No Sales Tax Cuts for Businesses!!There exists among our elected officials a logical fallacy that when you cut taxes for businesses there is a "Trickle Down" effect. Eliminating the State Sales Tax for businesses will place an undue extra burden on the citizens (that is living breathing humans-not corporations) of the state of Florida. Every time the state cuts taxes for businesses, I pay more in user taxes such as utility fees and surcharges. Furthermore, Public Safety, Education, and Assistance are made to 'bite the bullet' to cover the revenues lost by cutting taxes. Finally, It is a logical fallacy that cutting taxes results in job creation. It wasn't true for Reagan, Bush (all 3 of them), Crist, or Scott and it isn't true now.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephen Lumbert
Action For Atlanta,GaHealth Care Issues I'm A CNA because of very low wages I can't afford Insurance so unfortunately I 've experience being sick a few times This past year which I Recieved several different medical bills from going to the Hospital...... Jobs my daughter been looking for a Job for a year she wants to work terribly bad she just recently Recieved her last unemployment check so now she has no income at all what is she to do....Where are the jobs Land Of The Free And Home Of The Brave...2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by LaJean Fant
Basic needs should not be taxedPlease do not tax clothes or food. This would really hurt the middle and lower classes and the state will lose money as we attract a lot of people from other states, etc. to shop here. They buy much more than clothes when they are here too.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Klimek
UNIONIZE OFFICE JOBSThe California office workforce is one that is an 'AT WILL' entity, which gives support, as it were, to the derogation and abuse of the office worker by those in 'Upper Management'. I, myself, have come under unfair actions more than once and have been either terminated from my job unfairly or otherwise forced out. I have also seen various and suppressive actions used by those in Upper Management against their workers due to ego concerns, and believe that unfair targeting, termination, and suppression of an individual's rights should be henceforth stopped in the office workplace altogether.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patricia Foy
JOB CREATIONLets get JOBS CREATED in America! The Legal AMERICAN Citizens of this great Country need JOBS!!! Lets help the legal Citizens of America out! CREATE JOBS!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alfred Van Guilder
Stand behind Disabled Retired Veterans!Abolish the "Disabled Veterans' Tax"3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by james Wyrick
State Tax v. Income TaxDo not replace the revenue obtained from the state income tax by higher sales taxes! This only hurts low income families and those below the poverty line. If you don't believe this ask any low income family in Tennessee about their grocery bills.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michael A. Sawyer
Minimun wageRaise it now. It's necessary for the working poor and it's goodfor the state economy.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by arthur J. crosta
Stop increasing our cost of fuel when Americans are strugglingThe cost of living keeps increasing while the income of the average american can't sustain their expenses. This is insanity and everybody is so stressed that instead of taking a stand they keep getting further in debt.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Francisca Ruiz
Save the Jobs of JCCDC Head Start Early Head Start Providers!Providers are losing their jobs after reaching out for assistance from Washington in regards to their contracts and pay earlier last year. The Head Start Early Head Start Program has threaten to go center base which would eliminate jobs for over 30 small business owners. My mother who is a provider has lost her job and its has been hard, however we will do everything possible to stop this injustice from happening to others. Those who have lost their jobs wrongfully we ask that they be reinstated with pay.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pam Hill
Redding Citizens Need Jobs!!The recession rolls on -- but in Redding, it has been rolling on for a long time. The federal government helped out with the Recovery Act, but that is winding down. We need sustainable energy jobs up here.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Allison
Sales Tax Unfair!The sales tax will affect all people of North Carolina in multiple ways.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John K. and Nancy Nelson