• Alaska
    Instead of giving takes breaks which effects everyone differently, we should be giving a yearly pay out to each legal North Dakota Citizen of the same amount.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer
  • Improve Our Future
    Our deficit is out of control, making the average taxpayer nervous, and feeling vaguely ripped off when images of people "working' the system, and continuing to make irresponsible choices on the governmental dime are shown in the media, or right in their faces. I propose this: Make the receipt of cash and food stamp benefits dependent on the completion of basic parenting and sex education programs.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cecelia Morgan
  • Eliminate Property Taxation
    Deceptive property and business taxation has been a traditional burden against business development and job creation for years. Homeowner taxation is grossly manipulated and especially unfair for seniors living in their homes until death. Homeowners and business can no longer support every blank-check community need for eternity. Other more logical sources must be creatively determined.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ron & Lynne Daugherty
  • helping to bring change here in georgia.
    I want to address why do we have it that georgia is a right to work state.I feel here in the south that law need to be done away with.it only hurt the working people and not the rich that done need to work.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Hendon
  • Stop Foreclosure Mill: Northwest Trustee & Routh Crabtree
    On behalf of the UNREPRESENTED Non-Judicial foreclosure victims of fraud in non-judicial states (There are 27 of them, which is the majority of the nation by no small coincidence), I present the following petition: Foreclosure should not be able to be initiated, facilitated, perpetuated or adjudicated by any entity who PROFITS from it. PERIOD! Yet Northwest Trustee and sister company Routh Crabtree are running a foreclosure mill that will further harm Washington's economy if they are not stopped!
    182 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Washington Citizens
  • Keep NYC Neighborhoods: Save Local Business
    On October 31, 2012, VIM Pharmacy, a beloved neighborhood fixture in Washington Heights, closed its doors after 37 years due to an exorbitant rent increase. City-wide, many local businesses are being forced out by inflated rents and replaced with big chain stores. This undermines community well-being and quality of life, the viability of the neighborhood and hurts the local economy.
    940 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Sara Kotzin
  • raises for state employees
    Yes, I am affected, we need a raise. We work hard for our students and have not had a raise in 5 years. Please help us.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Lou Barker
  • Tobacco Costs California Lives & $
    TOBACCO should pay for the health problems, including, deaths that it causes in the State of California every year.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Timothy I. Moder
  • Vehicle Miles Tax - Massachusetts
    Western Massachusetts does not have mass transportation, most people commute long distances to work. The TAXES already paid on our vehicles are: Sales Tax when we purchase the vehicle, Excise Tax-yearly, State & Federal Tax on each and every gallon of gas/diesel that we purchase. We have NO OTHER OPTIONS FOR TRANSPORTATION. ENOUGH! Our Massachusetts Governor wants to now TAX us for the number of miles we drive on our vehicles each year. Example: if they impose even a small amount of $.10 cents per mile, and you drive 10,000 miles a year (which is not a lot) that would mean and additional mileage tax of $1000. which equals $83.00/month and that is at only 10 Cents per mile. Wake up!!!!!!
    387 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Joan Valva
  • Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) needs to be passed now
    The LGBT community needs to be protected from discrimination in the work place. Employers in most areas of the country can refuse to hire - or even fire - someone because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. ENDA needs to be passed to protect us.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Barret Vogtman
  • Legislation Repeal Taft-Hartley section 14(b)
    State laws permitted by section 14(b) of the taft-hartley act that provide in general that employees are not required to join a union as a condition of getting or retaining a job. Therefore, when a state passes a right-to-work law, it prohibits both mandatory union membership and initiation fees and dues obligations of agency shops, and permits employees who do not voluntarily pay dues and initiation fees to receive the benefits the union provides. Unions call such people "free riders." This law breaks the foundation of the unions, and sets apart further the pay gap between the now uber rich and working poor. This law has nothing to do with " rights at work" but a ploy with a twist of words to break unions. The last resort for a fading Middle Class, that was set by unions.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Shepard
  • End the deficit in 5 minutes, Congressional Reform Act of 2012
    Our country is drowning in debt and it's nobody's fault but our own, somebody with legal expertise please take this, edit it into the proper format for a petition and run with it !
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Inseedang Jaideesanook