won?
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by T Logan
  • Gas Tax vs Sales Tax
    Elimination of the Virginia gas tax will not assure a concurrent reduction in the price of gas, although the sales tax increase will raise costs to Virginia residents. Elimination of the gas tax should include a provision that preclude "windfall" profits for the gas companies, distributor, or station owners.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roscoe Lantz