Give Social Security backAll American citizens put into Social security. Yet it has been placed into the general fund. Which has depleted the funds. As well as Non-American citizens who are not contributing are allowed to steal are retirement.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Nelson
Create a flat tax and model our government's size from it.If we can manage to get a flat federal tax across all the people of this great Nation and then model our government's size to that new income level we would finally manage and circumvent our debt and regain our sovereignty of our control over money.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kane Baumann
Reform the credit rating system for small businesses.When banks use a computer to rate a small business, or even a consumer, on the basis of a numerical scoring system alone, they fail to consider the small business owner and his potentially positive benefit on the community. And although, it doesn't affect me directly, it does affect job creation, which affects all of us.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by SPENCER ADAMS
Raise the minimum wageRaining the minimum to ten dollars an hour will ease burdens amon millions of single parents that are livng well below the poverty level.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dennis
Help the 99ers!!!I'm one of the approximately 5.5 million long-term unemployed "99ers," who have exhausted all our unemployment benefits, had our lifelines cut off but, through no fault of our own, have been unable to get a job. We need—and deserve—financial assistance now—as for us, the recession never ended and unemployment is still very high.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Rosen
Citizen Action, In Response To Non-ActionI would like to call for a National Day of Shame. It is now time for the 99% to stand up and show their disgust towards all of our elected government officials in Washington. A massive demonstration could be held on New Year's Day, at every Federal Post Office in the country. Also, I propose that all salaries paid FROM OUR TAXES, to our congress, be withheld until they do their job.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by georgie weaver
Sanity for balancing our budgetSpending cuts are tax increases through the back door, and hurt those who can least afford them.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John S. Smith
Cut Congressional pay to welfare amount until debt crisis solvedTwo years ago, the Obama Administration compromised again and again with the Republicans, but the Republicans refuse to arrive at a workable funding solution to avoid the "fiscal cliff". Republicans claim that $250,000/year is near poverty levels, yet they claim that the $8100/year that welfare recipients receive makes them wealthy.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dixie Davis
Tax every religious institution!Our country faces a dire economic meltdown, isn't it time to ask everybody, including the currently exempt religions, to pitch in and help bring down our debt? I'm sure that would make a noticible dent in our national debt w/o compromising our security or social net. Please join me in getting Congress & the President to pass a law requiring them to pay their fair share too.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Irv Spivak
congress needs to act in a cooperative manner now for the American people!Get congress to work with the Pres. on the fiscal cliff..to show the same kind of cooperation that the Democrats in congress showed in 2008 when we were facing a finacial meltdown when Bush was president, and averted it with the tarp program.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rich
Gun Tax for mental healthThe senseless shooting in Newtown, CT affected every one of us deeply. This is a multilayered issue. Gun control and mental health must be addressed. Encouraging congress to impose increased taxes on guns and put that money to improved health care and early intervention can be a step in the right direction.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Trish
Create a Public Banking System using Debt-Free money!Eliminate the problem of government debt and make it possible for it to provide the people with all the things they want and need,but cannot individually provide for themselves.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Conrad Drury