• Big Oil Giveaways
    Why a company like Exxon, with a $6 billion profit last quarter, would need tax subsidies is unreal. Spend such money on renewable energies. Oil companies have taken in record profits during our coutries hardest economic period since the depression. They exploit everything and everybody they touch.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ryan R. Riddle
  • Paul Krugman for Secretary of the Treasury
    Not only is he the world's best-known economist, Krugman has the intellect and integrity to resist Wall Street's calls for austerity - The Guardian
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margery Hanson
  • Donations must be approved by an IRS seal
    Everyday I keep seeing commercial after commercial about people asking the public too give too their so called non profit organization,their religious organizations and overseas donations,problem is their company car is about 80k,their homes are between 300k and millions and their travel expense is through the roof,I am tired of these people who claim too be helping others while helping themselves before anyone else.This should be against the law because their profit seems too be in all the material things they get from their so called non profit organization and no donation should be considered as a gift and if it is then the public should be told that they can not use it as a tax write off.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Souza Jr
  • Mayor Cuomo: Please curb the tax cap overide in Westchester County!!
    I am a resident of the city of Mt Vernon for twenty four years. The school tax accounts for the highest percentage of our tax revenue. Every year this increases and our children's education keeps decreasing. Governor Cuomo's recently imposed a TAX CAP OF two percent tax cap on the city tax in Westchester. The problem the city council has for the second year ignored the move and voted to over ride the cap.The practice of voting for this over ride must each year must stop now.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joy Nembhard
  • Congress: Revoke NRA tax exempt status.
    The National Rifle Association (NRA) and the U.S. Supreme Court have subverted the Second Amendment for the benefit of gun manufacturers. The NRA tax exempt status reduces the revenue available for much more worthy causes, which in effect reduces the effectiveness of contributions by U.S. taxpayers.
    1,291 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Robert Nielsen
  • End corporate crime tax subsidies.
    When corporations pay civil or criminal settlements, these are treated as legitimate business expenses. Should oil companies and other polluters be allowed to recover criminal and civil settlement expenses as legitimate tax deductions?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LonnieSykos
  • Don't cut my Social Security
    The future of the majority of Americans who have paid into and expected to receive back Social Security in the time of their life when they need it the most should not be compromised in order to give a tax break to the wealthiest Americans among us.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Raftery
  • Repeal the 16th amendment, replace with National Sales Tax
    Income taxes are a deterrent to economic prosperity and the 16th admendment that allows income taxes needs to be repealed. Without income taxes everyonoe would have more money to spend and large companies would flock to the USA to build factories and improve our economy. A national sales tax would generate enough money for the government as it now gets from income taxes and the price of retail goods would remain about the same since from manufactures, to wholesalers to retail stores could make the same net profit since they would not have to account for income taxes in their calculations. This would be fair since those that spend the most would pay the most in taxes, there would be no loopholes, US companies could better compete with foreign companies and people that visit the USA would support our economy when they purchase things in the states. .
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Burton
  • Republicans have wrong ideas
    I am tired of republicans insisting that the way out of this recession is to further concentrate wealth in the hands of the wealthy. They won't spend it and haven't so far. Why do they insist on pushing these policies? Because of political contributions, obviously.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin
  • Debt Ceiling Refusal = Treason
    Refusing to raise the debt ceiling is not a tool it is treason. No government money should go to states whose congress people refuse to raise the debt ceiling or who even use the debt ceiling as a weapon to get their way. Their states should help pay the unnecessary extra interest rate costs they would cause.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Molly Voorhies
  • End Discrimination Against the Long Term Unemployed In The U.S. Job Market
    If discrimination in any form is wrong, discrimination against the long term unemployed in a time of economic disparity is criminal; we need to tell the federal and state governments there can be no economic recovery in the United States until people are given a fair chance to work regardless of how long they have been out of work.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert L. Maddox Jr
  • [email protected]
    End the subsidies being given to "Big Oil".
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Botts