• Tax break for single taxpayers with no children.
    People with no children pay more in taxes than married people with children. I shouldn't be taxed more to pay for their children's education when it was their choice to get married(which same sex couples cannot in most states) and have children to receive a tax credit.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William J Davenport
  • National Lottery to Retire the Debt
    Congress to establish a national lottery for the sole purpose of retiring the debt. We are all tired of hearing about it.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Burrous
  • Rep. Harris: Be fair and consistent with all diaster relief
    In a recent vote, Congressman Harris voted against Superstorm Sandy relief and flood insurance. However, he supported USDA emerency relief for the drought that hit his district over the summer. Why are the vicitms of Hurricane Sandy less deserving of federal aid?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bridget Kelly
  • Help Save Social Security: Make the Rich Pay their Fair Share
    On our pay stubs, we've all seen those nasty FICA deductions . This is how our Federal Government uses our hard-earned money to fund both Social Security and Medicare. BUT, wealthier individuals actually pay a much lower percentage rate than the rest of us. If we all pay the same FICA rate for Medicare, then we should all pay the same FICA rate for Social Security!. Once again, MAKE THE RICH PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE TO SAVE SOCIAL SECURITY.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Joseph
  • New Federal Sales Tax: Funding for Citizen's Health Insurance Premiums
    Even though the thought of additional taxes is hard to swallow right now, American citizens trying to pay for their own health insurance and/or their healthcare will be a grave issue for middle and low income families by the year 2014. I believe that it is possible that a Federal Sales Tax of just .5% could fund healthcare insurance for all citizens. I would like to see such a tax on all purchased items except food, gas and tobacco (the latter two being taxed enough already) WITHOUT ANY CAPS. This is a fair tax and easy to administrate as it will not be based on reported income, but accurately computed and collected at the point of sale. Without caps the amounts will be proportionally equal. Example: A person buys a new car in SC for $20,000.00 and his sales tax on that purchase is $1000.00 (@.05%) and another person buys a car in SC for $80,000.00 and their uncapped sales tax is $$4000.00 (@.05%). If a person can afford a more expense car then he/she should be able to afford to pay their proportionally equal share of sales taxes.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna Jones
  • Unclaimed Property Funds: Source for funding new jobs
    The unclaimed property funds in all of the states could provide new tax revenues for Federal use in new job creation across America. There are billions of dollars in these funds nationwide. The IRS should be owed taxes on the majority of these funds and I believe that they should be able to claim a large portion of those claims..
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna Jones
  • President Obama and Congress: Do not allow the extremist Republican minority to dictate a destru...
    In the next few months the Republican congressional minority are threatening to hold our economy hostage and threaten the trusted status of U.S. Treasury bonds to undermine Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid as well as public investment in our future and refusing to raise much needed revenues. This blackmail will hurt us all if president Obama fails to stand up to them. Their success would destroy our future.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arlene Geiger
  • Reinstate the Gephardt Rule.
    The Republicans in the House of Representatives are again threatening to default on our bills that Congress has amassed. This rule simply raises or lowers the debt ceiling to accommodate the spending and revenue levels approved. This would remove the chance of a downgrade in America's credit rating and help keep promises already made.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jean Netherton
  • Raise Bernalillo County's Minimum Wage!
    In November, Albuquerque voters overwhelmingly supported a ballot measure to raise the minimum wage to $8.50. Now, Bernalillo County officials are considering passing similar legislation county-wide.
    666 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Christian Norton
  • TAKE ACTION NOW! Tell Pres. Obama: Nominate Robert Reich for Treasury Secretary
    Let's end republican, Wall streets grip on our economy.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Reed
  • Mandate for all new public construction to incorporate renewable energy
    Helping to develop and expand the use of renewable energy, reduce taxes, help clean the environment, reduce dependency on fossil fuels.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Heinz
  • A Just Living Wage Law
    This petition is my plea for a Just Living Wage Law that applies to all workers. I have heard endless arguments for and against fair wages while millions of workers and their families suffer unjust wages.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom W. Lucas