• Stop oil and gas subsidies
    Millions of people live on their Social Security benefits and cannot live with a cut these. They also rely on Medicare . They have nowhere to turn if these benefits are cut. There is another way to add billions s to the U.S. Treasury:stop oil and gas subsidies!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sara Campbell
  • Tax Wall Street, not Main Street
    Raise federal tax revenue with a new tax on buys and sells of securities of all publicly-held corporations.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Allen
  • Fight For Reextending The Payroll Tax Reduction
    Allowing the payroll tax reduction to expire will directly hit the middle class and working poor. It takes more than 2years for them to recover from 10 years of abuse from Corporations and Banksters of the 1 percent.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by gregory clark
  • Overturn cap on wages in Panama City FL
    My husband is in concrete construction as a co-owner. 20 yrs. ago he made three hundred dollars net pay more per week than he does today. Concrete is a craft as well as a skill. I heard recently that there is a cap on wages in our city of Panama City and I feel it is not right. Soooo not right. I feel that I could get the appropriate signatures.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darbey Fane Barwick
  • Just Raise the Debt Limit Now Without Drama
    Our economy cannot afford another showdown on the debt limit. Congress should not hold our national credit rating hostage to partisan political power plays.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Harlow
  • Military Benefits for Stay @ Home Parents
    Acknowledging the significant contribution that stay at home parents hold by (theoretically) raising young children to grow up to be good, productive citizens, I propose that these parents receive the the same benefits as people who serve our country in the military.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Les McDonough
  • Join the fight for Fair FICA!
    Why should we low to moderate income workers pay much higher Social Security tax rates than millionaires?!? Right now only the first $113,000 in wages is subject to Social Security tax, so those of us making under $113,000 are paying a higher percentage of our income for Social Security payroll taxes than those making much more! The system is upside down with those at the top earning millions paying a far lower percentage of their income for Social Security than the rest of us!
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lee Buffinton
  • Congressional Cliff
    As citizens and voters, We the People, have elected all House Representatives and are their employers. They are not doing their jobs, but rather catering to extreme positions and big money. On a nonpartisan basis, we will take action to remove each representative from his/her position in 2014 if he/she does not support immediately HR 8 as passed by the Senate early on January 1, 2013. Find common ground NOW if you desire a path toward lower federal spending.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nina Hansen
  • Let congress start with themselves
    The House and the Senate passes laws affecting Americans yet many of the laws don't affect them. Senate and House members pensions and insurance (entitlements) should be taken away. House and Senate members should pay into social security and pay for their health care like most Americans
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by RJ Juergens
  • End Foreign Fossil Fuel Subsidies
    A fossil fuel subsidy is any government action that lowers the cost of fossil fuel energy production, raises the price received by energy producers or lowers the price paid by consumers. In the United States, credible estimates of taxpayer money invested in these subsidies range from $10 billion to $52 billion annually, and that's only from the United States itself. World oil subsidies have been credibly estimated at $409 billion in 2010. While money is poured into foreign countries to protect their oil supplies, funding for sustainable and home-grown fuels is minimal to none. The foreign oil industry is a finite industry. Oil is becoming more and more expensive to produce as costs for production, finding, and obtaining oil are rising. This will only cause a greater need for subsidies and more taxpayer money. Limiting the United States' dependence on foreign oils by putting subsidy funds toward development of dependable and sustainable fuels, will allow our economy as well as the environment, to also become dependable and sustainable.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bradley Frieze
  • Congress must rescind latest pay raise
    This raise was slipped through, despite the terrible fiscal problems faced by middle income Americans at this time. Shame on our elected officials for voting themselves another salary increase, and double shame on Pres. Obama for allowing it to proceed.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tess Silverman
  • Fair and Equal Tax Act
    Ensuring that everyone pays their fair share of taxes. I have been paying taxes for more than 50 years and I'm tired of the wealthy not paying their fair share. This petition would require Congress to define "Fair and Equitable Taxation" as 15% of gross income with no exemptions at all for anyone one. Its time the rich paid their fair share!!!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lawrence F. Mazzuckelli