• Principal write down on underwater mortgages
    President Obama, our government, and especially our banking system has done nothing to help the 15 million underwater homeowners in this country, who simply bought at the wrong time and have fallen victim to Wall Street's manipulation of housing and the financial system. Folks like me are pouring money into a house that won't have any value for a decade or more. Our only option is to strategically default and be foreclosed upon because the banks will not work with us. Please write down the principal of these homes so that we can stay in them and are motivated to take care of them and our community.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by T. Werner
  • Proportionate Budget Spending Cuts
    My local soil and water district, which does great work to assist farmers and the community achieve real soil and water quality improvements, was severely cut. This could reverse years of progress made to clean up local streams. Shouldn't clean water and good farming practices to protect our soil for future generations and food production, be a top priority for this country?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dawn Busalacchi
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Warren Breuer
  • Publish a ghost budget in which the costs of tax deductions are itemized and reported like any ot...
    Fairness and clarity will best be served by treating income adjustments, tax breaks and exemptions like any other government expenditure. Political tricksters and hired poets use language to make the tax deductions for business lunches seem very different from government payments to help the poor feed themselves. Or to make deductible mineral exploratory costs very different from payments to support education.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Cunningham
  • Taxes
    Taxing income punishes strugling people. Wealth, above a certian level, can and should be taxed for the benefit of the whole nation.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Abdul Afaghni
  • Forgive All Outstanding Student Debt
    $120 Billion worth of student loans are already in default. Total FEDERAL debt is at $956 billion. Even more is owed privately. The country and our young people are drowning in student debt. The government bailed out banks and Wall Street. It should bail out its citizens.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharalyn Bell
  • Save Medicare soo easily!
    Why are contributions limited to ONLY the first $110,000. of earnings? All my life (61 years of working) (and since the inception of Medicare of course) 100 percent of my earnings were subject to Medicare contributions. My school teacher daughter's TOTAL earnings are subject to Medicare contributions! Why doesn't anyone exposé this very large tax loophole limited to the rich?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by H Roberts
  • Make Mega-Companies Pay Taxes!
    About 30 of the top Fortune 500 companies not only pay NO taxes, but they receive government subsidies. This includes companies like AT&T, Verizon, GE, etc. Others pay taxes, but tiny percentages, like Fed Ex, which pays a .09% rate. Their earnings are so astronomical that even if they paid a low rate, we would not have a deficit for long. Middle class people are carrying the tax burden for not only the poor, but often for the rich as well, and this is not right!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Vines
  • Fix Social Security
    Social Security is solvent until 2038. But there are four things we can do to make it better:
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by L J Furman
  • Reduce government spending; stop all corporate subsidies.
    Reducing or preferably eliminating all corporate subsidies, beginning with the oil companies, is a better alternative to reduce the US Government spending deficit than reducing or eliminating benefits for Social Security , Medicare, Medicaid and other safety met than benefits the poor and middle class.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by vytas gedutis
    Atlanta City Council just increased their salary by 52%! Given the economy and the fact that many workers in Atlanta have lost their jobs, I think this is an insensitive slap in the face, not deserved and should be revoked.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LULA GILLIAM
  • Congress, vote yourself a pay cut!
    The current salary (2013) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year. For all its rhetoric, the US congress has done an exceedingly poor job dealing with the federal defecit and mounting national debt. As a symbol of its commitment to solve these problems, congress should give itself a 75 percent pay cut, to $43,500 per year. When the federal budget becomes balanced and the defecit is near zero, it can restore its pay.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eldewins Haynes